Office of the
Commissioner of State Tax
8th Floor, GST Bhavan,
Mazgaon, Mumbai – 400 010
No. CST/AMD-2017/1B/Adm-8
Trade Circular No. 07T of 2019.
Mumbai, dated. 14/02/2019
Sub: Withdrawal of Trade Circular No. 47T of 2017 dt. 17th November 2017.
Ref: Trade Circular No. 47T of 2017 dt. 17.11.2017.
Sir/ Gentlemen/ Madam,
You may recall that the Trade Circular No. 47T of 2017 dated 17th November 2017 was issued to clarify the inter-State purchases against the declaration under the Central Sales Tax Act. The said Trade Circular stands withdrawn .
Yours faithfully,
(Rajiv Jalota)
Commissioner of State Tax,
Maharashtra State, Mumbai.
No. CST/AMD-2017/1B/Adm-8
Trade Circular No. 07T of 2019.
Mumbai, dated. 14/02/2019
Copy forwarded to: Joint Commissioner of State Tax (Mahavikas) with the request to upload this Trade Circular on the MGSTD web-site.
(Shriram H. Umale)
Joint Cormmissioner of State Tax,
(HQ) 1, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.