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F. No. S/43-Misc-16/2020-21/UBC/JNCH

Daze: 06.10.2020

Public Notice No. 128/2020

DIN NO. 20201078NW00002VBFDF

Subject: Procedure of movement of goods under TIR Carnets-req

Attention of the Importers, Exporters, General Trade and all other stakeholders is invited to PN No. 153/2018 dt. 06.12.2018 issued by the Commissioner of Customs, JNCH read with Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs Circular No. 48/2018-Customs dt.03.12.2018 on the above mentioned subject.

2. The Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets, 1975 (TIR Convention or the Convention) (https://www.unece.org/tir/welcome.html) is an international transit system under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The Convention applies to the transport of goods without intermediate reloading, in road vehicles, combinations of vehicles or in containers, across one or more borders, between a Customs office of departure of one Contracting Party and a Customs office of destination of another or of the same Contracting Party, provided that some portion of the journey between the beginning and the end of the TIR transport is made by road.

3. The TIR system significantly reduces the time and cost required for customs transit. At the same time the system minimizes the need for physical inspections in countries of transit involving significant time and cost, other than checking seals and external conditions of the load compartment or container. It also dispenses with the need to operate national guarantees and to use national declaration systems. Further details of TIR have been laid down in aforesaid mentioned PN No. 153/2018 dt. 06.12.2018 and CBIC Circular No. 48/2018-Customs dt.03.12.2018. This PN deals with the procedure/SOP for TIR Carnet processing at JNCH.

4. The TIR Carnet is a convention document which shall be considered as a separate procedure for transporting the goods from one country to another, whatever the case may be. For the import or export of goods under TIR Carnet system,the Customs formalities related to assessment/examination, filing of SB/BE etc. shall be carried out in the same manner as for regular import/export as per the rules and regulations laid down in the Customs Act, 1962 or any other law forthetime being in force.

5. The TIR Carnet document contains the following pages:

a. TIR Carnet Cover Page (Carnet Holder document)

b. Yellow Non-Customs Goods Manifest (Carnet Holder document)

c. Pairs of white/green Vouchers with counterfoils

c.1 White vouchers (voucher no. 1) for customs entry purpose

c.2 Green vouchers (voucher no. 2)for customs exit purpose

d. Certified Report (to be filled only in case of accidents or seal temper)

e. Back Cover with tear-off slip

5.1 Each TIR operation requires the use of one pair of vouchers (1 White, 1 green). Each TIR operation means the entry of Carnet in a country and exit of Carnet from the same country.

5.2 It shall be the responsibili:y of the holder of the Carnet or the National-Guaranteeing Association (NGA) to fill the details on TIR Carnet Cover page on issuance and before the start of transport of goods.

5.3 Fields 02-15 in ‘Yellow Non-Customs Goods Manifest’ page shall be filled by the holder of the Carnet. The holder of the Carnet shall fill all such details legibly on all vouchers of the TIR Carnet, even if the vouchers may not be used. (Holder’s details must also be put in field 5 of the certified report).

5.4 No erasures or over-writing shall be made on the TIR Carnet. Mistakes should be crossed-out and corrections added (which have to be endorsed by the Customs authorities).

5.5 TIR Carnet used for a combination of vehicles/containers: Content of each vehicle or container shall be indicated separately preceded by the registration number.

5.6 Dates entered in the TIR Carnet should conform to the following format (dd/mm/yyyy).

5.7 Counterfoil in each Voucher shall always remain in the TIR Carnet and shall rot be removed or torn away by any member involved in the processing of TIR Carnet.

6. UB Centre, JNCH has been nominated as a nodal Section to handle the processing of the TIR Carnet in JNCH. DC/ UB Centre shall be the custodian of the login id/pwd from the IRU/FICCI authorities for initiating, processing or terminating the TIR Carnet on the physical documents as well as in the TIR EPD System after logging into https://tircustomsoortaLiru.org/customs-oortal/aoo/#/looin and fill the details as per the data fields therein.

7. The DC, UB Centre shall designate the Superintendent posted in UB Centre to ensure the smooth and early processing of TIR Carnet. The Officer-in-charge shall maintain the records of all the TIR Carnet in a separate resister for record keeping. The particular stamp, assigned for the purpose of TIR Carnet, shall only be used for the purpose of processing of TIR Carnet in INCH.

8. The following standard procedure is to be followed at INCH while processing TIR Carnet by the Custom Officer:

8.1 For exports where S/B filed at INCH & port of exit/departure is NhavaSheva:

8.1.1 The holder of TIR or the Authorised Representative, as the case may be, shall approach the office of UB Centre and present the Original TIR Carnet and its relevant documents such as LEO, S/B and examination report etc. for the goods which are meant for transit through TIR.

8.1.2 Upon receiving the TIR Carnet, the officer-in-charge shall verify that the goods mentioned in the TIR Carnet (goods manifest) conform to the S/B, LEO and report given by the Docks officer. The officer must verify,interalia, the validity of the TIR Carnet (as indicated in Field 1 of the TIR Carnet cover page) and its approval by the issuing NGA (as indicated in Field 2-5 of the TIR Carnet cover page).

8.1.3 Tie Superintendent must fill the details of S/B no., seal no. (field-16), Date (dd/mmfyyyy), stamp & signature of Customs office(field-17) of every voucher in the TIR Carnet on the basis of the shipping bill and other documents presented by the Carnet Holder.

8.1.4 The relevant details as required in fields (18-23) in Voucher No. 1 shall be filled by the officer-in-charge. The same details shall also be filled in fields (18-23) in Voucher No. 2 of the same TIR.

8.1.5 The officer shall make acknowledgement in Counterfoil attached to the Voucher no. 1. This counterfoil shall not be removed or torn away and shall always remain in TIR Carnet.

8.1.6 The Voucher No. 1 filled above shall be detached and retained by the office of the UB Centre and TIR Carnet/ document shall be returned to the holder of the CARNET or its authorised representative.

8.1.7 DC/UB Centre shall make necessary entries in the TIR EPD system after logging into httos://tircustomsoortaLiru.org/customs-Dortal/aoo/#/login and fill the details as per the data fields therein. After completion of the entries, printout of the TIR EPD details shall be generated from the system and provided to holder of the Carnet for their records.

8.1.8 The Officer-in-charge shall maintain the entries of the TIR Carnet in a separate register and shall keep all relevant records in a box file for future reference.

8.2 For exports where S/B is filed at other than ]NCH and port of exit is Nhava Sheva:

8.2.1 For exports wherein NhavaSheva is a port of exit but the goods emanated from any ICD/other Custom Location in India, the formalities of TIR Carnet procedure in physical documents as well as TIR EPD system shall be the responsibility of the respective Custom Station.

8.2.2 The officer at the LEO granting ICD/other Custom Location, on the basis of the exit port endorsement/EGM Gateway copy, shall fill details in Field (24-28) in Voucher No. 2, details in respective acknowledgement and, accordingly, complete the TIR Carnet procedure in physical documents as well as in TIR EPD System.

8.3 For the goods which are in transit through India and port of entry is Nhava Sheva:

8.3.1 The holder of TIR or the Authorised Representative, as the case may be, shall approach the office of UB Centre and present the Original TIR Carnet.

8.3.2 The officer-in-charge in UB Centre shall follow the steps as described in para 8.1.4 to 8.1.8 above and, accordingly, fill the relevant details in the TIR Carnet on the basis of the transhipment permit endorsed by the gate officer after checking the relevant details such as container numbers and seals.

8.4 For the goods which are in transit through India and port of exit is Nhava Sheva:

8.4.1 The holder of TIR or the Authorised Representative, as the case may be, shall approach the Port Gate Officer (Preventive Officer) and present the original TIR Carnet for the goods which are meant for transit through TIR.

8.4.2 The Gate officer shall verify that the container number and seals are intact. He/she shall verify that field 6 of counterfoil of the voucher No.1 has been stamped by the office of the Custom location in India whereby the goods in TIR Carnet have entered in India. Thereafter, the officer shall make an endorsement for the intactness of the seal on the photocopy of the TIR Carnet.

8.4.3 In case Field 6 of the counterfoil of tle voucher No.1 is not stamped or if seal is not found to be intact or found to be tampered, the gate officer shall inform DC/Boarding and DC/UB Centre, JNCH and the original Carnet alongwith other documents shall be handed over to the office of the UB/Centre, JNCH.

8.4.4 The holder of TIR or the Authorised Representative, as the case may be, shall approach the Office of UB Centre, JNCH and shall present the original TIR Carnet alongwith endorsement given by the Port Gate Officer and other relevant documents.

8.4.5 The Officerin-Charge at UB Centre shall accordingly fill the details in fields (24­28) of the voucher No. 2 and also make an acknowledgement in the counterfoil. This counterfoil shall not be removed or torn away and shall always remain in 11R Carnet.

8.4.6 In case Field 6 of the counterfoil of the voucher No.1 is not stamped, the Carnet must not be accepted and the office of the Custom Location in India whereby the goods shall in TIR Carnet have entered in India be informed. Further, the TIR Carnet shall be returned to the TIR holder to obtain necessary stamping.

8.4.7 In case, seal is not found to be intact or found to be tampered, the officer shall re-examine the goods on the basis of documents submitted and make observations in the TIR Carnet in field 27 of the Voucher No.2.

8.4.8 The Voucher No. 2 filled above shall be detached  and retained by the office of the UB Centre and TIR Carnet/ document shall be returned to the holder of the CARNET or its authorised representative.

8.4.9 The Officer-ir-charge shall send the certificate of endorsement/termination (removable section with fields 18-28) to the Custom Location in India whereby the goods in TIR Carnet have entered in India.

8.4.10 DC/UB Centre shall make necessary entries in the TIR EPD system after logging into httos://tircustomsoortaLiru.org/customs-portalThoo/#/locin and fill the details as per the data fields therein. The copy of TIR EDP details shall be provided to holder of the Carnet for verification and records.

8.4.11 The Officer-in-charge shall maintain the records of the TIR Carnet in a separate register for record keeping.

8.5 For Imports where B/E is filed at )NCH and port of entry as well as TIR termination is NhavaSheva

8.5.1 The holder of TIR or the Authorised Representative, as the case may be, shall approach the office of UB Centre and produce the Original TIR Carnet and its relevant documents such as B/E copy, Out of Charge copy and examination report etc. for the goods which are meant for clearance for home consumption and have been brought under TIR Carnet.

8.5.2 Upon receiving the TIR Carnet, the officer-in-charge shall verify that the goods mentioned in the TIR Carnet (goods manifest) conform to the B/E, Out of Charge and report given by the Docks officer.

8.5.3 The Officer-in-charge shall follow the steps as described in para8.1.4 to 8.1.9 and para 8.4.5 and 8.4.8above and accordingly fill the relevant portion of the Vouchers. 8.5.4 With this, the TIR operation shall be terminated and discharged.

8.6 For Imports where B/E is filed at other than RICH and port of entry is Nhava Sheva

For imports wherein Nhava Sheva is a port of entry but the goods are destined to ICD or other port for clearance, such TIR Carnet is destined for an inland Customs Office in India. In such cases, concerned Boarding/Noting Section shall process the transhipment documents (SMTP) as per regular customs process after checking the container seal intact. The formalities of TIR closure or termination in physical documents as well as TIR EPD system shall be the responsibility of the respective Custom Station where the TIR Carnet is destined for in India.

9. In case of accident/irregularity in the course of a TIR transport noticed by the officer-in-charge at UB Centre, )NCH, the relevant fields (1-17) in ‘Certified Report’ page shall be filled by the officer-in-charge and the copy of the certified report shall be taken by him and records in the register be maintained. Please note that the original certified e report shall remain in the TIR Carnet.

10. In case of invalid TIR Carnet, the TIR Carnet shall be retained by the officer and Me same shall be brought to the notice of the higher authority. The officer-in-charge shall stamp, sign and remove the tear-off card, give it to the TIR Carnet holder or its authorised representative and retain the TIR Carnet until the closure of the Customs investigation.

11. All the relevant information such as TIR Manual, how to fill TIR Carnet, manual on TIR Customs Portal etc. is readily available at the IRU Website (www.iru.orq) and shall be referred to in case of any difficulty faced.

12. In case of any difficulty, the specific issue may be brought to the notice of AC/DCincharge of UB Centre, NS-I (email address: ubc-jnch@gov.in) or AC/DC incharge of Appraising Main(Import), NS-I (email address: jnchftgov.in).

13. Action to be taken in terms of decisions taken in ths Public Notice should be considered as Standing Order for the purpose of officers and staff.

(Sunil Kumar Mall)

Commissioner of Customs

Copy to:

1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II,

2. The Commissioner of Customs, NS-G/ NS-I/ NS-II / NS-IV / NS-V, JNCH.

3. All Additional / Joint Commissioners of Customs, JNCH.

4. All Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs, JNCH.

5. All Sections / Groups of NS-G, NS-I, NS-II / NS-III/ NS-IV / NS-V, JNCH.

6. Representative of BCBA / FIEO for information and circulation among their members for information.

7. Other associations: CFSAI / CSLA / MANSA

8. All Port Terminals (JNPCT, GTI, NSICT / NSIGT, BMCT)

9. AC/DC, EDI for uploading on JNCH website immediately


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