AAAR Maharashtra rejects Puranik Builders’ GST rectification request, affirming the need to refund excess GST to customers as per the ruling.
GST rates for Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran work under Jal Jeevan Mission, before and after 01.01.2022, as per Primove Infrastructure Development case.
Learn about the GST rate and classification for selling space in print media as per the AAR Maharashtra ruling in the Lokmat Media Pvt Ltd case.
MAAR upholds that MEK Peripherals India Pvt. Ltd.’s supply to IIUL does not qualify as export of service under IGST Act, emphasizing that the place of supply is India, not fulfilling the conditions for export as defined.
Understand the GST implications on transferring monetary proceeds from IVL India to IVL Sweden, as elucidated by GST AAAR Maharashtra.
AAAR held that transaction between two GSTINs of same person would be considered as lease transaction and accordingly taxable as supply of services in terms of Section 7 of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
In re Beeup Skills Foundation (GST AAAR Maharashtra) AAAR held that the reimbursement amount received by the Appellant from NEEM Trainer towards Stipend and other expenses incurred by the Applicant in accordance with AICTE (NEEM) Regulations to ensure wealth, safety and health of NEEM Trainees is not in the capacity of pure agent. In the […]
In re Puranik Builders Limited (GST AAAR Maharashtra) Insofar as the challenge to the levy of service tax on taxable services as defined under section 65(105) (zzzzu) is concerned, we do not find any merit in the contention that there is no element of service involved in the preferential location charges levied by a builder. […]
In re Monalisa Co-Operative Housing Society Limited (AAAR Maharashtra) In the instant case, outgoing member of the society, Mr Sanjay Prakash Sahjwani, has made payment of Rs 17,70,000/- to the society which appellant claims to be voluntary contribution on his own will and volition. On bare perusal of the affidavit submitted by the appellant in […]
In re Sterlite Technologies Limited (GST AAAR Maharashtra) The supply under the contract for setting of Naval Communication Network for Indian Navy from 1.4.2019 to 31.12.21 are held as falling under entry at serial number 3(vi)(a) of Notification No.11/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 and accordingly taxable at 6% under CGST and 6% under SGST or 12% […]