R.No.91298 /Immn/S1/2019 | 24-06-2021
Guidelines to link passport to Covid Vaccination certificate for Foreign Travellers
The Government of India, has given provision to link passport to Covid Vaccination certificate for those who have already Vaccinated for Foreign Travellers.
Steps to be followed to link passport to Covid Vaccination certificate for Foreign Travellers
1. Login through selfregistration.cowin.gov.in by the person who wants to add Passport details in the already issued Vaccination certificate.
2. Enter the correct Mobile number given during vaccination
3. Enter 6 Digit OTP
4. Click “Raise an Issue” tab displayed in the right side corner
5. Select “Add passport details” from the drop down
6. Select the correct beneficiary from the list
7. Enter passport details correctly in the given space
8. Submit request after clicking the self declaration check box
9. Confirmation message will be displayed as ” Your request for changing id under process”
10. Return Back to home screen
11. Select the Track request option for further updates
12. Confirmation message will be displayed as your request for correction of vaccination certificate has been updated successfully.
13. Finally Download certificate from the Home screen
Thus following the above procedure the person those who already vaccinated for Covid Vaccine can link their Passport for the purpose of Foreign Travel. For any further queries please contact the concerned District Immunisation Officers( DDHS/CMO of GCC)
Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6