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NOTIFICATION NO. 11 (RE-2001) 1997-2002

NEW DELHI: 02.05. 2001

S.O (E) – In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 1.3 and 4.1 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 1997-2002 published on 31st March, 1997 (RE-98) as amended from time to time, namely –

“1.Import of items as indicated in the annexure to this notification at sl. Nos. 1 to 253, 255 to 258, 260 to 263, 265 to 270, 271 to 275, 275 to 280 and 282 to 300, shall be allowed only through the following seaports/ airports/ICDs:

Seaports: Mumbai, JNPT, Kolkata, Chennai, Vizag and Cochin.

Airports: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata

ICDs. Tughlakabad, New Delhi

2.Import of items as indicated in the annexure to this notification at sl. Nos.254, 259, 264, 271, 276 and 281 shall be allowed only through the seaport at Mumbai.

3.Paragraph (6) (II) (d) of notification no. 4(RE-2001)/97-02 dated 31.03.2001 is deleted.

This issues in public interest.


Director General of Foreign Trade and ex-officio

Additional Secretary to the Government of India



(Issued from file No. 01/89/180/00001/AM02/)


Sr.NO. Exim Code Item description
1. 020711 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
2. 020712 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen
3. 020713 00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled
4. 020714 00 Cuts and offal, frozen
5. 020724 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
6. 020725 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen
7. 020726 00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled
8. 020727 00 Cuts and offal, frozen
9. 020732 00 Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
10. 020733 00 Not cut in pieces, frozen
11. 020734 00 Fatty livers, fresh or chilled
12. 020735 00 Other, fresh or chilled
13. 020736 00 Other, frozen
040110 00 Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
040120 00 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
040130 00 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
040210 00 In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5%
040210 01 Skimmed milk
040210 03 Milk food for babies
040210 09 Others
040221 00 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
040229 00 Other
040229 02 Whole milk
040229 03 Milk for babies
040229 09 Others(e.g., milk cream)
040291 00 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
040299 00 Other
040299 02 Whole milk
040299 03 Condensed milk
040299 09 Others
040510 00 Butter
040520 00 Dairy spreads
040590 00 Other
040590 01 Butter oil
040590 02 Melted butter (ghee)
080111 00 Dessiccated
080119 00 Other
080119 01 Fresh
080119 02 Dried coconuts
080121 00 In shell
080122 00 Shelled
080131 00 In shell
080132 00 Shelled
080290 00 Betel nut/arecanut
080211 00 In shell
080212 00 Shelled
080221 00 In shell
080222 00 Shelled
080231 00 In shell
080232 00 Shelled
080240 00 Chestnuts(Castanea spp.)
080250 00 Pistachios
080290 00 Other
080290 01 Betel nut/Areca nut, whole
080290 02 Betel nut/Areca nut, split ground
080290 09 Others
080500 00 Citrus fruit
080510 00 Oranges
080520 00 Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas) Clementines, Wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
080530 00 Lemons (Citrous limon, Citrus limonum) and lines(Citrus aurantifolla)
080540 00 Grape fruit
080590 00 Other
080600 00 Grapes, fresh
080610 00 Fresh
080620 00 Dried
080620 01 Raisins
080620 09 Sultanas & other dried grapes
080810 00 Apples
080820 00 Pears and quinces
081010 00 Strawberries
081020 00 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries
081030 00 Black, white or red currents and gooseberries
081040 00 Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus vaccinium
081050 00 Kiwifruit
081090 00 Other
081090 01 Pomegranates, fresh
081090 02 Tamarind, fresh
081090 03 Sapota(chico), fresh
081090 04 Sitafal
081090 05 Custard-apple(ata)
081090 06 Bore
081090 07 Lichi
081090 09 Others, fresh
090111 00 Not decaffeinated
090111 01 Coffee arabica plantation ‘A’
090111 02 Coffee arabica plantation ‘B’
090111 03 Coffee arabica plantation ‘C’
090111 09 Coffee arabica plantation other grade
090111 11 Coffee arabica cherry AB
090111 12 Coffee arabica cherry PB
090111 13 Coffee arabica cherry C
090111 14 Coffee arabica cherry B/B/B
090111 19 Coffee arabica cherry other grade
090111 21 Coffee rob parchment AB
090111 22 Coffee rob parchment PB
090111 23 Coffee rob parchment C
090111 29 Coffee rob parchment other grade
090111 31 Coffee rob cherry AB
090111 32 Coffee rob cherry PB
090111 33 Coffee rob cherry C
090111 34 Coffee rob cherry B/B/B
090111 35 Coffee rob cherry bulk
090111 39 Coffee rob cherry other grade
090112 00 Decaffeinated
090121 00 Not decaffeinated
090122 00 Decaffeinated
090190 00 Other
090220.02 Tea green in bulk.
090220.03 Tea green (ball, brick, tablet etc).
090220.04 Tea green waste.
090240.02 Tea black, leaf in bulk.
090240.03 Tea black, dust in bulk.
090240.04 Tea bags.
090240.05 Tea black (e.g. ball, brick, tablets, etc).
090240.06 Tea black waste.
090300 00 Mate
090411 00 Neither crushed nor ground
090411 01 Pepper long
090411 02 Light black pepper and pinheads
090411 03 Black pepper garbled
090411 04 Black pepper ungarbled
090411 05 Dehydrated green pepper
090411 06 Pepper pinheads
090411 07 Freeze dried green pepper
090411 08 Frozen pepper
090411 09 Other pepper (white)
090412 00 Crushed or ground
090420 03 Fruits of the genus capsicum
090420 04 Chilly seed
090420 09 Jamaica pepper (pimenta/all spieces)
090610 01 Cassia
090610 02 Cinnamon bark
090610 03 Cinnamon tree flowers
090620 00 Crushed or ground
090700 01 Cloves extracted
090700 02 Not extracted (other than)
090700 03 Cloves stems
090830 01 Cardamoms large (amomum)
090830 02 Cardamoms small green
090830 04 Cardamoms small bleached, half‑bleached/ bleachable.
090830 05 Cardamoms small seeds
090830 06 Cardamoms small ( mixed)
090830 07 Cardamom powder.
090830 09 Others (including large seeds)
091010 01 Ginger fresh
091010 02 Ginger unbleached
091010 03 Ginger bleached
091010 04 Ginger powder
091010 09 Other ginger including dried
091040 01 Tejpat (leaves of cassia lignea)
100110 00 Durum Wheat
100190 00 Other
100190 02 Wheat (not seed) for human consumption
100510 00 Seeds of Maize(corn)
100590 00 Other
100610 00 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)
100620.00 Husk (brown) rice.
100630 00 Semi milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polilshed or glazed
100630.01 Rice, parboiled.
100630.02 Basmati rice.
100630.09 Other rice.
100640.00 Broken rice.
110100 Wheat Flour
150710 00 Crude oil, whether or not degummed
150790 00 Other
150810 00 Crude oil
150890 00 Other
150890 01 Deodorized (salad oil)
150890 09 Others
151110 00 Crude oil
151190 00 Other
151211 00 Crude oil
151211 01 Sunflower seed oil crude
151211 02 Safflower seed oil (kardi seed crude oil)
151219 00 Other
151219 01 Sunflower seed oil
151219 02 Safflower seed oil
151221 00 Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been remoed
151229 00 Other
151311 00 Crude oil
151319 00 Other
151321 00 Crude oil
151329 00 Other
151410 00 Crude oil
151410 01 Crude colza oil
151410 02 Crude mustard oil
151410 03 Crude rape seed oil
151490 00 Other
151490 01 Refined colza oil
151490 02 Refined mustard oil
151490 03 Refined rape seed oil
170111 00 Cane sugar
170111 09 Other cane sugar
220810 00 Compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages
220810 90 Others
220820 00 Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc
220830 00 Whiskies
220840 00 Rum and tafia
220850 00 Gin and Geneva
220860 00 Vodka
220870 00 Liqueurs and cordials
220890 00 Other
240220 Cigarettes
240210 01 Bidis
240210 02 Cigars and cheroots
250100 01 Common salt (including iodised salt)
250100 02 Rock salt
250100 09 Other salts
400110.01 Natural rubber latex, not prevulcanised.
210. 400110.02 Prevulcanised natural rubber latex.
400121.00 Smoked sheets.
400122.01 Oil extended natural rubber
400122.02 Chemically modified form of natural rubber including graft rubber.
400122.09 Other technically specified natural rubber.
400129.01 Hevea.
400129.02 Crepe rubber from latex pale, latex crepe.
400129.03 Estate brown crepe.
400129.09 Other natural rubber, non‑latex.
400130.00 Balata, gutta‑percha, guayule, chicle, and similar natural gums.
500200 00 Raw silk(not thrown)
500400 00 Silk yarn
500500 00 Yarn spun
500600 00 Silk yarn
520100 00 Cotton
520300 00 Cotton, carded
660110 00 Garden or similar umbrellas
660191 00 Having a telescopic shaft
660199 00 Other
680221 01 Marble blocks /slab/ tiles, polished
680221 09 Others
680223 01 Granite blocks /slabs/ tiles, polished
680291 00 Marble, travertine and alabaster
680292 00 Other calcareous stone
680293 00 Granite
680299 00 Other stone
680221 01 Marble blocks /slab/ tiles, polished
690810 01 Ceramic mosaic cubes
690810 02 Ceramic mosaic tiles
690810 09 Others
690890 01 Ceramic mosaic cubes
690890 02 Ceramic mosaic tiles
701300 00 Of glass ceramics
701321 00 Of lead crystal
701329 00 Other
701331 00 Of lead crystal
701391 00 Of lead crystal
830110 00 Pad locks
830120 00 Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles
830130 00 Locks of a kind used for furnitures
830140 00 Other locks including combination locks
830150 00 Clasps and frames with clasps incorporating locks
870321.01 Motor car, new, assembled of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870321.02 Jeep and landrover type vehicles assembled, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870321.03 Second hand or used motor cars and jeeps and landrovers, assembled, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870321.04 Complete units, not assembled, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870321.05 Specialized transport vehicles of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870322.01 Motor car, new, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870322.02 Jeep and land rover type vehicles, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870322.03 Second hand or used motor cars, jeep and land rovers, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870322.04 Complete units, not assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870322.05 Specialised transport vehicles, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870323.01 Motor car, new, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870323.02 Jeep and land rover type vehicles, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870323.03 Second hand or used motor cars, jeeps and land rover, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870323.04 Complete units, not assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870323.05 Specialised transport vehicles, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870324.01 Racing cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870324.09 Other vehicles, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3000 cc, with spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.
870331.01 Motor cars, new, assembled, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870331.02 Jeep and land rover type vehicles, assembled, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870331.03 Second hand or used motor cars, jeep and land rovers, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870331.04 Complete units, not assembled, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870331.05 Specialised transport vehicles, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870332.01 Motor cars, new, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870332.02 Jeep and land rover type vehicles, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870332.03 Second hand or used motor cars, jeep and land rovers, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870332.04 Complete units, not assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870332.05 Specialised transport vehicles, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870333.01 Motor car, new, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870333.02 Jeep and land rover type vehicles, assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870333.03 Second hand or used motor cars, jeep and land rovers, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870333.04 Complete units, not assembled, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal cobustion piston engine.
870333 05 Specialised transport units, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cc, with compression ignition internal combustion piston engine.
870390 00 Other vehicles, principally designed for the transport of persons.
950100 01 Wheel toys
950210 00 dolls
950210 03 Dolls of plastic
950310 00 Electric trains
950320 00 Elctronic games toys
950330 00 Educational toys
950341 00 Stuffed toys
950349 03 Plastic toys
950350 01 Musical toy instruments
950360 00 Educational toys
950390 02 Toy gun
960810 00 Ball point pens
960820 00 Markers
960831 00 Ink drawing pens
960839 01 Fountain pen
960840 00 Pencils


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