Tribunal was legally justified in holding that on the manufacture and sale of laminated, insulated and toughened glass the dealer was liable to tax @ 10% as glass and not @ 16% as all the goods made of glasses
Indus Technical Education Society Vs Union of India (Allahabad High Court) So far as unsecured loan of Rs. 28,53,439/ is concerned, the petitioner could not submit any credible evidence alongwith its reply to establish credit worthiness of the lender i.e. M/s Arrow Netmart Pvt. Ltd. Therefore, prima facie, the Assessing Authority had some relevant material […]
Asset Reconstruction Company India Ltd. Vs State Of U.P. (Allahabad High Court) Chief Secretary of the State of Uttar Pradesh to issue clear directions to all the concerned authorities in the State of Uattar Pradesh to comply strictly the provisions of Section 14 of the SARFAESI Act, 2002 and handover physical possession of the secured […]
Jagran Prakashan Limited Vs Assessing Officer (Allahabad High Court) Undisputedly, in view of the decision of the Supreme Court as regularly followed by this Court by way of procedural principle, the Court does not directly entertain the challenge to re-assessment proceeding before disposal of the objection filed by the assessee to the initiation of such […]
Petitioner contended that in terms of the provisions contained in Goods and Service Tax Act no goods and services tax is leviable on the amount of royalty paid for undertaking mining operations in respect of minor minerals.
Ajay Bhandari Vs Union of India (Allahabad High Court) Reassessment — Reopening of assessment — Reopening notice issued under unammended provisions — Reliefs sought in petition is to quash impugned notice u/s 148 — Held, as per Clauses 6.2 and 7.1 of Board’s Circular dated 11.05.2022, if a case does not fall under Clause (b) […]
Once the valid document i.e. e-way bill was accompanying with the goods, the authorities ought to have release the vehicle.
Harish Chandra Bhati Vs PCIT (Allahabad High Court) Personal Affidavit of Shri Tarun Bajaj, Revenue Secretary to The Govt. of India has been taken on record. It provides for initiation of suitable administration action against the erring officer where assessments are found to be high pitched or there is non-observence of Principles of natural justice, […]
Dharmendra Kumar Singh Vs Union of India (Allahabad High Court) Instruction F. No. 225/101/2021/-ITA-II, dt. 25/04/22 provides for initiation of suitable administrative action against the erring officer in case where assessments are found by the local committee to be high-pitched or where there is non-observance of principles of natural justice, non- application of mind or […]
Refund was allowable to assessee alongwith the interest on delayed refund as the officer arbitrarily and illegally withheld the amount of refund despite the order of the first appellate authority dated 30.06.2018 for refund.