Government of India
Ministry of Commerce &Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Date: 18 May, 2018
Trade Notice No. 11/2018
1. All Regional Authorities of Directorate General of Foreign Trade
2. Members of Trade
Subject: Extension of date for mandatory digital payment through e-MPS
A facility for digital payment for miscellaneous applications (e-MPS) was launched vide trade notice No. 25/2018 dated 14.03.2018. While DGFT RAs can access e-MPS through login id/ password, exporters are required to have a DSC (IEC embedded) to make payment. The digital payment was made mandatory after one month from the date of issuance of the trade notice No. 25/2018.
2. It has been reported by RAs that there are users who do not posses DSC, but need to make payment. These users are not able to make digital payment, as they don’t posses DSC.
3. The issue is being resolved by making changes in e-MPS to delink it from DSC for login purpose for the convenience of the exporters. In the meantime, the date for mandatory digital payment through e-MPS is extended to 01.06.2018.
(K.P. Singh)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade