Benefits of Maharashtra State Innovative Startup Policy 2018
Self-certification allowed for selected government compliance and no inspection will be conducted for 7 years.
- Start-ups in manufacturing sector can apply for tenders as they are now exempted from the criteria of “Prior Experience/ turnover”.
Access to value-added services including legal, financial, IP, cloud and mentorship to start-ups across Maharashtra.
- Recognized Startups or Innovators renting will have rebate on Stamp duty & registration fees:- First 3 years:-100%
Next 3 years:- 50%
80% rebate of Patent filing fees-·2 Lakhs for Indian patents and 10 Lakhs for International Patents.
- Private incubators will undertake minimum 10% product or service procurement from start-ups they promote and mentor
Relaxations for asset light start up to take registration under The Shop and Establishment Act at residential address
- Start-up can get reimbursement of SGST.
80 % Rebate of quality testing cost incurred at BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards)-accredited facilities.
- To Expedite the launch of products and services,3 world class accelerators will be established .
For capital access Government has setup several funds like fund of funds, Crowdfunding, CSR Funds, Infrastructure fund, Alternative Investment Fund
- Private Limited company/Partnership Firm/Limited Liability Partnership Incorporated/ Registered in Maharashtra working towards Innovation, development or improvement of product and services,
- with turnover not exceeding 25 crores
- Considered as startup for 7 Years, (10 years for startup in biotechnology and social sector ) from date of Incorporation/ Registration.
How to Register under Maharashtra State Innovative Startup Policy 2018
With Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS)
Go to and Click on register to create an account by Email verification
Once the Email verification is completed, Click on login button on and login with your Email and password
After Login, Click on Business Profile ·Fill information in sections with following attachments:-Companies PAN, Udyog Aadhar, GSTIN, Registration certificate, Pitch deck and DPIIT Recognition Certificate.
After creation of business profile, Your startup is registered with MSInS.