Policy Circular No. 8/(RE-2010) 2009-14, Dated: 24-12-2010
Subject:- Operationalisation of provisions of Para 5.11.2 of Hand Book of Procedure Vol.-1 (2009-14)
Para 5.11.2 of the Hand Book of Procedure Volume -1 (HBP V-I) permits re-fixation of Annual Average Export Obligation, in case the export in any sector/ product group decline by more than 5%. This implies that for the sector/product group that witnessed such decline in 2009-10 as compared to 2008-09, would be entitled for such relief. This matter was discussed in the meeting of the Port Officers held on 3rd December, 2010 at Delhi.
A list of such product groups showing the percentage decline in exports during 2009-10 as compared to 2008-09 is enclosed. All RAs are requested to re-fix the annual average export obligation for EPCG Authorizations for the year 2009-10 accordingly.
This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(Hardeep Singh)
Jt. Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: hardeep.singh@nic.in
To: All Regional Authorities/ All Customs Authorities/ FIEO/EEPCS /All concerned