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Q 1. What is the technical requirement for filing an IEC?


-Valid Digital Signatures Token

-Valid PAN

-Valid Mobile Number and Email ID.

-Valid Address Details of Branch Office

-Valid Bank Account in the name of IEC Holder

-Valid Aadhar Card matching the details with PAN Card

Q 2. How to apply for new IEC application?


  • Logon to DGFT website via link https://dgft.gov.in/ .
  • Proceed with registration process by clicking on Login > Register > Register as “Importer/Exporter”
  • After registration, Go to My Dashboard – Importer Exporter Code (IEC) – Apply for IEC.

Q 3. Why registration is required on DGFT Website?


  • Have your own user profile.
  • Apply / Link IEC – View IEC Dashboard under single window.
  • Apply and track applications easily.
  • Receive notifications over dashboard, email and mobile.

Q 4. How to register on DGFT Website?


  • Visit the DGFT website and proceed with registration process.
  • Navigate to https://dgft.gov.in
  • Click on Login > Register
  • Enter basic details
  • Enter the OTPs sent on your mobile and email
  • Submit the details, Registration is Successful
  • Temporary password sent on your email
  • Login and change temporary password

Q 5. What is my User name and what steps to follow after registration?


  • The email will be your user name.
  • Login credentials shared over email registered.
  • Login with temporary password and change it.
  • Apply for new IEC or link to existing IEC.
  • You can link / apply for one IEC only

Q 6. In how much time the OTP Expires?


  • One time password (OTP) is generated by computer and sent on mobile phone and e-mail to authenticate.
  • OTP expires in 15 minutes.
  • If OTP expires, click the Resend OTP button.

Q 7. What is bank details validation?


  • Bank Details will be validated through PFMS and result will be made available the next day.
  • User will be issued the IEC Immediately. And the Risk shall be marked in RMS.
  • On Successful Validation– RMS Flag shall be removed.
  • On Failure – RMS Flag will retain for RA to verify the supporting document uploaded by the user.

Q 8. How will I get to know that whether my payment process is successful or Unsuccessful?


  • After Successful payment you will get the Acknowledgement stating the Successful Submission of application for IEC with File No.
  • The Application Status can be tracked using ‘Track Status’ and Receipt could again be printed.

Q 9. How I can take the print of my IEC Certificate?


  • Navigate to https://dgft.gov.in
  • Enter User Name and password
  • Click Services – IEC – Manage IEC
  • Verify Your details
  • Click Print IEC
  • PDF displayed to print.

Q 10. How much time it takes to issue new IEC Certificate?


  • The Average time to receive is immediate from successfully submission of the application.

Q 11. How much time it takes to reflect my New IEC on ICEGATE?


  • On real-time basis reflects the data on ICEGATE once the IEC gets issued to you.

Q 12. New System or application is compatible with which Browsers?


  • The new portal is compatible with the latest versions of Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Microsoft Internet Explorer / Apple Safari.

Q 13. Unable to proceed further without providing the details of members of the firm (Partners/Trustee/Directors).


  • The applicant needs to provide all the mandatory details of the members to proceed further.
  • The director details from MCA are fetched based on the CIN (which is mandatory for the entity type companies.)
  • For Foreign Directors the PAN details are not mandatory.

Q 14. The Name of the firm and Bank Account Name doesn’t match.


  • Please check for the white spaces, if any, needs to be removed to proceed.
  • The user needs to upload the supporting document for the Bank Account.

Link IEC

Q. 1 How I can link my old IEC in the new system?


  • Logon to DGFT website via link https://dgft.gov.in/
  • Proceed with registration process by clicking on Login > Register > Register as “Importer/Exporter”
  • After registration, Go to Services → Link IEC
  • Enter IEC Number and Click on Validate
  • Validation by DSC can happen only after registering DSC on CP
  • Once the Validation Completes then click on Validate with DSC / e-Sign with Aadhar Card
  • Once linked, you can add additional users as primary or secondary users to an IEC

Q 2. What is the technical requirement to Link an IEC?


  • Valid Digital Signature Token
  • Valid Mobile Number and Email ID

Q 3. What is the issue as while clicking on Validation, I am unable to proceed?


  • Kindly check the IEC Number entered as the same Validates the information registered against the IEC.

Q 4. What Features or tasks enabled for Primary User?


  • Have Digital Token Authentication for IEC (e.g. Directors, Partners, and Proprietor etc.)
  • Draft, save and submit applications
  • Manage Users linked to IEC.
  • Manage User Permission – Access to various schemes for an IEC

Q 5. What Features or task enabled for Secondary User?


  • Draft and save applications
  • Submit applications with valid Digital Token Authentications

Modify IEC

Q 1. How I can modify my IEC?


  • Logon to DGFT website via link https://dgft.gov.in/
  • Proceed with registration process by clicking on Login > Register
  • After registration, Go to Services – Manage IEC
  • Enter IEC Number and Click on Validate
  • Validation by DSC can happen only after registering DSC on CP
  • Once the Validation Completes then click on Validate with DSC
  • Once Linked, you can modify details in IEC

Q 2. How I can modify my old email ID and mobile number registered with IEC?


  • Logon to DGFT website via link https://dgft.gov.in/
  • Proceed with registration process by clicking on Login > Register
  • After registration, Go to Services – Manage IEC
  • Enter IEC Number and Click on Validate
  • Once the Validation Completes then click on Validate with DSC
  • Once Linked, Click on Modify IEC
  • You can change your registered mobile and email ID

Q 3. I am unable to edit the Firm Name while applying / modifying IEC.


  • Only the Proprietorship firms can enter or edit the Firm Name manually.
  • For the Private Company, Public Company and One Person Company the Name is fetched from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) based on Company Identification Number (CIN). Please ensure the right firm name is displayed before submission of the application.
  • For all other firm types like Partnership, Limited Liability partnership (LLP), Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Trust, Society the Firm Name will be name as per PAN only.

Q 4. What should I do if I have to modify my PAN in Numeric IEC?


  • As per the new process the Exporter are enabled to change their PAN Number in IEC (Only for Numeric IEC Holders) by applying for IEC Modification application. First, they must link their IEC and then they can apply for modification. The request is submitted to RA Office for Approval. Once approved the IEC is then transmitted to Customs.

i.e. Link IEC – Apply for modification – Submit – “In Process” Application Status, Connect with RA for approval.

Q 5. What if I changed the Name as per PAN or Date of Birth/Incorporation?


  • All the request where either the PAN number has changed or PAN Details have been modified are sent to RA Office for approval. The Status of the request will be “In Process” till RA approves the request.

Q 6. Modifications are not reflecting immediately in the system.


  • If the Status of the request is “In Process” then the request will be approved by the RA officer, please connect with Concerned RA (mentioned in IEC) for the further approval. Once the RA approves the request, the changes will reflect in IEC Profile.

Q 7. I am unable to add foreign branches in my IEC profile/unable to modify IEC due to foreign branches?


  • You are not required to add foreign branches in the IEC profile. In case you are unable to modify the IEC to existing foreign branches, you can remove the foreign branch and proceed with modification request.

Additional FAQs on IEC Profile Management

Q 1. Do I need to use the same mobile and email which is registered under IEC or while applying for New IEC?


  • No, you only need to use the DSC to link your existing IEC

Q 2. Exporter Created Login and Link the IEC, how he can change the actual details of registered user or how he can delink the IEC with the registered login. For Example, If A has created login and link B’s IEC. How he can change the login of A to B or B can delink A’s ID.


  • To Link the B’s IEC the user A would need B’s DSC. Logins cannot be changed. The DSC Holder may register any number of times and link their IEC.

Q 3. How I can change the login email and mobile at the time of login, if I have submitted incorrect information earlier?


  • The email and mobile are OTP Validated. But if you need to change then you can do post login -> Manage profile.
  • If you forgot both email id and mobile you may register again and link the IEC using DSC.

Q 4. What is the step if I forgot my password?

Ans. If you have already registered and forgot the password, you may use the Forgot password feature to request for a temporary new password and then set again your password by following the below given steps.

1. Visit the DGFT website and click on Forgot Password hyperlink.

2. Enter registered email id in the username field.

3. Enter captcha code shown on the screen.

4. Click on the submit button.

5. Click OK to proceed with the forgot password or click cancel to go back to previous screen

6. System will validate the email id provide by you and send the once time password on the registered email id and mobile if email address is registered with DGFT.

Q 5. Is there any expiry of default/temporary password?


  • The Temporary password does not have any expiry.

Q 6. Do I need to save the data on each page with every parameter?


  • The application saves the draft when you will enter all the mandatory fields on the page and is navigating to the next page using the ‘Save & Next’ or through the horizontal navigation radio button.

Q 7. If one of the directors is Foreign National and not have Permanent Account Number (PAN), how can the details be added in Import Export Code (IEC) – Director details section?


  • The applicant shall check the Check Box – “Is the Director a Foreign National?”. Applicant shall then be able to enter the details without providing mandatory PAN details

Q 8. Importer/Exporter is unable to use DSC even though the drivers have been installed in the system.


  • Importer/Exporter require 2 set of system drivers to be installed on the computer.
    • DSC Token Driver
    • EMUDHRA Application Driver

Emudhra application needs to be installed and be available on the machine in the Running State. Refer the FAQs on Digital Signature for more details.

Q 9. Importer/Exporter have paid the fees in the old system for IEC Application or Modification and did not submit the complete application. What will happen to those payments?


  • The Payments against IEC Application/Modification made in the Old system and not submitted by the applicant are valid for one year from the date of payment. The applicant will be able to create and submit the Application in the new system without paying again. The applicant with valid payment shall follow the given steps in new system:
    • The Importer/Exporter shall register in the new DGFT Portal.
    • The user shall proceed with the filing of the application as a fresh with complete details.
    • The drafts of applications shall not be available, and the complete form needs to be refilled by Exporter.
    • Upon e-sign and submission of the new IEC Application, the user shall not be re-directed to the Payment screen and system shall check for the previous payment for the same PAN, if any will attach to this application and receipt shall be generated with same previous payment details.

Q 10. Exporter has paid the fees in March’2020 to modify IEC Application, but not submitted the complete application and file number not generated. What is the further process in the new system?


  • The Importer/Exporter shall register in the new DGFT Portal.
  • The users shall proceed with linking of IEC and then proceed with modification in the new DGFT Portal with filling complete details. Note: The drafts of applications shall not be available, and the complete form needs to be refilled by Exporter.
  • Upon e-sign and submission of the modification in IEC Application, the user shall not be re-directed to the Payment screen and system shall check for the previous payment for the same PAN, if any will attach to this application and receipt shall be generated with same previous payment details. Note: The payments made in the system and not submitted are valid for only one year from the date of payment.

Q 11. Exporter is unable to proceed with New IEC Application or While Modifying IEC, if the same is saved as draft.


  • The Branch details need to be updated one by one and all the mandatory details before proceeding to the next section.
  • The Member details (Directors/Partners/Trustees/etc.) are to be filled one by one and all the mandatory details before proceeding to the next section.
  • The user needs to click on Edit Button against each member, fill the mandatory details and proceed.

Q12.  How many documents do I have to attach in IEC Application?

Ans. Scanned Documents for Upload in the System (PDF Only and Max file size of 5 MB).

a. Proof of establishment/incorporation/registration.

i. Partnership

ii. Registered Society

iii. Trust

iv. HUF

v. Others

b. Proof of Address can be any one of the following documents:

i. Sale Deed, Rent agreement, lease deed, electricity bill, telephone land line bill, mobile, postpaid bill, MoU, Partnership deed

ii. Other acceptable documents (for proprietorship only):Aadhar card, passport, voter id

iii. In case the address proof is not in the name of the applicant firm, a no objection certificate (NOC) by the firm premises owner in favor of the firm along with the address proof is to be submitted as a single PDF document.

c. Proof of Firm’s Bank Account

i. Cancelled Cheque

ii. Bank certificate

Q 13. My Bank Name is not appearing in the list provided in the payment gateway section (Bharatkosh).


  • You may please proceed by clicking on Category, you want to proceed (Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI)
  • Click on Pay
  • Enter your details for payment of any Bank
  • Proceed with payment process.

Q 14. Where can I check my transaction status of Payment?


  • In case you do not receive transaction status as success or failure after completing all steps in payment process, then wait for 30 Minutes and check the transaction status of the transaction using the “Track Your Payment” link on Bharatkosh home page. If your status of your transaction Is shown as Fail Ref, then proceed to reinitiate a transaction for same purpose again. In case the amount is debited from your account for the Fail ref case, then you can expect the refund to be credited to your account in 3-5 working days.

Q 15. What should I do, I am unable to proceed as system is not accepting numeric value in Phone Number or in PIN Code while creating login on DGFT Website?


  • It is recommended to use the top row numeric keys and avoid using Num Pad Keys.

Q 16. What should I do, I have completed the payment and the same is successful, but system got logged off?


  • Please login again and check the payment status of your application. If the same was successful, you may please proceed with the further steps of signing the application using DSC and generate IEC Certificate. If the same was unsuccessful, 7ou will get the refund from payment gateway

Q 17. What should I do, I have modified my IEC details and the same is reflecting in IEC Certificate but not visible in other applications (Certificate of Origin (COO), SIMS, etc.)?


  • As per the new process, successful modification in IEC takes time to reflect in applications (COO, SIMS, MEIS & Others). The same will reflect approximately 12 – 24 Hours after successful modification.

Q 18. Exporter/ Importer have an old numeric IEC and wants to surrender the same as to apply again with the same PAN Number.


  • Importer/Exporter will not be able to apply again for IEC using the same PAN Number even if he gets the Numeric IEC Surrendered / Cancelled. It is advised to apply for modification in the same IEC after linking in the system.

Q 19. How to apply for Revoke Suspension of IEC?


  • The Importer/Exporter can apply for revoke suspension after linking his IEC. The request is signed and submitted online. The request needs to be approved by the concerned Regional Office (RA).

Q 20. How to apply for Revoke Cancellation of IEC?


  • The Importer/Exporter needs to connect with concerned Regional Office and request for the same. RA Office will initiate the request and the same will be sent for approval to DGFT HQ.

Q21. Status of Payment is showing “Booked”, Should they make payment again?


  • No, The Importer/Exporter need not do Payment again and should wait suitably till the response is received from the Bank.
  • Booked Payment Status :- The status of payment reflects as “Booked” in your application if you have opted for “Corporate Net Banking – Pay Mode” when transaction has done and authorized person “checker” has not authorized the transaction. Request to please ask the concerned authority in your organization to approve the payment transaction within 7 days. Once the payment is approved by concerned “checker” in the banking system then transaction will reflect after 24 hrs in DGFT system.

Q22. Denied Entity List (DEL) Status is not reflecting in the system while applying for any benefit like MEIS, AA, EPCG etc.


  • The DEL Status when updated may take up to 24 Hours to reflect in the other systems.



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