Q: What is eSanchit application?
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) has launched eSanchit (e-Storage and Computerized Handling of Indirect Tax documents) for paperless processing, uploading of supporting documents and to facilitate the trading across Borders. It has already been made available to importers and exporters in the country. This application provides an electronic interface between tax payers and custom departmental officers to submit their import / export related supporting documents hassle-free and without any human intervention.
Q: Who can login eSanchit application?
Only ICEGATE registered users (Individual taxpayers and PGA’s) can use eSanchit applications by accessing the eSanchit link.
Indian Customs Electronic Gateway (ICEGATE) is the national portal of Indian Customs of Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) that provides e-filing services to the Trade, Cargo Carriers and other Trading Partners electronically.
Q: How can I upload a document on eSanchit portal?
Any registered ICEGATE user can upload documents using below steps.
- Login into ICEGATE website using login credentials.
- Access the eSanchit application by clicking on eSanchit link provided in menu options.
- Upload document by clicking on Upload Documents button.
- Select document type from document type dropdown.
- Submit the document to generate IRN / DRN.
Q: I am not able to submit the document using Submit Document button?
Once the document is uploaded and document type is being selected, the submit button will be enabled to validate DSC and generate IRN/DRN.
Q: Am I able to upload documents in any format in any size.
Only PDF file format will be accepted in eSanchit application having size lesser or equal to allowed size limit
You may obtain the document in a PDF/A format (ISO 19005-2) directly from the document issuer. For example, you may ask the document issuer (seller, exporter, airlines, shipping lines, regulatory authority etc.) to render their documents in the PDF at source electronically, instead of sending a facsimile or a scanned image of the document. This should be possible if the document issuer uses computers to generate documents.
Q: Am I able to upload any no. of documents at a time?
No, Individual tax payer can upload maximum 5 documents at a time however PGA user can upload up to 10 documents in one go.
Q: What is the maximum file size that can be uploaded?
File size may depend upon the document type, you are uploading. It may vary 1 MB to 20 MB based on different document types.
Q: Will I be able to upload documents having same name?
No, as per business requirement, all documents to be uploaded must have unique name. It is recommended to provide meaningful file names to documents so that they can recognize and handle the file more effectively.
Q: How can I attach my digital signature with documents to be uploaded?
On ICEGATE website, a utility is provided in which user can attached DSC to their document. The web utility is publically available and free. It can be accessed via below link (https://www.icegate.gov.in/digitalSign/digitalSign.html)
Q: Can I use the same DSC for signing documents to be upload on eSanchit which I am using for signing BE and SB documents?
Yes, the same DSC that is used for signing BE and SB documents can also be used for signing the document for eSanchit.
Q: How can I delete the documents once uploaded?
Once the document is uploaded then you can see the delete link for each document at same page. However, once document is submitted and an IRN/ DRN are generated, it cannot be deleted from the systems. If you want to delete the file after IRN being generated, you can ensure that its reference is not used in any Bill of Entry/ Shipping Bill.
Q: How to view the uploaded document before submission?
Once the document is uploaded then you can see the view link corresponding to each document at same page.
Q: Can I get any confirmation for document upload?
Yes, an email would be triggered within 5 minutes, on your registered email address, once the document is submitted in eSanchit application.
Q: How can I search a document that I have uploaded earlier?
Search functionality is provided in another tab on same page of eSanchit application, you can search any document uploaded by using the IRN, DRN, Supporting document types and between a date’s ranges. However, if you want to search a document older than 30 days, you have to raise a request to retrieve the same from archival by simply searching the same and follow the instructions. Here is an exception for parent PGA users; they can act as a power user in eSanchit and access even 30 days old documents immediately.
Q: how much time the document “Retrieved from Archival” remains online?
The retrieved from archival document remains online for 7 days from date of retrieval.
Q: Will I be able to see other user’s documents?
No, you can able to view the documents uploaded by logged in user only.
Q: What is IRN & DRN?
DRN stands for Document reference number, which is the unique reference to a batch of uploaded documents. Five IRN numbers can have one DRN. IRN stands for Image reference number, which is unique to each document. A group of IRN should be entered into the Bill of Entry, not DRN.
Q: What are the other ways to access eSanchit application?
You can access eSanchit application via ICEGATE website only.
Q: What are the reasons for invalid digital signature?
Your signature may not be registered on ICEGATE website or you have not signed the document which you are trying to upload using your own digital signature.
Q: What can I do if the document format is not PDF?
A: Only PDF documents are supported on eSanchit application, you can contact the document issuer for the proper PDF format or the document may be printed and scanned into a PDF.
Q: What are the mandatory documents that need to be submitted online?
The list of mandatory documents for export/ import of goods from/ into India have already been notified by DGFT notification No. 08/2015-2020 dated 4th June 2015 i.e.
- Bill of Lading / Airway Bill
- Commercial Invoice
- Packing List / OR as per CBEC Circular No. 01/15-Customs dated 12/01/2015. Commercial
- Invoice cum Packing List would also be accepted.
- Bill of Entry.
Other documents depending on the commodity imported, notification claimed and Participating Government Agency (PGA) requirement. The Compulsory Compliance Requirements provide an outline of the Supporting documents required for a CTH.
Q: Can one document contain multiple pages?
Yes, there is not any restriction for page count however the file size should not exceed the size limitation of selected document type.
Q: How to map Import / Export flat file, with IRN received after uploading documents in eSanchit?
An option is already there to provide IRN number in RES packages. Please refer to field 14 of the <TABLE> SUPPORTINGDOCS in the Bill of Entry message format. You can provide the IRN received while filling job in RES packages and submit the flat file generated as usual.