In re Shivam Agro Industries (GST AAAR Gujarat) AAAR confirm the Advance Ruling No. GUJ/GAAR/R/79/2020 dated 17.09.2020 to the extent it has been appealed, by holding that the products ‘Zn EDTA’ and ‘Fe EDTA’ being supplied by M/s. Shivam Agro Industries are classifiable under heading 38.24 (Tariff Item 3824 99 90) of the First Schedule […]
In re Global Vectra Helicorp Limited (GST AAAR Gujarat) In terms of the valuation provisions under GST legislation, amount recovered as reimbursement by the appellant M/s. Global Vectra Helicorp Ltd. from the customer, for the fuel procured for use in the helicopter provided on rent to customer is required to be included in the value […]
In re Jayesh Anil Kumar Dalal (GST AAAR Uttar Pradesh) In view of the above discussion, we hold that the services rendered by the Appellant to the State Urban Development Agency,Uttar Pradesh (SUDA), and For PMAY, are in relation to functions entrusted to Municipalities under Article 243W and to Panchayats under Article 243W of the Constitution […]
In re New Tirupur Area Development Corporation Limited (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) the main question raised by the appellant and also the point of reference made by the members of AAR is whether the water supplied by the appellant is exempted under si. No. 99 of Notifn. No. 2/2017-CT(R) and its equivalent SGST notification published vide […]
In re Britannia Industries Limited (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) AAAR held that UHT Sterilized Flavoured Milk marketed under the brand name ‘Britannia Winkin’ Cow Thick Shake’ by the appellant is not classifiable under the Tariff heading ‘0402 /0404″ but classifiable under CTH 22029930 as held by the Lower Authority. FULL TEXT OF THE ORDER OF AUTHORITY […]
In re Tvl. Aravind Drillers (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) Essentially, the moot point is whether the bore well drilling activity undertaken by the appellant on agricultural lands is qualified for the entry no. 54 of notfn. No. 12/2017-CGST(R). It is noted that the appellant while undertaking the borewell drilling activity for industries etc., (other than on […]
In re Tvl. Vallalar Borewells (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) Essentially, the moot point is whether the bore well drilling activity undertaken by the appellant on agricultural lands is qualified for the entry no. 54 of notfn. No. 12/2017-CGST(R). It is noted that the appellant while undertaking the borewell drilling activity for industries etc., (other than on […]
In re Wipro Enterprises Pvt Ltd (GST AAAR Karnataka) As regards the rate of tax on alcohol-based hand sanitizer, the goods falling under Chapter Heading 3808 attract a tax rate of 9% CGST and 9% SGST in terms of entry Sl.No 87 of Schedule III of Notification No. 11/2017 CT (R) dated 28-06-2017. With effect […]
In re Ce-Chem Pharmaceuticals Private Limited (GST AAAR Karnataka) Hand sanitizers do not serve as a replacement for through handwashing with soap and water The Appellant has expressed his objection to the lower Authority’s finding that hand sanitizer is an alternative to soap. We clarify that hand sanitizers do not serve as a replacement for […]
In re SI AIR Springs Private Limited (GST AAAR Tamilnadu) In the case at hand, the product is not a joint, washer or the like, it is an ‘Air bellow’, a specifically designed part for use in the Motor Vehicle as a Shock absorbent and therefore, even if the part which gives the essential character […]