CIRCULAR NO. IRDA/SUR/MISC/CIR/063/04/2013, DATED 1-4-2013
This is further to our circular no. IRDA/SUR/MISC/CIR/010/01/2013, dated 16-1-2013 on Integrated Surveyors Licensing Management System.
The Web-Based Integrated Licensing Management System would now be available to those Individual Licensed Surveyors & Loss Assessors, whose licenses are expiring in the next three months period, commencing from 1st May 2012 (May to July 2013). The said system will allow these licensed surveyors to submit their application for grant of renewal license and enable upload documents, reports, affidavit etc., as required under the IRDA Surveyors Regulations. ONLINE under the following address: http//
It may be noted that the said system would only allow submission of application by those licensed surveyors whose license are in force as on date and are duly categorized.
User name and password would be provided to these surveyors to enable them to login in the above URL and submit their renewal application. The list of surveyors and loss assessors whose licenses are expiring in the next three months period is being displayed in the website ( under the link- Intermediaries – Surveyors.
In order to enable the Authority to provide these licensed surveyors with User Name and Password, they are required to send their mail id to the Authority to the following mall id: Upon Confirmation of the receipt of test mail sent by the authority, the user name and password would be provided to them.
It may be noted that the email id provided by these surveyors would be taken as the email Id for future correspondence and all notification from the online system would be sent only to this mail id
Needless to mention, the user name and password shall be kept confidential and not be shared with others and the password provided should be changed by the surveyor at the first login.
The user manual and video demo of the licensing process would be placed in both the IRDA website and for information of all concerned.
The payment of license fee for grant of renewal license shall be accepted only in the form of DD (Demand Draft) till such time the payment through online i.e. Net banking is made available. The applicants have to enter the DD number and details at the time of submission of application through the online system. The hardcopy of the Demand Draft should be sent to IRDA, Hyderabad for enabling us to deposit in the Bank.
Lince renewal application bhejne ke bad abhi tak koi reply nahi ayi form 5af completed all respect
my license no. SLA 2205 and expiry date is 06.10.2019. pl send me user id and password.
Dear Sir,
I am independent surveyor Atul Kumar Singhal, bearing sla no. 2032 expiry : 16-01-2019 URN-SUR-500018077-18 for which I have online done the renewal process, I am having some queries, kindly solve them.
1. I have made a draft of Rs. 200/- dt 24-12-2018, (SLA expiry date : 16-01-2019) is there any more payment to be made by me & can I make this balance payment online, plz confirm.
2. Address for sending of documents of license renewal, please confirm.
3. When I am viewing my application status & clicking on URN attached print shot problem is showing, please solve this problem.
With Regards !
Atul Kumar Shinghal
(Surveyor & Loss Assessor)
SLA No. : 2032
IIISLA Membership No. A/N/06091
Mob. No. 9837098172
i had mailed 3 times with the request to provide id and password for licence renewal to but no response till day,can anyone guide what to do now
Death sir
kindly give me details for renewal of my license which is due on 10/2/16
1. how much renewal fess and how I can submit fees either on line or d.d.
2.what’s paper to submit in IRDA delhi by courier or scan copy .
3.address for sending to IRDA
kindly send me above details for renewal of license.
My license.No-30839 and it will going to expire on 18.12.2015.I am already sent hard copy and processed through online on 31.10.2015 with reference No. SUR-500006313-15. So, you are requested to known latest position.
I have not received my license no: 29894 after renewal, which was accepted on Jul, 2015 after sending all the documents in hard copy. The licence expires on 03.10.2015. Kindly let me know the status.
I have not received my license after renewal, which was accepted on Jul, 2015 after sending all the documents in hard copy. The licence expires on 03.10.2015. Kindly let me know the status.
My licence will expire on 06.08.2015.I am already sent hard copy and processed through online . So, you are requested to known latest position
pl give me user ID,& Password for renewal of surveyor & loss assesser licence ,29772 exp 23/9/2015
Renewal of surveyor & Loss assesser licence,Pl give me user ID,& Password,Licence no 29772 Exp-23/9/2015
My Surveyor License [SLA 28240] is due to expire on 17.05.2015; in this context I have got the User ID/Password to access the online renewal page but couldn’t access it; please guide me through so that I can access to process the renewal.
Thanks in regard.
Sujit Kumar Manjhi
Lic. No.: SLA 28240
S L A/3616, My license is Expiring on 25.02.2015. I humbly request you to send the userID and password for registration of renewal of the licence. My E-mail ID
Hai sir my irda license is expaire how I can renival that I’d
My licence has expired in 15/06/2014 please help me out how can i renew my liance.
Dear sir,
My licence no. S/LA – 54308 will expire on 21.02.2016, please let me know the process of online registration (registration in BAP) for renewal of my licence & other required steps to be taken.
Deepak Lal
Survey License No. S L A 10134/2010-2015, My license is Expiring on 12 March 2015. I huumbly request you to send the userID and passward for registration of renewal of the licence.
Survey License No. S L A no 10134/2010-2015 , My license was Expiring on 12 March 2015. I huumbly request you to send the relevant details and steps for renewing my license
Survey License No SLA 49394 . My License was expiry on 07-12-2014. I humbly request you to send the relevant details and steps for renewing my License
I have not received mu Surveyor License No SLA 49394 expiry on 07/12/2014.Kindly despatch the same urgently
Dear sir,
please send me user id & password to renew insurance surveyor licence No 74184 which was expired on 03 Nov 2014.
kishor Penekar
Please send me the password and userID to renew my licence which is getting expiry on 16/10/2014
MY IRDA license # 1749817 is getting expired on 02nd nov ‘2014.
What is the process for renewing my licnese.
SLA 71335
Please forward user name and password
My. Surveyor License no. SLA 71335 validity 28th Oct.2014 and forward all document by courier to IRDA New Delhi
Kindly forward us user name and pass word
Thanking you sir
Dear sir,
Please send user name& pass word for License No SLA 68362
sir i have been trying to get the username and pass word to renew my lisence which expire on 23.10.2014 No 25755, I have enclosed the scan copy of my license and PAn card and voter ID pass port etc.
Renewal of surveyor license:on line submission for renewal application please send my user id and password ,here i attached my existing license and pan card’s scan copy .I am waiting for your test mail,thanks. TO,MAIL ON MID;
FROM:-MAN MOHAN Shrivastava
Renewal of license but after three reminders I have not received ID and password till date.
Please issue me the pass word and user-id
Pinaki Sen
Lisencing Deparyment,
My lisence no SLA/48080 expired on 17.08.2014 and mistakenly sent the details and hard copy to Hydrabad office in the address irda@irda,
Please issue me the password for sending the same.
Please send password. My user id is 20972 password blocked.
My License No is 74194 date of expary 29/11/2014
please Provide user and Pas word For Renewal of licence SLA 9780 dt.of Expry on 06.01.2015
Thanks and with Regards!
It is requested you, please Provide user and Pas word For Renewal of licence SLA 10487 dt.of Expry on 10-06-2015 Thanks and with Regards! Mrinal Dutta, SLA/10487
Plz provide my USER NAME ID and PASSWORD for licence No. 69596 renewal
Please give me password and user name for renewal of my licence.
Survey licence No.47434 Dt. of expiry 21.06.2014.
Respected Sir ,
Please Provide user and Pas word For Renewal of licence SLA 69503 dt. of Expry on 24-06-2014 Thanks and with Regards.
Raj kumar Sharma
Raj kumar Sharma
May 17,2014
Dear sir,
Please Provide user Name and PassWord For Renewal of Licence SLA69503date of Expire 24-06-2014.
Thanks & with Regards
Raj Kumar Sharma
Dear sirs,
please provide ID & Passward for renewal of licence no .SLA69529
Valid up to 27/6/2014
with regards
mobile no 9820418566
Email Id
On 07.04.2014 i was sent an application of renewal of surveyor licence no. SLA47275 (Exp. date: 07.06.2014) by Reg post no. EF176728220IN. I want to know the present position of renewal our licence.
Anil Kumar
Mobile no.:09431264401
Survey License No. S L A 24706, My license was Expiring on 02-08-2014. I huumbly request you to send the relevant details and steps for renewing my license.
My licence no 68675 expiring on 19/04/2014
Please provide Pass Word
Dear Sir
Please provide user name & passward for renewal of licence SLA68255 date of Exp 1.03.2014
Thanks & with regards
Rakesh Goyal
Dear Sir
please also sent user name & passard for renewal,license no SLA 68255 Exp 18.03.2014
Rakesh Goyal
dear sir,
i have not recd my surveyor licence No. SLA-68255 expiry on 18/03/2014. kindly dispatch the same urgenlty
Rakesh Goyal
renewal of Surveyor and loss assessor licance
please give me password and user name
dear sir,
i have not recd my surveyor licence No. SLA-41033 expiry on 18/05/2013. kindly dispatch the same urgenlty
dheeraj sood
survey licence no SLA 41128 exp 22.05.2013