PUBLIC NOTICE No. 31 (RE 2012)/ 2009-14, Dated: the 21st November, 2012
Subject: Amendment in Para 8.3.1(i) of the Handbook of Procedures Vol.I, 2009-14 – claim of TED by recipient of goods.
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Director General of foreign Trade hereby amends Para 8.3.1(i) of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.I, 2009-14 by adding the sentence at the end of the Para, “Recipient may also claim TED refund on production of a suitable disclaimer from supplier, in the format given in Annexure-IV of ANF-8”
2: (i) The amended Para 8.3.1(i) will read as follows:
“An application in ANF 8, along with prescribed documents, shall be made by registered office or Head office or a branch office or manufacturing unit of supplier to RA concerned. Where applicant is branch office or manufacturing unit of a supplier, it shall furnish self certified copy of valid RCMC. Recipient may also claim drawback benefits on production of a suitable declaration from supplier, in the format given in Annexure III of ANF 8. In case of TED refund, a declaration, in the format given in Annexure II of ANF 8, regarding non-availment of CENVAT credit, shall be given, by the recipient of goods, in addition to other prescribed documents. Recipient may also claim TED refund on production of a suitable disclaimer from supplier, in format given in Annexure-IV of ANF-8”
(ii) Format of Annexure IV of ANF-8 is enclosed with this Public Notice.
3. This Public Notice shall be effective from 01.03.2011, the date on which P.N.35 (RE2010) / 2009-2014 Dated 1st March 2011was issued.
4. Effect of Public Notice: Either the recipient of the goods or the supplier of the goods can claim TED refund with appropriate disclaimer.
(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Format of disclaimer for not claiming TED refund
I, (Name & Designation) …..on behalf of M/s. ….. (Name and address of the supplier) hereby certify that we have supplied the following goods to M/s….. (Name and address of the recipient):
S.No. | Inv. No. & date | Description of goods | Unit | Qty. | Value |
2. We further state that we have not drawn nor will draw any benefit of TED refund and we have no objection if M/s…… (Name and address of the recipient) draws TED refund on the supplies mentioned above.
3. I/we hereby certify that the above information is true and correct as per best of my knowledge. If anything found incorrect/false, I/we shall be liable for penal action as per the provision of F.T.(D&R) Act, 1992 as amended.
Yours faithfully,
Signature (Authorized Signatory)
Full Name
Name of the company
Telephone Number
Fax No.
Note: Declaration is to be given on letter head of the supplier.