Press Release
Five Years Rigorous Imprisonment To Then Area Enforcement Officer Of EPFO Of Mumbai Region In Disproportionate Assets Case
Dated: 28.03.2021
The Special Judge for CBI Cases, Mumbai has sentenced Shri Vinayak Dhondiram Sonawane then Area Enforcement Officer, EPFO, Mumbai to undergo five years Rigorous Imprisonment with fine of Rs. 5,000/- for possession of disproportionate assets.
Moreover, the Court has further ordered that disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs. 33,29,400/- shall be recovered from the accused from his assets, moveable and immovable properties.
CBI had registered a case against Shri Vinayak Dhondiram Sonawane, Area Enforcement Officer, Regional Office of Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, Kandivali, Mumbai on the allegations of possession of Disproportionate Assets.
After completion of investigation, charge sheet was filed on 13.01.2016 before the Competent Court, Mumbai against the accused on the allegations of DA of Rs.33,29,400/- (approx) which was 251% disproportionate to the known sources of income during the check period 01.01.2011 to 22.01.2014. Cognizance was taken against the accused and charges were framed on 30.01.2018.
The Trial Court found the said accused guilty and convicted him.
EPFO is nothing but a nightmare for employees. They sheer harass people. It took almost 3 years for KYC to be done of my PF account. For couple of months, I had to be from morning till late afternoon in EPF office. Also, now I am unemployed for more than a month, Mark of exit is also entered, still my claim got rejected.