PUBLIC NOTICE No 33 /2002-07
NEW DELHI: the 26th August, 2002
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy, 2002-07, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendment in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1):
1. Attention is invited to Public Notice No 14 dated 31.05.2002 which introduced a special provision forexemption of Special Additional Duty (SAD) on DEPB’s issued under the Exim Policy 2002-07 where the order of “let export” was prior to 01.04.2002. Para 3 and 7 of the said Public Notice is amended as under:
3.The DEPBs already issued in respect of shipments where the date of order of “Let Export” is prior to 1.4.02 may be re-submitted for endorsement that “These DEPBs have been issued under Customs Notification 34/97 dated 7.4.97 read with paragraph 7.43 of Handbook of Procedures (Vol 1) , 1997-2002 by 31st December, 2002. The DEPB licence holder may avail the counter assistance facility to apply such endorsements. The licencing authority may consider requests for such endorsements if the date of order of “Let Export” is prior to 1.4.02 and return it within 3 working days.
7.Notwithstanding the provision given in paragraph 4.47 of the Handbook of Procedures (Vol 1) 2002-07, all exporters filing applications for actual user DEPB pending realisation of export proceeds or a transferable DEPB subsequent to realisation of export proceeds, in respect of shipments where the date of order of “Let Export” is prior to 01.04.2002, shall be required to do so latest by 31st December, 2002.
(This amendment extends the last date of filing of applications under PN 14 dtd 31.5.02 to 31.12.2002)
2. The last sentence of para 4.64 pertaining to the “Release of Gold/ Silver/ Platinum by Nominated Agencies” is amended as under:
The gold/ silver shall be released by the nominated agencies in terms of 0.995/ 0.999 fineness and platinum in terms of 0.900 fineness or more.
3. The words and expression “para 8.3(f)” in the first sentence of para 8.6.5 is substituted by the words and expression “para 8.2 (f)” .
4. S.No 10 and 21 ofAppendix 28 pertaining to “List of Inspection and Certification Agencies” is amended as under:
10 BSI Inspectorate Limited
2, Perry Road, Witham Essex CM8 3 TU
21. Moody International (I) Pvt Ltd
32/33, Gautam Complex,
Sector-11, C.B.D. Belapur,
Navi Mumbai – 400 614 (Maharashtra)
Tel: 022-7580044 , Fax: 022-7580033
This issues in public interest.
Director General of Foreign Trade
Dy.Director General of Foreign Trade