File No. S/22-Gen-20/2020-21/AM (I)/JNCH
Dated: 06.01.2021
DIN- 20210178NW0000000BDC
Subject: Single Window – Online Query Module and other functionalities for PGA working in ICES – reg.
Attention of Importers/Exporters, Custom Brokers, Trade, Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) and other stakeholders is invited to CBIC Advisory No. 01/2021 dated 05.01.2021 on Single Window – Online Query Module and other functionalities for PGA working in ICES.
2. It is hereby informed that as a part of the Single Window in Customs of SWIFT, a few Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) 0 मम work in ICES to process the NOC. For such PGAs working in the SWNOC role of ICES, following additional provisions have been enabled to further streamline and digitize the NOC issuance process in System.
a) Query Module: While processing NOC under SWNOC role in ICES, an option has now been given to PGAs working in ICES to raise query to the importer/Custom Broker(CB) electronically. Queries raised by PGA would be available with the importer/CB in their ICEGATE login and the same can be replied electronically, the same way as replies to Customs queries are submitted online. The PGA officers, having SWNOC role, will be able to give NOC only when replies have been furnished electronically in respect of all the queries by the concerned importer/CB.
b) Identification of Bills of Entry filed by AEO: AEO status of the importer will also be displayed on the NOC processing screen for PGA officers under SWNOC role. This provision will enable PGAs to identify AEO consignments for facilitation and expeditious clearance.
3. Further, Officers, who are processing PGAS’ NOC in ICES particularly of CDRUG and AO, and Trade are informed that above mentioned provisions will be made available in the System with effect from 09.01.2021. Issues faced in accessing above functionalities in System, if any, may be emailed to and copy be marked to
4. Difficulty, if any, faced in implementation of this public notice may be brought to the notice of the Addl. /Joint Commissioner (Appraising Main (Import)) through email at
5. This Public Notice should be considered as Standing Order for the purpose of Officers and Staff of the department.
(U Niranjan)
Pr. Commissioner of Customs (NS-I)
Copy to:
1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH.
2. The Commissioner of Customs, NS-G/NS-I/NS-II/NS-III/NS-Audit/NS-V, JNCH.
3. All Additional/Joint/Dy./Asstt. Commissioners of Customs, JNCH.
4. All Sections/Group of NS-G/NS-I/NS-II/NS-III/NS-Audit/NS-V, JNCH.
5. AC/DC, EDI for uploading on JNCH website immediately.
6. All Partner Government Agencies (PGAs)