Assessment Order passed by the Respondent under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Act 2005 in AO No 207184 dated 17.04.2020 for the period 06/2014 to 03/2016 as illegal, arbitrary, bad in law without jurisdiction and bereft of any valid reasons violative of principles of natural justice and violative of Articles 14, 191g and 265 of the Constitution of India and consequently set aside the same.
Maturu Panchakshari Vs Assistant Commissioner of State Tax (Andhra Pradesh High Court) The GST regime which came into effect from 01.07.2017 repealed a host of indirect taxes which were previously in force. Section 140 of SGST Act provides for transfer of the amount of Value Added Tax Credit carried forward under the APVAT Act, 2005 […]
Mahendra Kumar Indermal Vs Deputy Assistant Commissioner (Andhra Pradesh High Court) As per the provisions of Section 67(1) of the Act, power of inspection is specified to an officer not below the rank of joint commissioner. The said officer for the purpose of search as specified in Section 67(1) (a) and (b) may authorize in […]
All India Federation of Tax Practitioners Vs Union of India (Andhra Pradesh High Court) Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit filed therewith, the High Court may be pleased to issue an appropriate writ, order or direction particularly in the nature of Writ of […]
Considering facts that as per Section 50 of the Central Goods and Services Act, 2017, interest is payable on the delayed payment of tax and that as per the interest statement filed along with the impugned letter, dated 07.02.2020, there was delay in filing GSTR-3B and hence, interest on ‘cash set off’ and ‘ITC set off’ has been calculated and payment thereof has been asked for, recovery of interest against the petitioner, insofar it relates to `I.T.C. set off, shall remain stayed.
It is a fit case where the relief sought for by the petitioner can be granted to the extent of directing the authority to reopen assessment filed by the petitioner through letter, dated 2.5.2017 and deal with the acceptance of the documents, more particularly, ‘C’ form and ‘II’ form declarations and then pass orders in accordance with law, within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a copy of this order.
Sattibabu Motors Private Limited Vs Assistant Commissioner Of Central Tax (Andra Pradesh High Court) Writ Petition is disposed of in terms thereof directing the respondents to either open the portal to enable the petitioner to again file the Form GST TRAN-1 electronically or in the alternative, accept the Form GST TRAN-1 presented manually, on or […]
Garuda Packaging Pvt Ltd Vs Assistant Commissioner Of Central Tax (Andra Pradesh High Court) Writ Petition is disposed of directing the respondents to either open the Portal to enable the petitioner to again file the Form GST TRAN-1 electronically or in the alternative accept the Form GST TRAN-1 presented manually, on or before 30.09.2019. It […]
M/s. Panduranga Stone Crushers Vs. Union of India (Andhra Pradesh: Amaravati) Petitioner is permitted to rectify GSTR-3B statements for the months of August and December, 2017 and January and February, 2018 manually subject to the outcome of the writ petition. It is made clear that if the petitioner submits a rectified statements for the above […]
Lantech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Vs Prl. Commissioner (Andhra Pradesh High Court) Hon;ble High Court disposes Writ Petition directing the respondents to either open the Portal to enable the petitioner to again file the Form GST TRAN-1 electronically or in the alternative accept the Form GST TRAN-1 presented manually,on or before 31.08.2019. It is needless to say […]