Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Date: 19th November, 2019
Trade Notice No. 39/2019-20
1. RAs of DGFT
2. Members of Trade/Industry
Subject: Incorrect Data in certain IECs – corrective action required from exporters
On analysis of the DGFT IEC database, it has been observed that there are certain data mismatch issues which require immediate corrective action. Following two broad categories of data mismatch in IECs (Import Export Code number) have been reported:
i. Incorrect Permanent Account Number (PAN)
ii. More than one IEC against same PAN
2. The details of mismatch in IECs under these two categories are at Annexure -I and Annexure II. The IECs with incorrect Permanent Account Number (PAN) (22,893 Nos.) are at Annexure-I and more than one IEC against same PAN (8353 Nos.) are at Annexure – II of this Trade Notice.
3. IEC holders as mentioned in the two Annexures of this Trade Notice are requested to take immediate steps to correct their IEC data before 15 December 2019, failing which these IECs will be suspended by the jurisdictional DGFT Regional Authority (RA).
4. IECs, which have an incorrect PAN, as mentioned in Annexure-I are required to ensure that their correct PAN number is updated and reflected correctly in the DGFT database. For making changes in PAN, the IEC holder will need to make a written submission on the letter head of the IEC holder to the jurisdictional DGFT RAs along with a self-certified copy of the PAN. Changes in the PAN cannot be made through the online IEC application module.
5. IEC holders, whose same PAN exists in more than one IEC, as mentioned in Annexure-II, are required to ensure that only one active IEC exists against each PAN. For this, the IEC holder will need to make a separate written request on the letterhead of each IEC holder(s) to the jurisdictional DGFT RA concerned, to suspend/cancel the other IEC(s). RAs need to take suitable action accordingly after observing due diligence. In case of situation where multiple IECs having same PAN exist and the IEC holder has not approached the RA, then the RA will suspend all the multiple IECs having the same PAN after 15 December 2019. Only on a written request with submission of required documents the IEC [on which import/export takes place] may be allowed to be reactivated.
6. If the IEC holder considers for reason(s) that the IEC cannot be corrected before the due date but should not be suspended, the person may submit a representation in writing to the concerned RA, DGFT, or, if that person so desires, appear for a personal hearing before the concerned RA, DGFT. The concerned RAs are requested to take on record all such submissions, and provide a report to DGFT (HQ) along with their recommendations (if any) for non-suspension of such IECs by 15 December 2019.
7. The time period till 15 December 2019 is provided as an opportunity for making a representation in writing or, if that person so desires, of being heard, as per Section 8(1)(b) of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2010.
8. IEC holders are also requested to update their IEC database periodically so as to reflect the correct particulars including email/mobile which is used for communication purposes. These changes/amendments can be made directly through the `Online IEC Application’ amendment module available on the DGFT Website under the ‘Services’
9. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority
(Tasleem Ahmed)
Asst. Director General of Foreign Trade
Tel: 011-23061562 /Ext.229
(Issued from File No.01/02/29/AM-20/EG&TF)