The Pharmaceutical Reference Standards (Prepared Laboratory Reagents) imported and supplied by the Appellant and classified under Tariff Item 3822 00 90 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 is covered under Entry No. 80 of Schedule-II to Notification No. 1/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28th June 2017 attracting a levy of Integrated Tax at the rate of 12%.
In re JSW Energy Ltd. (GST AAAR Maharashtra) The Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling is, hereby, held that the proposed arrangement of supply of coal or any other inputs by the principal i.e. JSL to the Appellant i.e. JEL for generation of electricity will be construed as job work. Accordingly, no GST will be leviable […]
Filters manufactured by the Appellant solely and principally for use by the Indian Railways and supplied directly to the Indian Railways are classifiable under Chapter Heading 84.21 of the Customs Tariff. The classification of the subject goods will not change if the same are supplied to a distributor instead of Indian Railways and the distributor in turn affects the supply to the Indian Railways.
It is evident that this Appellate Authority being a creature of the statue is empowered to condone a delay of only a period of 30 days after the expiry of the initial period for filing appeal. As far as the language of Section 100 of the CGST Act is concerned, the crucial words are “not exceeding thirty days” used in the proviso to sub-section (2).
In re S.K. Aagrotechh (GST AAAR Karnataka) Having concluded that Pooja Oil is classifiable under sub-heading 1518 00 40 of the Customs Tariff as inedible mixtures or preparations of vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included, let us now determine the GST […]
In re East Hooghly Agro Plantation Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAAR West Bangal) On examination of samples produced by the Appellant during the course of hearing it is clear that as the principal characteristic of tarpaulin is water proofing. unless the HDPE woven fabric is laminated it cannot be used to make tarpaulin. The process of […]
In re T P Roy Chowdhury & Company Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAAR West Bangal) There is no dispute that raw whole yellow peas are agricultural produce covered under serial no. 45 of the Rate Notification and are exempted goods. However, this particular consignment of raw whole yellow peas was harvested in foreign land and the […]
In re Macro Media Digital Imaging Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAAR West Bangal) In the present case, the Appellant prints the content provided by the recipient on the base of PVC, paper, etc., where it provides both the printing ink and the base material. There cannot be any doubt that the content that is printed on […]
In re Siemens Limited (GST AAAR West Bengal) Whether mobilization advance for works contract is supply on the date on which it stands credited on the supplier’s account The appellant argued that the lump sum amount was received by them on 24.06.2011 and they have determined the applicability of taxes on the same as per […]
In re Kasturba Health Society (GST AAAR Maharashtra) The Maharashtra Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling held that the questions by the Appellant are not maintainable in terms of the Clause (a) of section 95 of the CGST Act, 2017, as the transaction with respect to which the Appellant has asked the questions, are not pertaining […]