Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No. 4/2013 , Dated 2nd July, 2013
Subject: Non-requirement of Registration Certificates for export of non-basmati rice and wheat [except for export to Bangladesh & Nepal through non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS)].
Reference: Trade Notice No. 3/2013 dated 28.05.2013.
Through the above cited Trade Notice it was informed that the online applications for obtaining Registration Certificates (RCs) for export of various commodities like cotton, cotton yarn, non-basmati rice, wheat and sugar would be mandatory from Monday the 1st July, 2013.
It has come to notice that RCs are being insisted upon in case of all exports of non-basmati rice & wheat irrespective of the destination of export. As per Notification No. 98 and Notification No. 99 both dated 23.02.2013, export of non-basmati rice and wheat is permitted through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Bangladesh & Indo-Nepal border subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Such RCs are being issued by Regional Authorities of DGFT at Kolkata and Patna. Earlier these RCs were being issued manually. Now RCs for non-basmati rice and wheat would also be issued only on application through online system.
It is reiterated that there is no change in the policy for export of non-basmati rice & wheat. Registration Certificate is required for non-basmati rice & wheat only when it is exported to Bangladesh & Nepal through non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS).
(Daya Shankar)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
Email: daya[dot]shankar[at]nic[dot]in