In this editorial author shall discuss, the provisions, process, criticalities of Web-form LLP-11 i.e. LLP-11 is Annual Return of LLP. Due to change of MCA version from V2 portal to V3 Portal Now, LLP-11 form shall be Web Based form. LLP-11 required to file Pursuant to section 35 of The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 read with rule 25(1) of The Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009.
Web Based:
It is not required to first download blank LLP-11 e-form from portal. LLP’s have to prepare the form directly on MCA website as web-based form. The webform LLP Form No. 11 aims to simplify the process of filing annual return by LLP to Registrar of companies (RoC)
Check Point:
√ Please ensure that applicant of the webform is registered as a business user at the MCA portal before filing the webform.
√ Please note that filing of this form shall not be allowed in case there is any LLP Form No. 4 (Notice of appointment, cessation, change in name/ address/designation of a Designated Partner or partner and consent to become a partner/Designated Partner) pending for payment of fee or is under processing in respect of the LLP.
Due Date:
Every LLP is required to file annual return within 60 days of closure of its financial year i.e. 30th May 2022.
About Web based LLP-11:
Almost 80% information of web-based LLP-11 form shall be pre-filled by the system, Like.
√ Name of Partners/ Designated Partners
√ Obligation of Capital Contribution of Partners as per LLP-3
√ Directorship of Partners/ DP’s, etc
Information required to fill in LLP-11:
> Capital Contributed by Partners/ DP’s till 31.03.2022
> Address of Police Station
> Business Classification (Like: Business, Service etc)
> Compounding or Penalties, if any during the FY
> Whether Turnover exceeds 5 crore or not.
Process of Filling of Form
√ Complete filling up the form
√ Submit the form
√ SRN number will be generated and communicated by mail and SMS
√ SRN number and document will be available in My Application
√ The form is also auto-downloaded as a PDF in your system. If the download is not done, the pdf can be downloaded from My Application against SRN number “Download the PDF”
√ Open the PDF in adobe
√ Affix the DSC as per the normal process
Process of Submitting /Uploading of forms after affixing the DSC
After signing of the documents, the user will be required to upload the pdf document (with affixed DSC) on the MCA portal against the SRN
√ Go to My Application
√ Check for relevant SRN
√ Scroll right
√ Use the “Upload PDF” option
√ Directed to a page where one can upload the “DSC affixed PDF document”
Above mentioned is complete process/ provisions of web-based form LLP-11. Every LLP is required to file this form ever financial year.
Author – CS Divesh Goyal, GOYAL DIVESH & ASSOCIATES Company Secretary in Practice from Delhi and can be contacted at