Mrs. Nagappan Swarnalatha Vs M/s. Colour Books Associates Private Limited (National Company Law Tribunal) 1) We hereby declared that the incorporation of M/s. Colour Books Associates Private Limited (Respondent No.1 Company, is vitiated by fraud and consequently, the Certificate of Incorporation dated 14th May, 2018 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, […]
Steel India Vs M/s. Theme Developers Pvt Ltd (NCLT Mumbai) We have carefully gone through the pleadings on record and pursued the submissions made by the counsels for both the sides. On careful perusal of the documents it is noticed that the Corporate Debtor has already paid the entire Principal amount to the Petitioner, which […]
Alchemist Asset Reconstruction Co. Ltd. Vs. Moser Baer India Limited (NCLT Delhi, Principal Bench) Under Section 36(4) (a) (III), the expression ‘liquidation estate’ has been defined and it is clarified that all sums due to any workman or employee from the provident fund, pension fund and gratuity fund, were not to constitute and included in […]
This is the case, where despite moratorium order, Municipal Authorities have sealed the Corporate Office/Registered Office of the Corporate Debtor. Section 238 of the IBC, 2016 provides the overriding effect. Moratorium order has been passed under Section14 of the IBC on 15.10.2018. After that Municipal Corporation had no authority to seal the property of the Corporate Debtor.
Union of India Vs Mr. Mukesh Maneklal Choksi (National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench) Since Respondent No 1, Mr Mukesh Maneklal Choksi, Statutory Auditor , colluded with the Chairman/Director of R-2 company and has given a false Audit certificate relating to the Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the R-2 company, without even […]
In a memorable and consequential judgement, in the matter of Nikhil Mehta & Sons (HUF)&Or’s vs M/s AMR Infrastructure Ltd (CA No. 811(PB/2018 in IB-02(pb)/2017, it has been upheld that the voting threshold in the IBC are merely directory in nature and that preference can be taken to decision taken by the largest percentage in the Committee of Creditors in case of a deadlock. For a homebuyer or commercial property buyer, both of them involved in this case, the judge made an eventful judgement which approved the appointment of Interim Resolution Professional as Resolution Professional and that agenda items 4, 6 to 9 were also deemed to have been approved by majority of Committee of Creditors
Scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement between G Pvt. Ltd. (‘Transferor Company’) and A Limited (`Transferee Company’) and their respective shareholders appeared to be unfair, unreasonable and was not in the public interest as the scheme was devised mainly to benefit the four share holders of G who were also the promoters of A (common promoters) and by this scheme, huge tax liability was being avoided, therefore, the Bench denied to sanction the scheme.
M/s. Real Image LLP Vs M/s. Qube Cinema Technologies Private Limited (NCLT) Legislative intention behind enacting both the LLP act 2008 and The Companies Act 2013 is to facilitate the ease of doing business and create a desirable business atmosphere for companies and LLPs. For this purpose, both the Acts have provided provisions for merger or amalgamation […]
Ms. Rashmi Rajpal v. Klienz Herbal (P.) Ltd. (National Company Law Tribunal, Hyderabad Bench) Where name of a company was struck off because of delay in filing statutory returns, reasons of which was explained, and, company had expressed its willingness to file all returns along with payment of prescribed fee to which ROC had no objection, name […]
Representatives from the Institute of Chartered Accountant have prayed for some time to assist this Bench whether disparaging remarks of a personal nature would fall within the purview of a Chartered Accountant to be mentioned in the Audit report.