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NOTIFICATION NO. 03 (RE-2003)/2002-2007

NEW DELHI, the March 31st , 2003

S.O.(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with 1.1, 2.1 and 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy, 2002-2007 , the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in the Schedule 2 ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import items, 2002-2007.

1. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction




Exports permitted under licence.

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Cattle and buffaloes including their germplasm


Exports permitted under licence.

2. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction




a) Meat of Buffalo ( both male and female) including heart, liver, tongue, offals, kidneys and other organs.

b) Meat of Indian sheep including heart, liver, lungs, brain, tongue, kidneys and other organs

c) Meat of Indian Goat including heart, liver, lungs, brain, tongue, kidneys and other organs









Free, subject to conditions as below for entries at (a) , ( b) and ( c) of Column 2

a) The export of Chilled and Frozen Meat shall be allowed subject to the provision specified in the Gazette Notification on Raw Meat (Chilled and Frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963.

b) Export of meat or Offals of buffalo may be allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.

c) Export of canned meat products shall be subject to preshipment inspection either by the State Directorate of Animal Husbandry or Export Inspection Agency or Directorate of Marketing and Inspection Government of India in accordance with either the standards prevalent in the exporting country or standards prescribed under the Meat Food Products Order, 1973 of Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 or orders made thereunder

d) The export of offals of buffalo shall be allowed subject to the same conditions as specified for the export of Meat of Buffalo in the Gazette Notification on Raw Meat (Chilled and Frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act,1963

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


a) Meat of Buffalo ( both male and female) including heart, liver, tongue, offals, kidneys and other organs, except gonads and reproductive organs.

b) Meat of Indian sheep including heart, liver, lungs, brain, tongue, kidneys and other organs

c) Meat of Indian Goat including heart, liver, lungs, brain, tongue, kidneys and other organs









Free, subject to conditions as below for entries at (a) , ( b) and ( c) of Column 2

a)The export of Chilled and Frozen Meat shall be allowed subject to the provision specified in the Gazette Notification on Raw Meat (Chilled and Frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963.

b) Export of meat or Offals (excluding gonads and reproductive organs ) of buffalo may be allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.

c) Export of canned meat products shall be subject to pre-shipment inspection either by the State Directorate of Animal Husbandry or Export Inspection Agency or Directorate of Marketing and Inspection Government of India in accordance with either the standards prevalent in the exporting country or standards prescribed under the Meat Food Products Order, 1973 of Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 or orders made thereunder

d) The export of offals (excluding gonads and reproductive organs )of buffalo shall be allowed subject to the same conditions as specified for the export of Meat of Buffalo in the Gazette Notification on Raw Meat (Chilled and Frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act,1963

3. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Paddy (Rice in husk)

Restricted Exports permitted under licence

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Paddy ( of Basmati Rice in husk)


a) Export allowed subject to registration of contracts with the APEDA, New Delhi

b) Export of empty printed gunny bags with Marking indicating the product being Indian Basmati Paddy, in whatever manner, are not permitted except when exported alongwith the consignments of Basmati Paddy, in which cases also, the same shall not exceed 2% of the total number of filled gunny bags of Basmati Paddy being exported.

c) In case of unbagged Indian Basmati Paddy being exported in bulk or in bags of 50 Kgs. or above, the exports of empty printed gunny bags with Markings indicating the product being Indian Basmati Paddy , in whatever manner, shall also be permitted to the extent of actual requirements considering the total quantity of the consignment and the sizes of the empty bags being exported.

4. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Plants and plant portions obtained from the wild, and their cultivated varieties not covered under Schedule 2 Appendix 2 of this book, except for the extracts and derivatives, including value added herbal formulations of such plants for which these conditions shall not apply


(a) Export of plants and plant portions obtained from the Wild will be allowed on production of a No Objection Certificate from Regional Deputy Director (Wild Life), or the Chief Conservator of Forests or the Divisional Forest Officers of the State concerned from where these plants and plant portions have been procured.

(b) The export of plants and plant portions of the cultivated varieties will be allowed subject to production of a certificate of cultivation from the above authorised officers

(c) In respect of Plant Species Covered under CITES, a CITES Permit for export will also be required.

(d) Exports allowed only through the ports of Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin, Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin and Amritsar.


All items of plants included in Appendix I and Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), wild orchid as well as, plants as specified in Schedule 2 Appendix 2 of this book.


Not permitted to be exported

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Plants and plant portions obtained from the wild, and their cultivated varieties not covered under Schedule 2 Appendix 2 of this book, except for the extracts and derivatives, including value added herbal formulations of such plants for which these conditions shall not apply


(a) Export of plants and plant portions obtained from the Wild will be allowed on production of a No Objection Certificate from Regional Deputy Director (Wild Life), or the Chief Conservator of Forests or the Divisional Forest Officers of the State concerned from where these plants and plant portions have been procured.

(b) The export of plants and plant portions of the cultivated varieties will be allowed subject to production of a certificate of cultivation from the Regional Deputy Director (Wild Life), or the Chief Conservator of Forests or the Divisional Forest Officers of the State concerned or when cultivated in non-forest areas, the District Agriculture Officer or the District Horticulture Officer concerned provided that, forest/wildlife officials shall continue to issue transport permits and CITES permit when cultivation certificates are issued by DAO, DHO.

(c) In respect of Plant Species Covered under CITES, a CITES Permit for export will also be required.

(d) Exports allowed only through the ports of Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin,

Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin and Amritsar.


All items of plants included in Appendix I and Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), wild orchid as well as, plants as specified in Schedule 2 Appendix 2 of this book.


Not permitted to be exported .

Revision of procedure for procurement certificate when cultivated in non-forest areas at Appendix 2 is notified alongwith

5. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Cotton Linters


Export is allowed on obtaining No Objection Certificate, general or specific, from Member (Ammunitions & Explosives), Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata.

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Cotton Linters


Deleted. It is now free for exports

Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


(a) Chrome ore other than (i) beneficated chrome ore fines / concentrates (average feed grade to be less than 42% Cr2O3) and (ii) those categories of Chrome ores mentioned in (b) to (d) below as permitted through STEs.

(b) Chrome ore lumps with Cr2O3 not exceeding 40 percent

(c) Low silica friable/fine ore with Cr2O3 not exceeding 52 percent and Silica exceeding 4 percent

(d) Low Silica friable/fine Chromite Ore with Cr2O3 in the range of 52-54% and silica exceeding 4 %





Exports permitted under licence other than categories at (b) to (d) below
Export through MMTC Limited 

Export through MMTC Limited


Export through MMTC Limited

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


(a) Chrome ore other than (i) beneficated chrome ore fines / concentrates (maximum feed grade to be less than 42% Cr2O3) and (ii) those categories of Chrome ores mentioned in (b) to (d) below as permitted through STEs.

(b) Chrome ore lumps with Cr2O3 not exceeding 40 percent

(c) Low silica friable/fine ore with Cr2O3 not exceeding 52 percent and Silica exceeding 4 percent

(d) Low Silica friable/fine Chromite Ore with Cr2O3 in the range of 52-54% and silica exceeding 4 %





Exports permitted under licence other than categories at (b) to (d) below



Export through MMTC Limited


Export through MMTC Limited


Export through MMTC Limited

7 . Existing Entryode

Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Rare Earths (including Yttrium) ores, concentrates and compounds thereof


Export through Indian Rare Earths Limited, Mumbai

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Rare Earths, ores concentrates and compounds of Monazite


Export permitted under licence

Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Other minerals containing the following substances as accessory ingredients including:

(i) Samerskite

(ii) Uraniferrous allanite Radium ores and concentrates


Export through Indian Rare Earths Limited, Mumbai and Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited, Kollam

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Other minerals containing the following substances as accessory ingredients including:(i) Samerskite

(ii) Uraniferrous allanite Radium ores and concentrates


Export permitted under licence

Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Granular sillimanite produced by Indian Rare Earths Limited, Mumbai and Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited, Kollam


Export through Indian Rare Earths Limited, Mumbai and Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited, Kollam

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Granular sillimanite produced by Indian Rare Earths Limited, Mumbai and Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited, Kollam


Deleted. It is now free for exports.

Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Organic chemicals as below:

(a) Acetic Anhydride

(b) Di-isopropylamine

(c) Poly Brominated Biphenyls

(d) Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls

(e) Poly Chlorinated terphenyls

(f) Tris (2,3 Di-bromopropyl) phosphate

(g) Crocidolite

(h) Ephedrine and its salts /Pseudoephedrine and its salts

(i) 1- Phenyl-2 Propanone & 3,4- Methylenedioxyphenyl – 2- Propanone

(j) Methyl Ethyl Ketone & Potassium Permanganate


[a] No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi in respect of item (b) to (g) in column (2)

(b) No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior in respect of items (a), (h), (i) & (j) in column (2)

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Organic chemicals as below:

(a) Acetic Anhydride

(b) Poly Brominated Biphenyls

(c) Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls

(d) Poly Chlorinated terphenyls

(e) Tris (2,3 Di-bromopropyl) phosphate

(f) Crocidolite

(g) Ephedrine and its salts /Pseudoephedrine and its salts

(h) 1- Phenyl-2 Propanone & 3,4- Methylenedioxyphenyl – 2- Propanone

(i) Methyl Ethyl Ketone & Potassium Permanganate


[a] No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi in respect of item (b) to (f) in column (2)

(b) No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior in respect of items (a), (g), (h), & (i) in column (2)

Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Chemicals included in Annexures A and B to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone Layer as specified in Schedule 2 Appendix 4 of this book

Prohibited / Restricted

Exports permitted under licence subject to the condition that the export is made to a country which is a party to the ‘Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer’. However, export to countries which are not Parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Chemicals included in Annexures A and B to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone Layer as specified in Schedule 2 Appendix 4 of this book.

Prohibited / Restricted

Exports permitted under licence subject to the condition that the export is made to a country which is a party to the ‘Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer’. However, export to countries which are not Parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.

Revised Apendix 4 is Notified alongwith

Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Whole human blood plasma and all products derived from human blood except gamma globulin and human serum albumin manufactured from human placenta and human placental blood; Raw placenta; Placental blood plasma


Exports permitted under licence

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Whole human blood plasma and all products derived from human blood except gamma globulin and human serum albumin manufactured from human placenta and human placental blood; Raw placenta; Placental blood plasma


Exports permitted under licence except for individual cases of export of samples for diagnostic / therapeutic prescription purposes on recommendation of a Doctor

13. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction




Chemical Fertilizers, all types, including super-phosphate

Muriate of Potash (MOP)

Micronutirent fertilizers and mixtures thereof containing NPK, excluding those specified in Schedule I , Part A 1 (f) of Fertilizers (Control) Order, 1985




Export permitted under licence

Export permitted under licence

Export permitted under licence

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction





Chemical Fertilizers, all types, including super-phosphate except as at (a) below for which conditionalities are specified

(a) Own manufactured DAP/SSP

Muriate of Potash (MOP) except as stipulated at Column 4

Micronutirent fertilizers and mixtures thereof containing NPK, excluding those specified in Schedule I , Part A 1 (f) of Fertilizers (Control) Order, 1985




a) Manufacturers of DAP and SSP as listed at Appendix 5 shall be allowed to export their own manufactured DAP/SSP subject to:

(i) Information to Department of Fertililzer about quantity of export alongwith a self declaration certificte with a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/subsidy has been claimed for intended exports.

(ii) Production of the above declarations/certification as (i) above to custom authorities as well.

Export permitted freely by direct importers of MOP out of quantity of import made during last six months
Export permitted under licence

. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Sawn Timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber of following species of wood:

(i) Teak

(ii) Acajou d’Afrique

(iii) Afrormosia

(iv) Awoura

(v) Azobe

(vi) Bubinga

(vii) Dibetou

(viii) Doussie

(ix) Iroko

(x) Izombe

(xi) Makore

(xii) Moabi

(xiii) Naga

(xiv) ovengkol

(xv) Padouk d’ Afrique

(xvi) Oai risa

( xvii) Sapelli

( xviii) Sipo

(xix) Zingama



(i) The Export would be confined to the species which has been imported;

(ii) The importer and exporter will be the same party/firm and the import and export will have to be effected from the same port. The scheme will be operational only from the ports of Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Visakhapatman, Kandla, Mangalore and Tuticorin.

(iii) The export of sawn products derived from imported logs shall not exceed 60% of the imports in volume terms;

(iv) The value addition of such exports shall be not less than 30%.

(v) The Saw Mill of the exporter, where imported timber is sawn shall be registered with the State Forest Department and shall be located away from the forest area in a location approved by the Conservator of Forests of the State Government;

(vi) The exporter must undertake exports within a period of 6 months from the date of import;

(vii) The export contracts shall be registered with the Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL) who will monitor them to ensure that the scheme is not abused.

(viii) The laws and rules framed by the Central Government and the State Government regulating timber in transit shall be followed by the exporters.

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Sawn Timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber of all the species of wood other than CITES Appendix I & II species


(i) The Export would be confined to the species which has been imported;

(ii) The importer and exporter will be the same party/firm and the import and export will have to be effected from the same port. The scheme will be operational only from the ports of Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Visakhapatman, Kandla, Mangalore and Tuticorin.

(iii) The export of sawn products derived from imported logs shall not exceed 60% of the imports in volume terms;

(iv) The value addition of such exports shall be not less than 30%.

(v) The Saw Mill of the exporter, where imported timber is sawn shall be registered with the State Forest Department and shall be located away from the forest area in a location approved by the Conservator of Forests of the State Government;

(vi) The exporter must undertake exports within a period of 6 months from the date of import;

(vii) The export contracts shall be registered with the Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL) who will monitor them to ensure that the scheme is not abused.

(viii) The laws and rules framed by the Central Government and the State Government regulating timber in transit shall be followed by the exporters.

15. Existing Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction

Silk worms; silkworm seeds, and silk worm cocoons


Exports permitted under licence


Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Only pure races of Silk worms; silkworm seeds, and silk worm cocoons


Exports permitted under licence


16. Existing Entry



Item Description


Nature of Restriction


Family Planning Devices such as Condoms, Contraceptives Pills, etc.


No Objection Certificate from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Amended Entry


Item Description


Nature of Restriction




No Objection Certificate from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

This issues in public interest.


(Issued from File No. 01/91/171/39/AM-03/PC.III)

File No. 01/91/171/39/AM-03/PC.III

Copy to all concerned, by order etc.



Appendix 2

List of plants, plant portions and their derivatives and extracts prohibited for export

Note: Please see the Policy stated at Code No.1211 inTable B of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import items
The export of under mentioned 29 plants, plant portions and their derivatives and extracts as such obtained from the wild except the formulations* made therefrom, is prohibited:-

1. Baddomes cycad (Cycas beddomei).
2. Blue vanda (Vanda coerulea).
3. Saussurea costus.
4. Ladies slipper orcid (Paphiopedilium species).
5. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes Khasiana).
6. Red vanda (Renanthera imschootiana).
7. Rauvolifia serpentina (Sarpagandha).
9. Ceropegia species.
10. Frerea indica (Shindal Mankundi).
11. Podophyllum hexandurm (emodi)(Indian Podophyllum.)
12. Cyatheaceae species (Tree Ferns).
13. Cycadacea species (Cycads).
14. Dioscorea deltoidea (Elephant’s foot).
15. Euphorbia species (Euphorbias).
16. Orchidaceae species (Orchids).
17. Pterocarpus santalinus (Redsanders).
18. Taxus Wallichiana (Common Yew or Birmi Leaves).
19. Aquilaria malaccensis (Agarwood).
20. Aconitum species.
21. Coptis teeta.
22. Coscinium fenestrum (Calumba wood).
23. Dactylorhiza hatagirea.
24. Gentiana Kurroo (Kuru , Kutki).
25. Gnetum species.
26. Kampheria Galenga.
27. Nardostachys grandiflora.
28. Panax pseudoginseng.
29. Picrorhiza kurrooa.
30. Swertia chirata (Charayatah).

* The term “formulation” used here shall include products which may contain portions / extracts of plants on the prohibited list but only in unrecognizable and physically inseparable form.

ii) Plants and Plant portions, derivatives and extracts of the cultivated varieties of the above plant species (excluding Sl. No. 16) will be allowed for export subject to production of a Certificate of Cultivation from the Regional Deputy Director (Wild Life), or Chief Conservator of Forests or Divisional Forest Officers of the State concerned from where these plants and plant portions have been procured. Provided that for cultivation in non-forest areas the District Agriculture Officers or the District Horticulture Officers concerned shall issue the Procurement Certificate, further provided that in such cases the Transport Permits and CITES permit shall continue to be issued by concerned Forest/Wild Life Officials. However, in respect of the cultivated varieties of the species as covered by Appendix 1 (Sl. No. 1 to 6 of paragraph 2(i) above and Appendix 2 (Sl. No. 7 to 18 and Sl. No. 26 to 28 ) of Para 2(i) above, of CITES, a CITES Permit for export will also be required.

iii) The value added formulations, as defined under sub-para (i) of paragraph 2 of above, made out of imported species of plants and plant portions as specified in Sub-para (i) Paragraph 2 above will be allowed to be exported freely without any restriction subject to furnishing of an affidavit to the Customs authorities at the time of export that only the imported plant species as above have been used for the manufacture of value added formulations being exported. In the event of affidavit proving to be false, on the basis of random sample tests, action would be initiated against the firm under the Foreign Trade Development & Regulation) Act, 1992.

iv) All formulations, herbal/Ayurvedic medicines, where the label does not mention any ingredients extracted from these prohibited plants shall be freely exportable without the requirement of any certification from any authorities what soever.

v) Export allowed only through the ports of Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin, Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin and Amritsar.


List of Chemicals included in Annexures A and B to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone layer

Note: Please see the policy stated at Code No. 2902 in Table B of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Imports items

Exports of the Chemicals included in Annexures A and B to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone layer as under shall be permitted only against an export licence issued in this behalf to a country which is a party to the said Protocol:

Annexure A

Group I (a) CFC13(CFC-11)

Trichloro fluoro methane.

(b) CFC2C12 (CFC-12

Dicholoro difluoro methane.

(c) C2F3C13 (CFC-113)

1,1,2, Trichloro-1,2,2 trifluoro ethane.

(d) C2F4C12 (CFC-114)

1,2 Dichloro tetrafluoro ethane.

(e) C2F5BrCI (CFC-115)

Chloro penta fluoro ethane

Group II (f) CF2BrCI (halon-1211)

Bromo chloro difluoro methane.

(g) CF3B (halon-1301)

Bromo trifluoro methane.

(h) C2F4Br2 (halon-2402)

Dibromo tetrafluoro ethane.

Annexure B

Group I (i) CF3CI (CFC-13)

Chloro trifluoro methane.

(j) C2FC15 (CFC-111)

Pentachloro fluoro ethane.

(k) C2F2C14 (CFC-112)

Tetrachloro difluoro ethane.

(l) C3FC17 (CFC-211)

Heptachloro difluoro propane.

C3F2C16 (CFC212)

Hexachloro difluoro propane.
C3F3C15 (CFC-213)

Pentachloro trifluoro propane.

C3F5C14 (CFC-214)

Tetrachloro tetrafluoro propane.
C3F5C13 (CFC-215)

Trichloro pentafluoro propane.
C3F6C12 (CFC-216)

Dichloro hexafluoro propane.
C3F7Cl (CFC-217)

Chloro heptafluoro propane.
Group. II (s) CC14 Carbon Tetrachloride

Tetrachloro methane.

Group.III (t) CH3C13* 1,1,1-Trichloro ethane.

(Methyl Chloroform)
*This formula does not refer to 1,1,2-trichloro ethane.

Annexure C

Group I





Annexure D Reserved

Annexure E


Methyle Bromide

2. Export to countries which are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.

Appendix 5

List of SSP & DAP manufacturers/Units with reference to Item Code Number 3102 & 3103

A List of SSP Manufacturers/Units


Name of the Unit/location

1. Arawali Phosphate Ltd, Jhamarkotra Road, Umra, Udaipur, Rajasthan
2. Arihant Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd, Neemuch Tehsil, Neemuch, M.P.
3. Arihant Phosphates and Fertilisers Ltd, Nimbaheda, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
4 Asha Phosphates Ltd, Jaggakhedi, Mandsaur, M.P.
5. Basant Agro Tech (India) Ltd, Barshi Takli Tehsil, Akola, Maharashtra
6. Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd, Gunjkheda, Pulgaon, Wardha, Maharashtra
7. Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd, Sirgiti Industrial Area, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
8. Bohra Industries Ltd, Umra Village, Girva, Udaipur, Rajasthan
9. Chemtech Fertilisers Ltd, Kazipalli, IDA, Medak, Andhra Pradesh
10. Coimbatore Pioneer Fertilisers Ltd, Muthugoundanpudur, coimabore, TN
11. Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Ambarnath Tehsil, Thane, Maharashtra
12. Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Distt. Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
13. Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Khemli, udaipur, Rajasthan
14. EID Parry (India) Ltd, Pinji Village, Ranipet, TN
15. Gayatri Spinners Ltd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
16. Hind Lever Chemicals Ltd, Durgachak, Haldia, Midnapore, W.B.
17. Jairam Phosphate Ltd, Wadsa (Desalganj), Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
18. Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilisers-1, Khardah, 24 Praganas (N), W.B.
19. Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilisers-1I, Khardah, 24 Praganas (N), W.B.
20. Jubliant Organosys Ltd, Bharatiram, Gajraula, U.P.
21. Kashi Uravark Ltd, Industrial Area, Jagdishpur, Sultanpur, U.P.
22. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, Village Nirmani, Khargone, M.P.
23. Khaitan Fertilisers, Rampur, U.P.
24. Kothari Industrial Corp. Ltd, Ennore, T.N.
25. Krishna Industrial Corp. Ltd, Nidadavola, West Godavari, Distt. A.P.
26. Liberty Phosphate Ltd, Mewar Industrial Area, Udaipur, Rajasthan
27. Liberty Phosphate Ltd, Nandesari, Vadodara, Gujarat
28. Madhya Bharat Agro products Ltd, Sagar, M.P.
29. Madhya Pradesh Orgochem Ltd, Jawad Tehsil, Neemuch, M.P.
30. Mahadeo Fertilisers Ltd, Bindki, Fatepur, U.P.
31. Maharashtra Agro Industries Dev.Corpn. Ltd, Panvel Taluka, Rigad, Maharashtra
32. Mangalam Phosphates Ltd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
33. Mardia Chemials Ltd, Sitagarh Sayala, Surendranagar, Gujarat
34. Mexican Phosphates Ltd, Ksasrawad Tehsil, Khargone, M.P.
35. Mukteshwar Fertilisers Ltd, Narayankhedi, Ujjain, M.P.
36. Narmada Agro Chemicals P.Ltd. Mangrol, Junagarh, Gujarat
37. Nirma Ltd, Moraiya Village, Bavala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
38. Phosphate Co. Ltd, Rishra, Hoogly, W.B.
39. Pragati Fertilizers Ltd, IDA, Block-A. Vishakapatnam, A.P.
40. Prathyusha Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, IDA, Parawada, Vishakapatnam, A.P.
41. Prem Sakhi Fertilisers Ltd, Jhamar Kotra Road, Lakadwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan
42. Priyanka Fertilisers & Chemicals , Anakapalli (M), Vishakapatnam, A.P.
43. Rashi Fertilizers Ltd., Dindori Tehsil, Nasik, Maharashtra.
44. Rajlaxmi Agrotech India Ltd., Gundewadi Jalna Tehsil, Jalna. Maharashtra.
45 Rama Krishi Rasayan, Haveli Taluka, Pune, Maharashtra.
46 Rama Phosphates Ltd., Dharampuri, Indore, M.P.
47 Rama Phosphates Ltd. Umra, Gurva Tehsil, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
48 Rewati Minerals & Chemicals Ltd., Banda, Tehsil, Sagar, M.P.
49 Sadhana Phosphate & chemicals Ltd., Gudli Village, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
50 Shiva Fertilizers Ltd., Loha, Taluka, Nanded, Maharashtra.
51 Shreeji Phosphate Ltd., Kallipura Village, Jhabua, M.P.
52 Shri Acids and Chemicals Ltd., Gajraula, U.P.
53 Shri Bhawani Mishra (P) Ltd., Wazirabad, Nanded Maharashtra
54 Shri Ganpati Fertilizers Ltd., Gauraji ka Nimbahera, Ambabari, Rajasthan.
55 Shrinivas Fertilizers Ltd, Gormachhia Village, Jhansi, UP
56 Shurvi Colour Chem Ltd., Madsri, Girva Tehsil, Udaipur, Rajasthan
57 Sona Phosphate Ltd, Sarigam, Sabero, Valsad, Gujarat
58 Subhodaya Chemicals Ltd, Gauripatnam, A.P.
59 Swastik Fertilizer & Chemicals Lt, Village Sandla, Dhar, M.P.
60 Tedco Granites Ltyd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
61 Teesta Agro Industries Ltd, Rajganj, Jalpaiguri, W.B.
62 The Andhra Sugars Ltd, Kovvur, West Godavari Distt, A.P.
63 The Bharat Fertilizer Industries Ltd, Wada Taluka, Thane, Maharashtra.
64. Tungabadra Fertilizers & Chemicals Company Ltd, Munirabad R.S. Koppal, Karnataka.

B List of DAP Manufacturers

1. Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd.
2. Zauri Industries Ltd.
3. Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd.
4. Rashtriya Chemical and Fertilisers Ltd.
5. Oswal Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd.
6. Madras Fertilisers Ltd., New Delhi-110016
7. Indogulf Corporation Ltd., New Delhi-110001
8. Indian Farmers Fertilisers Coop. Ltd, New Delli-110019
9. Godavari Fertilisers & Chemical Ltd.
10. E I D Parry India Ltd.
11. Coromandal Fertilizer Ltd. (CFI)
12. Hind Lever Chemical Ltd, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001
13. Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
14. Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd, New Delhi-110017
15. Paradeep Phosphates Ltd, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneshwar-751001


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