The Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 mandates public and certain private sector establishments in Delhi to notify vacancies. Individuals aged 14 to 45 can register online, while employers must submit quarterly returns. Exemptions apply, and penalties for non-compliance include fines and possible imprisonment.
The Employment Exchanges (Complusory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959
The Employment Exchanges (Complusory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 applies to all establishment in public sector and such establishments in private sector in Delhi excluding Agricultural where ordinarily 25 or more persons are employed come within the purview of the Act.
Any person to be eligible for registration in an Employment Exchange has to be not less than 14 years of age at the time of registration and not more than 45 years of age as on the 1st July of the year of registration.
Private Firms can post vacancies with their system-generated login ID and password. The job seekers can then choose vacancies and companies as per their qualifications and skills to participate in Delhi Rojgar Mela.
Process To Do New Registration:
*Visit the website
A.) Enter the basic information and select required fields.
B.) Enter the Email OTP and Mobile OTP before clicking on submit button.
C.) Click on “Submit” to register.
The User Id/Email Id and password for accessing the employment Portal is provided on your registered email id.
Submission of returns.
An Employer shall furnish to the Local Employment Exchange 1[quarterly returns in Form ER1 and biennial returns in Form ERII].
Quarterly returns shall be furnished within thirty days of the due dates, namely, 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December.
This Act shall not apply in relation to vacancies—
(a) in any employment in agriculture (including horticulture) in any establishment in private sector other than employment as agricultural or farm machinery operatives;
(b) in any employment in domestic service;
(c) in any employment the total duration of which is less than three months;
(d) in any employment to do unskilled office work;
(e) in any employment connected with the staff of Parliament.
(2) Unless the Central Government otherwise directs by notification in the Official Gazette in this behalf, this Act shall not also apply in relation to—
(a) vacancies which are proposed to be filled through promotion or by absorption of surplus staff of any branch or department of the same establishment or on the result of any examination conducted or interview held by, or on the recommendation of, any independent agency, such as the Union or a State Public Service Commission and the like;
(b) vacancies in an employment which carries a remuneration of less than sixty rupees in a month.
The fine for every second offence may extend to ten thousand rupees. Every subsequent offence may have a fine of ten thousand rupees or lead to imprisonment which may extend to one month or both.
Author – CA Gaurav Agrawal, Kishore Gupta & Co, Chartered Accountants in Practice from Central Delhi and can be contacted at & Mobile Number 9711033545.
Can you please clarify whether this act applies to private establishments in Kerala. I have received notice from the employment officer that he will be visiting our establishment where almost 40 employees are working. We have been asked to get ready with records such as attendance, muster roll, return copies etc. Do they have the right to issue such a notice ?