Notice for associations whose FCRA renewal application has been closed
Representation if any in this regard in support of the deficiency in the application, may be submitted through designated email usfcra-mha[at]gov[dot]in by 8th Nov 2016, failing which no representation will be accepted. No hard copy will be accepted.
Download List of associations whose FCRA renewal application has been closed
List of Associations whose FCRA registration was valid till 31/10/2016 and have not applied renewal by 30/06/2016. Their validity of registration deemed expired from 01/11/2016.
F.11/21022/36(0207)/2015 -FCRA-II
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Foreigners Division (FCRA Wing)
NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road,
New Delhi-110001
Dated 02/11/2016
Subject:- Renewal of FC registration certificate reg.
As notified vide order of even no. dated 29th March,2016 and subsequent notice issued on 29th June,2016, the validity of the registration certificates of all associations whose registration certificates were extended upto 31st Oct,2016 were required to apply online renewal application by 30th June,2016. While processing the renewal of online applications received on or before 30th June,2016, 1736 cases (list attached) were closed due to non- submission of documents or deficient documents or other statutory shortcoming within the stipulated time.
2. Representation if any in this regard in support of the deficiency in the application, may be submitted through designated email by 8th Nov 2016, failing which no representation will be accepted.
The Association may get support or clarification on NIC support system as per the following details:-
1. | Support Team- | 011-23438042 (9.30 AM to 5.30 PM) |
011-23438043 (9.30 AM to 5.30 PM) |
(Prasanjit Deb)
Jt. Director (FC&MU)