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“Explore 255 FAQs on the Statutory Powers of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in India. Learn about its role, powers, organizational structure, and historical milestones.”

(A) Overview on Statutory Powers of Central Bureau Investigations (CBI) in India

1. Role of CBI for bribery + corruption by unscrupulous + anti-social persons

(i) Government of India (govt.) realized at early stage of World War-II that sharp increases in expenditures for war efforts by unscrupulous + anti-social persons + officials + non-officials involved in bribery + corruption at cost of public + govt. (all).

(ii) felt that Police + other Enforcement Agencies under State Governments not in position to cope with situation.

(iii) issued executive order in 1941 for setting up Special Police Establishment (SPE) under DIG in department of War + also permitted to investigate cases of bribery + corruption (both) against transactions with war and supply department of govt.

(iv) SPE at end of 1942 extended activities to also include cases of corruption in Railway presumably because Railway vitally connected with movement + supply of war materials (both).

(v) issued ordinance in 1943 which lapsed on September 30th, 1946 for establishing Special Police Force + also permitting powers for investigations of certain offences like bribery + corruption (both) in deptt. of Central govt. committed by any person during British Empire in whole of India.

(vi) replaced abovementioned ordinance through Delhi Special Police Establishment Ordinance 1946 which further converted into Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act, 1946

2. Role of govt. for establishment of CBI in India

(i) CBI functioning under deptt. of Personnel, Ministry of Personnel, Pension & Public Grievances, Government of India.

(ii) CBI already premier investigating police agency functioning in India.

(iii) CBI playing major role in preservation of values in public life + also ensuring health of national economy.

(iv) CBI functioning nodal police agency in India to coordinate investigations on behalf of Interpol member countries.

3. Powers of CBI for investigations in bribery + corruption (both) in India

(i) CBI permitted to investigate under section 2 of DSPE Act, 1946 having jurisdiction to investigate offences in Union Territories (only).

(ii) (a) permitted to extend jurisdiction in other areas under section 5(1) of DSPE Act, 1946 like Railway.

+ (plus)

(b) State govt. permitted to provide consent to extend jurisdiction in other areas under section 6 of DSPE Act, 1946.

(iii) Executive officers of CBI required minimum rank of sub inspector + also above to exercise 100 % powers of station officer in charge of police station for investigation.

(iv) Special police Establishment under section 3 of DPSE Act, 1946 permitted to investigate cases notified by Central govt. from time to time.

4. Organization structure of CBI in India     

(i) Superintendence of SPE transferred from Home department permitted to enlarge functions to cover 100% departments of govt.

(ii) Jurisdiction of SPE extended to 100% union territories + also to state govt.’s but with their consent (both).

(iii) Headquarters of SPE shifted to Delhi + also organization put under charge of director, Intelligence Bureau (both).

(iv) Post of Inspector General of Police SPE created in 1948 + also organization put under his charge (both).

(v) Enforcement wing added to SPE in 1953 to deal with offences already covered under Import and Export Control Act + entrusted more cases under other laws to SPE beside already having powers under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 + also violations of import and Export Control Act (all)

(vi) entrusted (additionally) to SPE in 1963 to investigate 91 offences under Indian Penal Code + also permitted to investigate 16 offences under Central Act beside already permitted offences under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947.

(vii) set up CBI through passing resolution on April 01st, 1963 with 6 division

(a) Investigations + Anti Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment)

(b) Technical Division

(c) Crimes Records + Statistics Division

(d) Research Division

(e) Legal + General Division

(f) Administration Division

(viii) felt for Central Police Agency at disposal of Central govt. to investigate violation of Central fiscal laws + major frauds about govt. departments + public joint stock companies + passport frauds + crimes on high seas + crimes on Airlines + serious crimes committed by organized gangs + by professional criminals beside already having additionally powers under bribery + Corruption Act (all).

5. Investigations Anti-Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment)    

(i) Investigations & Anti-Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment) entrusted through resolution to determine jurisdiction + powers from DSPE Act, 1946 like:

(a) Where public servant under control of Central govt. involved himself for State govt. servant or other person involved (if any).

(b) Where interests of Central govt. + public sector project + public sector undertaking + statutory corporation + statutory body set up + also financed by govt. (any) involved.

(c) Where breaches of Central Laws + also enforcement of govt. involved like

      • Breaches of Import and Export Control Orders
      • Serious breaches of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), 1973
      • Passport frauds
      • Cases under Official Secrets Act for affairs of Central govt.
      • Cases of specified categories under Defence of India Act + Rules + also Central govt. involved (all).

(d) Where serious cases of cheating + fraud (any) against from Railway + Posts & Telegraphs Department with involvement of professional criminals operating in several states like

      • Crimes on High Seas
      • Crimes on Airlines

(e) Where Important + serious cases (both) in Union Territories with involvement of professional criminals.

(f) Where serious cases of fraud + cheating + embezzlement (any) against from Public Joint Stock Companies.

(g) Where other serious offences + committed by organized gangs + by professional criminals + also having ramifications in several States + Union Territories (any) like serious cases of spurious drugs + important cases of kidnapping of children by professional inter State gangs + etc. (all)

      • These cases be taken at request of State govt. or Union Territories Administration (any).

(h) Where collection of intelligence about corruption in public services + also in projects + undertakings in public sector (any).

(i) Where prosecution of cases investigated by division.

(j) Where presentation of cases before enquiry offices when departmental proceedings already instituted on recommendation of division.

Central Bureau Investigations (CBI)

6. Establishment of Food offences wing under CBI in India

(i) Food Offences Wing established by govt. in September 1964 to strengthen CBI through collecting intelligence about hoarding + black marketing + smuggling + profiteering in food grains + to take cases having inter-state ramifications (all).

    • Food Offences Wing merged in Economic Offences Wing in 1968.

7. Establishment of Anti-corruption + Special Crimes (both) divisions    

(i) CBI taking investigations for conventional crimes like assassinations + kidnappings + hijackings crimes committed by extremists + violation of Official Secrets Act + large scale banks frauds + Insurance frauds + etc. + specific cases like Bhagalpur Blindings + Bhopal Gas Tragedy + etc. (all).

(ii) Constitutional courts started referring cases to CBI for enquiries + investigations on basis of petitions filed by aggrieved persons against murders + dowry deaths + rape + etc. (all)

(iii) already decided in 1987 to have 2 investigations divisions like 1st Anti Corruption Division for non conventional crimes (economic offences) + 2nd Special Crimes Division for conventional crimes.

8. Establishment of Special Investigations Team (SIT) by CBI

(i) Special Investigation Team (SIT) constituted in 1991 to investigate cases against assassination of Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi

(ii) Special Investigation Cell-IV (SIC-IV) created in 1992 to investigate cases against demolition of Babri Majid in Ayodhya + also Special Task Force (STF) created in 1993 to take up investigations against bomb blast in Bombay.

(iii) Bank Frauds + Securities Cell created in 1992 to investigate cases against Bank Frauds + Securities scam (both).

(iv) Special Cells created to take up investigations for important + also sensational cases of conventional nature (both).

9. Establishment of Economic offence wing by CBI

  • CBI previously had 2 investigations Wings like 1st called General Offences Wing to deal with cases of bribery + corruption involving employees of Central Government + PSUs (both) + 2nd called Economic Offences Wing to deal with cases of violation of fiscal laws (all).
  • Economic Offences Wing established in 1994 under reorganization plan of CBI. 3 investigations divisions created in CBI like

(i) Anti Corruption Division

Anti Corruption Division created to deal with cases of corruption + fraud (both) committed by public servants working in 100% Central Government Departments + Central Public Sector Undertakings + Central Financial Institutions (all).

(ii) Economic Crimes Division

Economic Crimes Division created to deal with bank frauds + financial frauds + Import + Export + Foreign Exchange Violations + large-scale smuggling of narcotics + antiques + cultural property + also smuggling of other contraband items + etc. (all)

(iii) Special Crimes Division

Special Crimes Division created to deal with cases of terrorism + bomb blasts + sensational homicides + kidnapping for ransom + crimes committed by mafia + underworld (all).

10. Transfer of work from CBI to other organizations

  • CBI transferring partial work to other organizations like work for maintaining crimes records + statistics divisions (both) transferred to NCRB + also research division transferred to BPR&D (all).

11. Establishment of Directorate of Prosecution under reconstitution by CBI

  • Existing legal division reconstituted in 7 new division under Directorate of prosecution in July, 2001 under direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Vineet Narayan and others versus Union of India

(i) Anti Corruption Division

(ii) Economic Offences Division

(iii) Special Crimes Division

(iv) Directorate of Prosecution Division

(v) Administration Division

(vi) Policy and Coordination Division

(vii) Central Forensic Science Laboratory Division

12. Appointment of Mr. D.P. Kohli – Founder Director of CBI

(i) CBI appointed Mr. D.P. Kohli from April 01st, 1963 to May 31st, 1968.

(ii) Mr. D.P. Kohli appointed Inspector-General of Special Police from 1955 to 1963 before already held responsible positions in police in Madhya Pradesh + Uttar Pradesh + Govt. of India (all).

(iii) Mr. D.P. Kohli appointed Police Chief in Madhya Pradesh before joining SPE.

(iv) Mr. D.P. Kohli already awarded Padma Bhushan in 1967 for his distinguished services for India.

(v) Mr. D.P. Kohli known visionasry to observe that Special Police Establishment (SPE) has potential for growing into national investigative agency.

(vi) Mr. D.P. Kohli nurtured organization during long tenure as Inspector General + Director + also laid solid foundation to grow organization over coming decades (all).

(vii) Mr. D.P. Kohli told delegates of 4th Biennial Joint Conference of CBI + State Anti-Corruption Officers that public expects highest standards from you for efficiency + integrity + faith be sustained + motto of CBI be Impartiality + Integrity + always guided with your work + loyalty towards best duties in 100% circumstances (all).

13. Emergence of today’s CBI as premier Investigative Agency in India

(i) CBI already entrusted with investigations of Economic offences + important conventional crimes like murders + kidnapping + terrorist crimes + etc. (all) on selective basis from 1965.

(ii) CBI initially had 2 Wings like General Offences Wing (GOW) + Economic Offences Wing (EOW) (only).

(iii) GOW had minimum 1 branch in each State + also EOW had 4 branch in each metropolitan city like Delhi + Chennai + Mumbai + Kolkata (all).

(iv) EOW branch dealing with offences already reported from 100% branches in 100% states.

14. Expansion of role of CBI in India

(i) CBI already established with reputation for impartiality + competence + demands to take up investigations of more cases of conventional crimes like murder + kidnapping + terrorist crimes + etc. (all)

(ii) Supreme court of India + High Courts of country (both) started entrusting cases for investigations to CBI against petitions filed with them by aggrieved parties.

(iii) CBI not only premier anti corruption investigative agency but also has experience of handling high profile conventional crimes + economic offences + banking frauds + crimes with international linkages (all).

(iv) CBI already designated NCB of India for ICPO-INTERPOL purpose.

15. Motto + Mission + Vision of CBI (all)

(i) Moto

    • Impartiality + Integrity (both)

(ii) Mission

    • To uphold constitution of India + law of land through in-depth investigations + successful prosecution of offences + to provide leadership + direction to Police Forces + to act as Nodal Agency for enhancing interstate + international cooperation in law enforcement (all).

(iii) Vision

    • Based on motto + mission + need (all) to develop professionalism + transparency + adaptability to change + to use science and technology in working like:

(a) Through combating corruption in public life + to curb economic and violent crimes + meticulous investigations + prosecution (all).

(b) Through evolving effective systems + procedures for successful investigations + prosecutions of cases in various law courts (all).

(c) Through helping to fight cyber + high technology (both) crimes.

(d) Through creating healthy work environment to encourage team-building + free communication + mutual trust (all)

(e) Through supporting state police organizations + law enforcement agencies in national and international cooperations specifically for enquiries + investigations of cases (all).

(f) Through playing leading role in war against national + transnational (both) organized crimes.

(g) Through upholding Human Rights + to protect environment + arts + antiques + heritage of our civilization (all).

(h) Through developing scientific temper + humanism + spirit of inquiry + reform (all).

(i) Through striving for excellence + professionalism in 100% areas of functioning of organization + also rise to high level of endeavor + achievement (all).

16. Conclusion on Statutory Powers of CBI in India

(i) CBI emerged premier investigating agency of country enjoying trust of people + Parliament + Judiciary + Government + etc. (all)

(ii) CBI upgraded from anti corruption agency to multi faceted + multi disciplinary central police law enforcement agency with capability + credibility + legal mandate (all) to investigate + prosecute (both) offences anywhere in India.

 (iii) Director CBI normally Inspector General of Police, Delhi Special Police Establishment responsible for administration of organization.

(iv) Superintendence of Delhi Special Police established under CVC Act, 2003 to save investigations of offences under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 where superintendence vests with Central Vigilance Commission (CVC).

(v) Director CBI permitted for 2 year tenure in CBI under CVC Act, 2003.

(vi) CVC Act, 2003 providing mechanism for selection of Director CBI + also other officers rank of Superintendent of Police (SP) + above in CBI.

 (B) Name + Address + Phone No of CBI offices across the India

 17. Delhi Head office

Plot No 5-B, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124302700 Fax: +911124362755

 18. Delhi ACB office

Plot No 5-B, 1st Floor, A & B-Wing, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124367887 +911124361536 Fax: +911124363460

 19. Delhi AC-I (ACU-I to ACU-III) office

Plot No 5-B,8th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124362299, ACU-I: +911124360361, ACI-II +911124363049,

ACU-III: +91124360720

 20. Delhi AC-II (ACU-IV to ACU-VI) office

Plot No 5-B,8th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124362736, ACU-IV: +911124366465, ACU-V: +911124319394
ACU-VI: +911124365216

 21. Delhi AC-III (ACU-VII to ACU-IX) office

Plot No 5-B,9th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361515, ACU-VII: +911124363891 ACU-VIII: +911124363939
ACU-IX: +911124363776

 22. Delhi AC-V (having ACU-XIII, ACU-XIV & ACU-XV Units) office

Plot No 5-B, 1st Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124364556

 23. Delhi AC-VI SIT office

Plot No 5-B, 5th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124362494

 24. Delhi Admin Division & Training Academy office

Plot No 5-B, 7th Floor, A & B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360213

 25. Delhi Admin. Division office

Plot No 5-B, 7th Floor, A & B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360272

 26. Delhi Anti Corruption Head Quarter-I (Ac-Hq-I) Zone office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124363586

 27. Delhi Anti Corruption Head Quarter-II (Ac-Hq-II) Zone office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003

 28. Delhi Ballistics Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124362373

 29. Delhi Bank Security & Fraud (BS&F) Zone office

Plot No 5-B,10th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361828 Fax: +911124364836

 30. Delhi Biology Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360095

 31. Delhi BS&F office

Plot No 5-B,5th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124368782

 32. Delhi Central Forensic Science Laboratory(CFSL) CBI office

4th Floor, Block-4, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003.

Tel: +911124361396

 33. Delhi Chemistry Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361846

 34. Delhi Computer Forensic Division office

6th Floor, Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361871

 35. Delhi Directorate of Prosecution office

Plot No 5-B, 9th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361570

 36. Delhi DNA Profiling Laboratory office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360095

 37. Delhi Document Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Tel: +911124360195

 38. Delhi Economic Offences Zone (EOZ) office

Plot No 5-B,10th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361271

 39. Delhi EO-I (EOU-I to EOU-III) office

Plot No 5-B,3rd Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124362643 and +911124364638

 40. Delhi EO-II (EOU-IV to EOU-VI) office

Plot No 5-B,4rd Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124362467, EOU-IV: +911124362110, EOU-V: +911124362132,

EOU-VI: +911124365050

 41. Delhi EO-III (EOU-VII to EOU-IX) office

Plot No 5-B,4th, Floor, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124368300 and 24362955 and 24368083 and 24362203

 42. Delhi Finger Print Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361347

 43. Delhi Forensic Psychology Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361907

 44. Delhi Information Section office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003 Tel: +911124361156

 45. Delhi Innovation & Research Zone office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360197 Fax: +911124367166

 46. Delhi Interpol & Co-ordination Wing – National Central Bureau (NCB) – Interpol, New Delhi – International Police Cooperation Cell (IPCC) office

Plot No 5-B, 6th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124364000

 47. Delhi Photo & Scientific Aid Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361871

 48. Delhi Physics Division office

Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360696

 49. Delhi Policy Division office

CBI, Policy Division, Room No. 27, North Block, New Delhi-110 001

Tel: +911123092985

 50. Delhi Policy Division Zone office

CBI, Policy Division, Room No. 27, North Block,New Delhi-110 001 Tel: +911123092502

 51. Delhi SC-I (SCU-I to SCU-III) office

Plot No 5-B,2nd Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124368640 and 24368637 and 24368636 and 24368634

 52. Delhi SC-II (SCU-IV to SCU-VI) office

Plot No 5-B,2nd Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124360150 and 24362002 and 24360006 and 24363303

 53. Delhi SC-III (SCU-VII to SCU-IX) office

Plot No 5-B, 3rd Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124368649 and 24368644 and 24361120

 54. Delhi SD & R, Delhi office

Plot No 5-B, 7th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124368656

 55. Delhi Serology Division office

5th Floor, Block 4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Tel: +911124361871

 56. Delhi Special Crime (SC) Zone office

Plot No 5-B,10th Floor, A-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124369174 and 24368650

 57. Delhi STB office

Plot No 5-B, 5th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

011-24368657 and 24368659, Fax: +911124368662

 58. Delhi STF ZONE office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124369821

 59. Delhi SU office

6/10, Jam Nagar House, Akbar Road, New Delhi 110011 Tel: +911123386135

 60. Delhi System Division office

Plot No 5-B, 6th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124365140 and 24364986

 61. Delhi TFC Zone office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003 Tel: +911124361599

 62. Delhi Vigilance Cell office

Plot No 5-B, 9th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex New Delhi-110003 Tel: +911124368148

 63. Delhi Zone office

Plot No 5-B, 10th Floor, B-Wing, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124368123, Fax: +911124363513

 64. Mumbai ACB office

8th , 9th and 10th Floor, Plot No. C-35A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Near MTNL Exchange, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400098.

Tel: +912226529938 and +912226529934 and +9122-26529042 and +912226529931
Fax: 022-26529951

 65. Mumbai BS&F office

3rd & 4th Floor, Plot No. C-35A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Near MTNL Exchange, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400098.

Tel: +912226528070 and 26528075/76 Fax: +912226528071

 66. Mumbai Economic Offences Zone (EOZ) – II office

Economic Offences Zone-II, 13th Floor, Plot No. C-35A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Near MTNL Exchange, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400098.

Tel: +912226529344, Fax : +912226529504

 67. Mumbai EOB office

11th & 12th Floor, Plot No. C-35A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Near MTNL Exchange, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400098.

Tel: +912226529941, Fax: +912226529941

 68. Mumbai SCB office

Special Crime Branch, A-2 Wing, 8th Floor, CGO Complex, CBD Belapur, Mumbai-400614.

Tel: +912227576804 and 27576820

 69. Mumbai STB office

5th Floor, Plot No. C-35A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Near MTNL Exchange, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400098.

Tel: +912222831528

 70. Mumbai SU office

Aayakar Bhavan Annexe Building, Ground Floor, M. K. Road, Churchgate, Mumbai-400020

Tel: +912222076017

 71. Mumbai Zone office

Joint Director, Zone-I, CBI, 13th Floor, Plot No. C-35A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Near MTNL Exchange, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400098.

Tel: +912226529943, Fax: +912226529953

 72. Kolkata ACB office

14th Floor, 2nd MSO Bldg, Nizam Palace, 234/4, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700020

Tel: +913322894408 / 09 / 10 / 11

 73. Kolkata BS&F office

F Wing, Ist floor, CGO Complex, DF-Block, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064.

Tel: +913323211051 and 23211052, Fax: +913323580977

 74. Kolkata EOB office

CGO Complex, DF Block, F Wing, Gr.Floor, Salt Lake City,Sector – 1, Kolkata – 700064

Tel: +913323342153, Fax: +913323341688

 75. Kolkata SCB office

MSO Building, 2nd floor, A Wing, DF Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064.

Tel: +913323596118/19

 76. Kolkata SU office

1st MSO Building, 8th Floor, Nizam Place, 234/4, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700020.

Tel: +9133-22902492 EPBAX: +913322902491

 77. Kolkata Zone office

234/4, A.J.C. Bose Road, 15th Floor, Nizam Palace, 2nd MSO Building, Kolkata-700020.

Tel: +913322894400, Fax: +913322894401, PBX: +913322894408

 78. Chennai ACB office

III Floor,Shastri Bhavan No. 26, Haddows Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600006.

Tel: +914428273186 and +914428270992

 79. Chennai EOB office

A Wing, IIIrd floor, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600 090

Tel: +914424461959 and 24468889 and 24463888

 80. Chennai SCB office

A Wing, IIIrd floor, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar, Chennai – 600090.

Tel: +914424917144 and +9144-24468416

 81. Chennai Scientific Aid Unit office

III Floor, EVK Sampath Building, College road, Chennai-600006

Tel: +914428231023

 82. Chennai SU office

A- Wing, Block A-4, 3rd Floor, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600090

Tel: +9144-24911218 and 24916257, Fax: +914424912419

 83. Chennai Zone office

Joint Director and Head of Zone, III Floor, E.V.K., Sampath Building, College Road,

Chennai 600006

Tel: +914428232756, General: +914428272358, Fax: +914428232755

 84. Bhopal ACB Office

Anveshan Parisar, Char Imli, Bhopal-462016

Tel: +917552430313 and 303

 85. Bhopal AC-IV (having ACU-X, ACU-XI & ACU-XII Units at Bhopal) office

B-10,Professor Colony, Civil Line, Bhopal-462002

Tel: +917552526725

 86. Bhopal Zone Office

Anveshan Parisar, Char Imli, Bhopal-462016

Tel: +917552430313 and 303

 87. Ghaziabad ACB office

Room No. 133 to 139, Ist Floor, CGO Complex -I, Hapur Chungi, Hapur Road, Kamala Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP – 201002

Tel: +91120-2752825 and +9120-2704001 and +911202781955

SMS : +917428286955 and +917428288955

 88. Ghaziabad Training Academy office

CBI Academy,Kamla Nehru Nagar, Hapur Road, Opp Shastri Nagar,Ghaziabad, UP 201002

Tel: +91120-2782985 and 88

 89. Hyderabad ACB office

Office of Supdt. of Police, 3rd Floor, Block-A, Kendriya Sadan, Sultan Bazar, Koti,


Tel: +914024732762 and +914024732764

 90. Hyderabad Zone office

Head of Zone, 3rd Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Sultan Bazar, Koti, Hyderabad-500095

Tel: +91402465398

 91. Bangalore ACB office

Office of Supdt. of Police, No. 36, Bellary Road, Ganganagar, Bangalore-560032

Tel: +918023332726

 92. Bangalore BS&F office

36, Bellary Road, 2nd floor, CBI Complex, Bangalore-560 032

Tel: +918023534466

 93. Pune ACB office

GPOA, Kendriya Sadan, A-Wing 3rd Floor, Akurdi, Pune – 411044

Tel: +912027642501 and 27642502

 94. Jaipur ACB office

1, Tilak Marg, C Scheme, Jaipur-302005

Tel: +911412229600

 95. Nagpur ACB office

Bunglow No 23, Grees Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001

Tel: +917122510382 and +917122510124

 96. Lucknow ACB office

7 – Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj, Lucknow- 226010.

Tel: +915222233474 and +915222622985

 97. Lucknow SCB office

Special Crime Branch 5th & 6th Floor, 7, Nawal Kishor Road, Hazratganj, Lucknow (U.P.)

Tel: +915222233461, PBX: +9105222233462, FAX: +915222233463

 98. Lucknow Zone office

7 – Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj, Lucknow- 226010.

Tel: +915222233468

 99. Chandigarh ACB office

Plot No.8, Sector-30A, Chandigarh-160030

Tel: +911725256845 and +911725256808

 100. Chandigarh SCB office

Sector-30A, Chandigarh-160030 Tel: +911722657285

 101. Chandigarh Zone office

Sector-30A, Chandigarh-160030

Tel: +911722657469

 102. Patna ACB office

Dr.S.K. Singh Path, Off. Bailey Road, Patna 800022 (Bihar)

Tel: +916122235588 and +916122235599

 103. Patna SCB office

Dr.S.K. Singh Path, Bailey Road, Patna-800022

Tel: +916122239711

 104. Patna Zone office

Ist floor, 2, Booty Road, Ranchi-834008

Tel: +916122235577

 105. North East Zone office

Office of the Head of Zone (NE) Central Bureau of Investigation
1st Floor, Opp. Balaji Temple, N.H.-37, P.O. Gorchuk, Guwahati-781035

Tel: +911124360197, Control Room: +913612270079 and +913612270089
Fax: +913612270090

 106. Ranchi ACB office

2, Booty Road, Ranchi-834008

Tel: +916512360093 and +916512360299

 107. Ranchi EO-VI office

Q. No. D-3 & D-4, Dindayal Nagar, Booty Road, Ranchi-834008(Jharkhand)

Tel: +916512360061

 108. Ranchi EOW office

CBI, Kali Babu Street, Ranchi (Jharkhand) Pin – 834001

Tel: +916512213888 and +916512213030

 109. Cochin ACB office

Kathrikadavu, P.O.Kaloor, Cochin, Kerala-682017

Tel: +914842348501, Fax: +914842348601

 110. Dehradun ACB office

CBI Residential Complex, Seemadwar, Indira Nagar, Dehradun-248006

Tel: +911352761799, Fax +911352761798

 111. Goa ACB office

O/o The Supdt. of Police, CBI, Anti-Corruption Branch, Bungalow No. F-1, Type -VI,
GMC Quarters, National Highway NH-17, Bambolim, Goa – 403202

Tel: +918322459971 and 2459972, Fax: 2459974

 112. Guwahati ACB office

CBI, Office of the Head of Branch, Anti-Corruption Branch,
Betkuchi, Opp. Balaji Temple, NH-37, P.O. Gorchuk, Guwahati -781035.

Tel: +913612270079, Fax: +913612270091

 113. Bhubaneshwar ACB office

Unit-8, P.O. Nayapally, Bhubneshwar 751012

Tel: +916742561567, Fax: +916742561375

 114. Chhattisgarh ACB Office

Village- Dharampura, VIP Road, Near PTS Chowk, Raipur,Chhattisgarh-490009.

Tel: +917712970801 and +917712970800

 115. Gandhinagar ACB office

Sector-10-A, Opp. St. Xavier’s High School, Near Ch-3 Circle, Gandhingar, Gujarat – 382010

Tel: +917923233211 and 23234301

 116. Jabalpur ACB Office

Plot No. G-29 to G-50, Near State Bank Zonal Office, Vijay Nagar, Jalabpur 482002 (MP)

Tel: +917612679222 and +917612679111

 117. Jammu ACB office

Anveshan Bhawan, Rail Head Complex, Panama Chowk, Jammu-180012.

Tel: +911912477755 and +911912477766 and +911912477788

 118. Srinagar ACB office

Guest House No. 6, Near MLA Hostel, MA Road, Srinagar-190001

 119. Shimla SCB office

Railway Board Building, The Mall, Shimla-171003 (Himachal Pradesh) Tel: +911772654110

 120. Jodhpur ACB Office

Near Gokulji Ki Pyau, Lal Sagar, Magra Punjala, Jodhpur-342304 (Rajasthan)

Tel: +912912574142 , +912912574143, +912912574144 Fax :+912912574145

 121. Thiruvananthapuram SCB office

Central Bureau of Investigation, Special Crime Branch, TC 1757/5, “CBI OCR Complex”,Muttathara, Vallakadavu Post Thiruvananthapuram – Kerala State 695008

Tel: +914712508843

 122. Dhanbad ACB office

VII/2, Karmik Bhawan, PO-I.S.M. Campus, Dhanbad-826004 (Jharkhand)

Tel: +913262204455, Fax: +913262203106

 123. Port Blair ACB office

‘C’ – Block, 2nd Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Lambaline, Port Blair – 744103, A & N Islands

Tel: +913192230362 and 230339

 124. Shillong ACB office

Office of the Head of Branch, CBI, ACB, Shillong, Oakland, Shillong – 793001(Meghalaya).

Tel: +913642223142, Fax: +913642228221

 125. Rourkela Unit office

Rourkela Unit, Qtr No. C/14, Sector – 4, Rourkela-769002, Sundargarh, Odisha

Tel: +916612640375

 126. Agartala office

Central Bureau of Investigation, Agartala unit, H. No.-59, P.O. Kunjaban, Kinjaban, Agartala-79906 (Tripura).

Tel: +913812225474

 127. Aizwal office

Lungmukal Govt. Complex, Aizwal, Mizoram-796001

Tel: +913892346074

 128. Imphal ACB office

Office of the Head of Branch, CBI, ACB Imphal Branch,
Near D.C. Office, West District Imphal, Post Office – Lamphelpat, Imphal – 795004

Tel: +913852414673, Fax: +913852414145

 129. Itanagar Unit office

Itanagar Unit, Ganga Police Complex, Itanagar (AP)

Tel: +913602212249

 130. Siliguri Unit office

Siliguri Unit 26, Balaidas Chatterjee Road, Hamim Para, Siliguri, Distt. Darjeeling – 734401.

Tel: +913532432685 and +919832480128

 131. Visakhapatnam ACB office

Office of Supdt. Of Police, D. No.1-83-21/4, M.V.P.Colony, Sector-8, Visakhapatnam-530017

Tel: +918912783333

 132. Madurai ACB office

73, Athikulam Main Road, Reseveline Post, Madurai -625014

Tel: +914522562258, Fax: +914522562259

 (C) 11 latest important judgment by Special court of CBI through press release

133. Press Release on April 27, 2023 for arresting absconded in Rhino Poaching

 (i) CBI arrested absconding accused in Rhino Poaching Case after persistent + incessant efforts to trace of accused at Lhomithi Village, Dimapur (Nagaland).

(ii) CBI already registered case on request of Assam Government + subsequent notification from Government of India + also taken over investigations through FIR No. 5/2012 dated July 03, 2012 which earlier registered at Police Station Rongmongwe, District Karbi Anglong (Assam).

(iii) Complainant alleged on July 01, 2012 that Rhino was killed by unidentified poachers + also horn poached (both).

(iv) Carcass of Rhino was lying in hola located between 2 number of suburi of Long Koi Tisso Gaon.

(v) CBI found during Investigations that after killing Rhino other accused sold Rhino horn to arrested accused at Dimapur (Nagaland).

(vi) Complicity of accused had emerged when poached Rhino horn was sold for hefty amount.

(vi) CBI filed chargesheet on March 31, 2018 after investigations already overed against 5 accused.

(vii) CBI kept open investigations about sale of Rhino horn + also to arrest accused whose name had emerged during investigations for purchasing poached Rhino horn.

(viii) Arrested accused to be produced before Competent Court at Dimapur.

134. Press Release on April 26, 2023 for 5 year imprisonment + penalty 5 cr.

(i) Special court of CBI Cases, Bangalore (Karnataka) already sentenced Shri M.H.Thangal, Deputy Superintending Horticulturist,  Archaeological Survey of India, Mysore to undergo 5 year Rigorous Imprisonment + penalty INR 3.5 crore + also Smt. Machamthui Charenamei (wife of Sh.M.H.Thangal) to undergo 3 year simple Imprisonment + penalty INR 1 Lac for possessing Disproportionate Assets (all).

(ii) CBI registered case on August 13, 2019 against accused on allegations that he enriched himself illicitly during period from January 01, 2012 to August 14, 2019 + found in possession of assets estimated INR 3,11,94,005 as disproportionate to his known sources of income by 103%.

(iii) CBI chargesheetd against alleged public servant + his wife (both) + also found during trial that both accused guilty + convicted (all).

135. Press Release on April 26, 2023 for arrest 2 officer from FCI in bribery

(i) CBI already arrested Technical Assistant (Grade-I) + Technical Assistant (Grade-III) (both) working in Food Corporation of India (FCI) at Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) in bribery INR 40 thousand.

(ii) CBI already registered complaint against (both) accused.

(iii) Complainant (warehouses owner) alleged that accused already demanded bribe INR 1 lac per month from him for keeping stock of grains for longer period in his warehouses.

(iv) Complainant alleged that accused agreed to reduce demand on request from him + also directed him to arrange bribe INR 40 thousand

(v) CBI laid trap + apprehended both accused while accepting bribe INR 40 thousand from complainant + searches conducted at residential + also office premises of both accused (all).

(vi) Further investigations to be continued

136. Press Release on April 25, 2023 for case against Deputy Chief Minister Delhi

(i) CBI filed supplementary charge sheet against Mr. Manish Sisodia former Dy. Chief Minister of GNCTD Delhi + also 3 director of private company based at New Delhi before designated court in Delhi  against on-going investigations of case to allege irregularities in framing + implementation of excise policy of GNCTD (all).

(ii) CBI registered case on August 17, 2022 against former Deputy Chief Minister + also In-charge of Excise GNCTD of Delhi + also 14 others for investigations into alleged irregularities in framing + implementation of Excise Policy for year ending March 31, 2022 + also extended post tender benefits to private persons (all).

(iii) CBI conducted searches at premises of accused at several locations like Delhi + Gurugram + Chandigarh + Mumbai + Hyderabad + Lucknow + Bengaluru + etc. to recover incriminating documents + articles + digital records + etc. (all)

(iii) CBI arrested former Dy. CM GNCTD + also others during investigations.

(iv) CBI filed earlier chargesheet on November 25, 2022 against CEO of Mumbai based private company + 6 others like Dy. Commissioner (Excise) GNCTD + also Asst. Commissioner (Excise) (all).

(v) Further investigation to be continued.

137. Press Release on April 20, 2023 for illegal sale of e-tickets at IRCTC website

(i) CBI conducted searches at 12 locations like Uttar Pradesh + Bihar + Gujarat + Madhya Pradesh + Delhi in on-going investigations against illegal sale of reserved berth e-tickets of Indian Railway through IRCTC website (all).

(ii) CBI found during searches digital devices + mobile phones containing illegal software + incriminating documents + other details like tickets of passengers booked (sold) earlier through illegal software (all).

(iii) CBI found during investigations that agents allegedly using illegal software to bypass manual entry process for purchasing tickets to be sold to travellers at premium.

(iv) CBI identified agents already involved in illegal activities + also conducted searches (both) simultaneously.

(v) CBI identified persons responsible for selling + distributing illegal software to various agents (both).

(vi) Further investigations to be continued.

138. Press Release on April 19, 2023 for extortion from builder

(i) CBI arrested absconding accused during landing at Mumbai Airport from Singapore against extortion from Builder.

(ii) CBI already registered case on April 07, 2016 on request from Maharashtra Govt.

(iii) Initially case registered in Police Station Tilak Nagar, Mumbai (Maharashtra) through FIR No. 207/2005 on December 13, 2005 against allegation that accused persons belonging to organized crimes + extorted INR 20 lac from complainant + further attempted to extort another INR 20 lac from  complainant + also under threats of murder (all).

(iv) Complainant further alleged that accused + his associates (both) extorting large sums of money from other developers undertaking redevelopment from developers work of old building in Tilak Nagar Naidu Colony Ghatkopar + also in other areas of Mumbai (all).

(v) (a) Case transferred to DCB-CID of Mumbai Police.

(b) DCB-CID Mumbai filed 1 charge sheet + also 2 supplementary charge sheet against 11 accused (both).

(vi) (a) Abovementioned accused absconding since 2005.

(b) Red Corner Notice already issued against him through INTERPOL in 2012.

(c) Subsequently Ministry of External Affairs of India sent request to govt. of Singapore for extradition of absconding accused.

(vii) CBI also filed supplementary charge sheet against 3 accused before Designated Court at Mumbai.

(viii) Application also filed before competent Court on behalf of absconding accused for his surrender before Trial Court.

(ix) However absconding accused during landing at Mumbai Airport from Singapore already secured by Bureau of Immigration Department at Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai + also subsequently handed over to CBI by Immigration Department officials (both).

(x) Arrested accused already produced before Trial Court, Mumbai + also remanded to Judicial Custody till May 02, 2023.

(xi) Further investigations to be continued.

139. Press Release on April 10, 2023 for imprisonment 3 year + penalty 2 lac

(i) Special Court, Mumbai sentenced Sh. D.R. Deshpande former AGM Bank of Maharashtra, Bandra (E), Mumbai for rigorous imprisonment 3 year + penalty INR 2 lac (both)

+ (plus)

(ii) Special Court, Mumbai sentenced Sh. Mukesh M. Shah, Director of M/s SPL Technochem Ltd, Mumbai + also Sh. Shreyansh P. Sheth, Director, SPL Technochem Ltd, Mumbai (all) for rigorous imprisonment 3 year + penalty INR 1.01 crore (both)

+ (plus)

(iii) Special Court, Mumbai sentenced other 5 Director of private companies like  Sh. Dhumil Sheth, Director, M/s. Kalpataru Comtrade P. Ltd + Sh. Vilesh Sheth, Director M/s. Sabrang Polymers Pvt. Ltd + Sh. Vishal Sheth, Director M/s. Vision Agencies P. Ltd + Sh. Hasmukh Sheth, Director, M/s. Sharp Industries Pvt. Ltd + Sh. Vinod Sheth, Director, M/s. Sharp Industries Pvt Ltd + also Sh. Manoj B. Shah, Director M/s Cat Cosmetics & Healthcare Pvt Ltd (all) for rigorous imprisonment 3 year + penalty INR 50.50 lac (both)

(iv) (a) CBI registered case on March 18, 2009 against complaint from General Manager, Bank of Maharashtra alleging that in 2007 directors in connivance with Shri D.R .Deshpande former AGM, Bank of Maharashtra (both) already obtained Cash Credit limit INR 2.10 Crore against hypothecation of inventory + receivables + LC-Inland + Import limit INR 5.40 Crore from Bank of Maharashtra, Bandra (E) Branch, Mumbai through fraudulent means + also based on forged documents (all).

(b) Accused cheated to bank INR 2,69,08,482 + also unapplied interest amounting to INR 1,04,25,069 = 3,73,33,551 (both)

(v) CBI filed charge sheet after investigations against accused.

 (vi) Trial Court found accused guilty + convicted (both).

140. Press Release on April 06, 2023 for imprisonment 4 year + penalty 1.10 Lac

(i) Special court for CBI at Dharwad (Karnataka) already sentenced Shri Abhishek Tripathi + Shri Alok Tiwari (both) former Income Tax officials for rigorous imprisonment 4 year + penalty INR 1.10 lac (both) in bribery case.

 (ii) (a) CBI registered case against income Tax officials for allegations of demanding illegal gratification from complainant for dropping prosecution proceedings initiated under Section 276-B of Income Tax (ITA) Act, 1961.

(b) Further alleged that Shri, Abhishek Tripathi working in capacity of Income Tax Officer (TDS) in Belegavi already demanded INR 4 lac bribe from complainant when he came to enquire about show cause notice dated November 30, 2015 issued to his company for default of belated tax remittance.

(c) Bribe reduced to INR 2.5 lac + Shri, Abhishek Tripathi instructed to complainant to pay amount to his colleague Shri Alok Tiwari + also instructed to Shri Alok Tiwari to hand over bribe to private person.

(d) CBI laid trap + caught private person during accepting bribe on behalf of Shri Abhishek Tripathi.

(iii) CBI filed charge sheet against accused after investigations.

 (iv) Trial Court found accused guilty + convicted to Shri Abhishek Tripathi + Private person (both).

141. Press Release on March 31, 2023 for imprisonment 3 year + penalty 1 Lac

(i) Designated Court for CBI at Hyderabad sentenced Shri Kavadi Narasimha, IAS (AGMUT-1991) former Secretary to Govt. of Mizoram for rigorous imprisonment 3 year + penalty INR 1 lac (both) for possessing disproportionate assets.

 (ii) CBI registered case on December 21, 2006 against Shri Kavadi Narasimha, IAS (AGMUT-1991) former Secretary to govt. of Mizoram against allegations that accused during working public servant from September 15, 1991 to October 19, 2006 (15 year) already amassed assets INR 32,31,000 disproportionate to his known sources of incomes.

 (iii) CBI filed charge sheet on June 30, 2010 against accused after investigations.

 (iv) Trial Court found accused guilty + convicted (both).

142. Press Release on March 30, 2023 for bribery by Neuro Surgeon + 4 others

(i) CBI registered case on March 29, 2023 against allegations for bribery + arrested Neuro Surgeon at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi + also 4 other persons (all).

(ii) CBI alleged that Neuro Surgeon, Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi in conspiracy with other person (middlemen) + private persons like Proprietor of private (Surgical) Shop at New Delhi indulging in illegal activities + taking money for giving medical advice + conducting surgery of patients + also by passing laid down rules regarding treatment in Safdarjung hospital New Delhi (all).

(iii) Further alleged that Neuro Surgeon directed patients through middlemen to purchase instruments required for surgery from Surgical Shop Proprietor at New Delhi + compelled patients to pay amount for instrument higher than actual price + also used to get share in overbilling by shop (all).

(iv) Further alleged that bribe INR 115,000 + 55,000 + 30,000 = 2,00,000 already taken recently in 3 different instances from attendants of patients of Doctor through middleman in bank account of other private person + also same allegedly done at directions of Doctor (all).

(v) Further alleged that accused Doctor already laundering his illegally earned money through companies being managed by private person.

(vi) CBI conducted searches at different places like at Delhi + Uttar Pradesh + etc. to recover incriminating documents + digital devices + etc. (all).

(vii) Arrested accused be produced before Competent Court at Delhi.

(viii) Further investigations to be continued.

143. Press Release on March 29, 2023 for imprisonment 3 year + penalty 40,000

(i) (a) ACCM, Chennai (Tamil Nadu) sentenced 6 accused like Shri T. Kumararaja + T. Ashokan + V. Anandan + R. Ramachandran + T. Manishankar + S. Srinivasan  (all) for rigorous imprisonment 3 year + penalty INR 40 thousand (both) each in bank fraud case.

(b) Special Court of CBI imposed Penalty INR 3 Crore on M/s A.G.K. Packers + also ordered (instructed) to pay to IDBI bank city MSME Centre, Chennai under compensation.

(ii) (a) CBI registered case after receipt of complaint from IDBI City  MSME  Centre, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai on June 15, 2012 against M/s A.G.K. Packers represented by Managing Partner Shri T.Kumararaja + also his brother Shri T. Ashokan (Partner of LLP) (both).

(b) Complainant alleged that during 2009 accused availed various credit facilities INR 3 Crore from IDBI Bank through submitting false + fabricated + forged documents under collateral security + diverted funds to personal use + also failed to repay loan (all).

(c) Loss INR 3.72 Crore caused to IDBI bank.

(iii) CBI filed charge sheet after investigations before Chief Judicial Magistrate, Trichy on June 05, 2013 against convicted accused.

(iv) Trial Court found accused guilty + convicted (both)..

(D) 11 latest important Interpol Red Notices issued by CBI in India

144. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Amrik Singh

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Amrik Singh resident of SIRSA Haryana  for death + attempt to murder + causing disappearance of evidence of offence + Mischief by fire + explosive substance with intent to destroy house Making + possessing counterfeit seal + also acted by several persons in furtherance of common intention (Criminal Act) under Imprisonment, criminal conspiracy and Explosive Substances Act, 1908

145. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Gurtej Singh

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Gurtej Singh resident of SIRSA Haryana for death + attempt to murder + causing disappearance of evidence of offence + Mischief by fire + explosive substance with intent to destroy house Making + possessing counterfeit seal + also acted by several persons in furtherance of common intention (Criminal Act) under Imprisonment, criminal conspiracy and Explosive Substances Act, 1908

146. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Avtar Singh

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Avtar Singh resident of SANGRURU Punjab for death + attempt to murder + causing disappearance of evidence of offence + Mischief by fire + explosive substance with intent to destroy house Making + possessing counterfeit seal + also acted by several persons in furtherance of common intention (Criminal Act) under Imprisonment, criminal conspiracy and Explosive Substances Act, 1908

147. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Harwinder Singh Sandhu

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Harwinder Singh Sandhu resident of Khadoor Sahib Punjab for attempt to murder + voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty + to assault + to criminal force to deter public servant from discharge from duty + for obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions + rioting armed with deadly weapon + member of unlawful assembly + making preparation to commit dacoity + assembling for committing dacoity + habitually dealing in stolen property + making + possessing counterfeit seal + etc. for criminal conspiracy + offence under arms and offence related to Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances + wrongful restraint + also offence related to arms + weapons (all)

148. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Satinderjeet Singh

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Harwinder Singh Sandhu resident of Shri Muktsar Sahib Punjab for murder + attempt to murder + criminal conspiracy + supply of illegal firearms (all).

149. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Col. Mohamed Ben

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to M’Hamed Col. Mohamed Ben resident of Algeria, United States for Criminal Conspiracy + Cheating (both).

150. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Gursharan Singh, Kaler

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Gursharan Singh, Kaler resident of Nurpur, PS Behram Dist. SBS Nagar Punjab for waging + attempting to wage war + abetting waging of war against govt. + collecting arms + etc. with intention of waging war against govt. + attempt to cause explosion + for making + keeping explosive with intent to endanger life + property + making + possessing explosives under suspicious circumstances + to brings + to take out from India arms + ammunition of any class + description in contravention of Section 11 of Arms Act (all).

151. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Budhrai Debbarma

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Budhrai Debbarma resident of Village Madhuraj Para, Po- Pravapurp Srinagar, West Tripura for murder + grievous hurt + possession of fire Arms (all)

152. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Ansari Noor Mohammad

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Ansari Noor Mohammad resident of village Vijulpur/panditpur, p.s: Kalaya, distt. bara, Nepal for punishment against criminal conspiracy + using as genuine + forged + counterfeit currency-notes + bank notes + possession of forged + terrorist activities + production + circulation of FICN + conspiracy (all)

153. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Sadab Ahmed

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Sadab Ahmed resident of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh for criminal conspiracy read with terrorist acts + raising funds for terrorist acts + recruiting persons for terrorist acts being member of terrorist organization (all)

154. Interpol Red Notice issued by CBI in India to Malkiat Singh

  • CBI already issued Interpol red notice to Malkiat Singh resident of Amritsar Punjab

(i) Under section 121 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 for waging to attempt to wage war + abetting + waging of war against govt.(all)

(ii) Under section 121-A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 for conspiring to commit certain offences against govt.

(iii) Under section 120-B of unlawful Activities(prevention) Act, 1967 for punishment against criminal conspiracy

(iv) under section 10 of Terrorist Act for penalty being member of unlawful + etc. association (both)

(v) under section 13 of Terrorist Act for punishment against unlawful activities

(vi) under section 16 of Terrorist Act for punishment.

(viii) under section 17 for Terrorist Act for punishment against raising funds.

(ix) Under section 18 of Arms Act, 1959 for punishment against conspiracy + etc. (both)

(E) 11 latest important Interpol Yellow Notices issued by CBI in India

155. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Barsa Chowdhury

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Barsa Chowdhury daughter of Akhtar Chowdhury resident of Rayerbag, PS- Kadamtala, Distt- Dhaka, Bangladesh

156. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Batashi Das

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Batashi Das daughter of Swadhin Das resident of Uttar Haldibari, Ps- Kumargram, District- Alipurduar

157. nterpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Mausum Begum

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Mausum Begum daughter of SK Maruf Hussain resident of East Madinipur, West Bengal

158. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Bobita Mal

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Bobita Mal daughter of Supal Mal resident of Chandannagar, Police Station- Khoyrasol, District- Birbhum

159. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Vansh Chand

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Vansh Chand Son of Bahadur Chand resident of Amravati Maharashtra

160. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Gulab Das

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Gulab Das Son of Ram Lashkar resident of Balochak Punjab

161. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Tejas Gaba

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Tejas Gaba Son of Rajesh Gaba resident of Panipat Haryana

162. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Harsh Goyal

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Harsh Goyal Son of Harish Goyal resident of Shillong

163. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Sanchit Goyal

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Sanchit Goyal Son of Deepak Goyal resident of Shillong

164. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Imam Hussain Guled

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Imam Hussain Guled Son of Md. Gaffar Guled resident of Mulagund, Taluk & Distt- Gadag, Karnataka

165. Interpol Yellow Notice issued by CBI in India to Kazuya Inden

  • CBI already issued Interpol yellow notice to Kazuya Inden Son of Kazuhiro Inden Guled resident of 1530, Honjyo Kikugawa, Shizuoka, Japan

(F) Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) – CBI in India

166. Overview on CFSL – CBI in India located at Lodhi Road New Delhi

(i) CFSL – CBI New Delhi established in 1968 known for scientific department to provide scientific support + services (both) for investigations of crimes.

(ii) CFSL presently located at Block No.4, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.

(iii) CFSL Scientific Aids Units located at CBI Branch in Chennai + Mumbai (both).

(iv) CFSL – CBI New Delhi most comprehensive laboratories in India with 10 fully equipped divisions like Physics + Chemistry + Biology + Serology + Ballistics + Documents  Finger Prints + Forensic Psychology + Photo + Computer Forensic Science + Scientific Aids  divisions with state of art laboratories for Computer Forensics + also DNA profiling (all).

(v) CFSL New Delhi already committed to deliver quality work for 100% functional disciplines + also ISO/IEC 17025 Certified laboratory (both).

167. Jurisdiction of CFSL New Delhi

(i) CFSL – CBI, New Delhi scientific department under administrative control of CBI + also overall control of Ministry of Home Affairs with govt. of India (both).

(ii) CFSL undertaking scientific analysis of crimes exhibits referred by CBI New Delhi + also by police judiciary and vigilance departments of ministries + public undertakings + State govt.’s + Central govt.’s (all) departments.

(iii) Experts of CFSL to examine exhibits forwarded by investigating agencies.

(iv) Expert of CFSL to render opinion + also to substantiate their opinion in Court of Law through court testimony + evidence (all).

(v) Scientists + experts to impart training to CBI Investigating officers + also to other trainees of Forensic Science (all).

(vi) CFSL to undertake R & D work for art + skill development (both) in forensic science.

168. Expectation from CFSL – CBI in India

  • To provide assured quality service of international standards under ISO/IEC 17025 to customers with good professional practices for effective remedial solution of intricacies against Forensic Investigations of crimes of any type + also to assist in proper dispensation of justice (all).

169. 11 officials divisions under CFSL New Delhi in India

  • CFSL – CBI, New Delhi consisting 11 divisions to render forensic support services to various Investigating Agencies under scientific analysis of exhibits + collection + detection of physical clues from scenes of crimes (all).

+ (plus)

  • Scientists of CFSL required rigorous trainings in India + outside India to upgrade existing forensic skills + also to induct innovative technologies in field of Forensic Science (all).

(i) Ballistics Division + Explosives Division (both) at New Delhi

(ii) Biology Division + DNA Profiling Unit (both) at New Delhi

(ii) Chemistry Division at New Delhi

(iv) Computer Forensic Division at New Delhi

(v) Document Division at New Delhi

(vi) Finger Print Division at New Delhi

(vii) Forensic Psychology Division at New Delhi

(viii) Physics Division at New Delhi

(ix) Photo Division + Scientific Aid Division (both) at New Delhi

(x) Serology Division at New Delhi

(xi) Scientific Aid Units of CFSL at Chennai + Mumbai (both)

170. Ballistics + Explosives (both) divisions under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) Division presently equipped with requisite technology + also expertise to handle cases of firearms + explosives (both).

(ii) Division involves in examination of firearms to determine nature + also type of weapons (both) used in crimes + range of firing + linking fired bullets + cartridge cases with suspect weapons + checking of mechanism of weapon for evidence of accidental discharge (all).

(iii) To analysis of explosives already involved in examination + opinion on explosives like Civil + Military + IEDs + explosive devices used in crimes + riots + police firing + encounters + etc. + re-construction of scene of crimes + explosion + etc (all).

(iv) Divisions analyzing of explosives + their detection + up-gradation of working of explosives + also explosion residue analysis (all)

(v) Divisions presently equipped with sophisticated instruments like High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system.

171. Biology + DNA Profiling Unit (both) under CFSL divisions at New Delhi

(i) Division equipped with state-of-art technologies + expertise to carry 100% analytical work for forensic biology (both).

(ii) Biological analysis for detection + establishment of biological fluids like blood + semen + saliva + urine + sweat + milk (all).

(iii) Biological analysis to carryout accurate microscopic examinations against hair + fibre + tissue + botanical exhibits (all).

(iv) DNA profiling to operate under supervision of biology division.

(v) Division reporting different natures of crimes like murder + homicides + suicides + assaults + unnatural sexual offences + dacoity + robbery + theft + riot + others offences already listed under Arms Act + Prevention of damage of property Act + etc. (all).

172. Chemistry division under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) Chemistry division consisting of Toxicology + Narcotics + General Chemical Analysis (all).

(ii) Division presently equipped with high- tech analytical equipments + also to undertake Chemical Analysis of exhibits like viscera + biological fluids + trap cases + dowry death cases + petroleum products + acids + other miscellaneous exhibits referred by Investigating Agencies (all).

(iii) Viscera include biological fluids to be examined for poison detection in homicides + suicides (both) cases.

(iv) Research and Development (R & D) activities to meet specific needs + also to form part of programme for bringing latest techniques + instrumental methods of analysis (all).

173. Document division under CFSL at New Delhi

  • Document division like examination of hand writing + signatures + type scripts + rubber stamp impressions + seal impressions + examination of counterfeit currency notes + lottery tickets + determination of interpolation + substitution + addition + over writings + decipherment of mechanically + chemically erased writings + decipherment of invisible ink + re-construction of charred + burnt documents + determination of order of sequence of  strokes at point of intersections + examination of torned + serrated edges of paper + comparison with their counterparts + determination of absolute + relative age of documents + examination of ink + paper + writing implements + etc. (all) be carried out.

174. Finger Print division under CFSL at New Delhi

  • Finger Print division to examine questiones + thumb impressions + crimes scene visits for chance prints + developments of latent prints + preparation of specimen in 10 digit finger prints of accused + high power laser beam                      light sources + portable equipment like High Intensity Light Source for development of chance prints at scene of crimes already inducted in Finger print division (all).

175. Forensic Psychology division under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) CFSL, CBI New Delhi presently 1st to establish full-fledged Lie Detection Division.

(ii) Since its inception, approximately 10,000 Lie Detection Tests already conducted for detection of deception.

(iii) Division extends its services to Delhi Police + other law enforcement agencies (both) in India for 100% cases of national importance.

(iv) Forensic Psychology division equipped with latest version of Computerized (Desktop + Laptop) Polygraph equipments.

(v) National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) guidelines be strictly obeyed when conducting polygraph examinations (test).

176. Photo +Scientific Aid (both) divisions under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) Photography Division providing videography + general photography assistance to 100% divisions of CFSL – CBI for examination of crimes exhibits + coverage of scenes of crimes + close-up + conferences + seminar (all).

+ (plus)

(ii) Experts of division providing expert opinions against questioned photo prints + also transferring of analog video data to digital form already exercised carefully (both).

(iii) Photo division presently has latest state-of-art-technology video measurement system to examine authenticity of video films.

177. Physics division under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) Physics division examining like examination of paint + glass + soil + fibres + metallic pieces + threads + ropes + cloth pieces + struggle mark + cut marks on cloth + knot examination + examination of metallic seals + postal seals + deciphering of erased chassis + engine number of vehicles + registration plate of vehicles + examination of tool marks + etc (all).

(ii) Division examining of telephonic + also direct recording to identify Speaker (both).

(iii) Division presently having very advanced version of computerized Voice Spectrograph known Computerized Speech Lab Model CSL-4500 already being used for analysis of Speaker Identification cases.

(iv) Physics division visiting scene of crimes + also undertaking task of reconstruction of scene of crimes (both).

(v) Division presently undertaking new work for Noise reduction + signal enhancement + Audio tape Authentication (all).

178. Serology division under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) Serology division providing scientific support like determination of origin + species of body fluids + tissues + saliva + semen + other body materials (all).

(ii) Reported cases consisting of murder + causing death due to negligence + culpable homicide not amounting to murder + attempt to murder + causing hurt + sexual offences like Rape + Sodomy + inquiry into cause of death + also miscellaneous in nature (all).

179. Computer Forensic division under CFSL at New Delhi

(i) Computer Forensic Division started functioning in January 2004.

(ii) Main objectives to establish Computer Forensic Division for preservation + identification + extraction + documentation of computer evidence in computer related crimes forwarded to CFSL.

(iii) Computer Forensics presently involving use of sophisticated technology + tools + procedures (all).

(iv) Accuracy of evidence processing procedures already ensured through using multiple softwares + hardware tools developed by separate + independent developers (all)

(v) Validation through use of multiple software tools + procedures by computer experts to eliminate potential problem (all).

180. 2 Scientific Aid Units under CFSL at Chennai + Mumbai (both)

  • 2 scientific Aid units already created at Chennai + Mumbai to provide document related examination + also analysis to local branches of CBI in   India (all).

181. Organization chart of CFSL – CBI in India


Level 13A in Pay Matrix

Level 13A in Pay Matrix

182. Reporting of cases of CFSL – CBI in India

(i) (a) Reporting of cases required to be made by officers rank of Group A Gazetted Officer like Senior Scientific Officer Grade II + also above with assistance team of experienced Senior Scientific Assistant  + Scientific Assistant + Laboratory Assistant before finalizing + forwarding report to forwarding authority (all)

+ (plus)

(b) Report be duly recommended by Head of Division + also be finally submitted for approval from Director of CFSL (both).

+ (plus)

(c) Reporting officer to depose before court when summoned by Hon’ble court

(ii) (a) Reporting officer treated custodian of crimes exhibits + also case file (both) till case finally reported to applicant law enforcement agency + court (any).

+ (plus)

(b) Reporting officer after reporting of case required to handover to forwarding authority + also duplicate case file be sent to CASE SECTION to maintain 100% records of case received + reported + closed (all).

(iii) CFSL in India presently following universally vetted methods for analysis in laboratory through cross validation + random quality checking process (all).

(FA) Staff Strength Sanctioned + Actual + Vacancy under 9 division in CFSL – CBI

 183. Ballistics Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 4 1 3
(iii) SSA 3 3 0
 184. Biology Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 3 1 2
(iii) SSA 3 2 1
 185. Chemistry Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 2 1 1
(iii) SSA 6 5 1
 186. Document Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 7 3 4
(iii) SSA 7 4 3
 187. Fingerprint Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 5 2 3
(iii) SSA 3 3 0
 188. Forensic Psychology Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 6 6 0
(iii) SSA 3 3 0
 189. Photo Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 6 2 4
(iii) SSA 8 8 0
 190. Physics Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 1 0
(ii) SSO – II 4 3 1
(iii) SSA 4 1 3
 191. Serology Division
S.No Name of post Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength Vacancy
(i) SSO – I 1 0 1
(ii) SSO – II 1 0 1
(iii) SSA 3 2 1

192. Budget for Revenue + Capital expenditures on CFSL-CBI (March 31, 2022)

(i) Budget for Revenue (Routine) expenditures on CFSL-CBI (March 31, 2022)  

S.No Nature of Expenditures INR (in Lac)
(a) Salaries expenditures 1200
(b) Overtime allowances expenditures 1
(c) Medical treatment expenditures 13
(d) Domestic travel expenditures 70
(e) Foreign Travel expenditures 5
(f) Office expenditures 60
(g) Rent + Rates + Taxes (all) expenditures 8
(h) Other Administrative expenditures 1
(i) Petro + Oil + Lubricants (all) expenditures 3
(j) Advertising + Publicity (both) expenditures 2
(i) Minor works expenditures 15
(l) Professional Services expenditures 4
(m) Information Technology expenditures 9
Total of revenue (routine) expenditures 1391

 (ii) Budget for Capital (Non-Routine) expenditures on CFSL-CBI (March 31, 2022)  

S.No Nature of Expenditures INR (in Lac)
(a) General capital expenditures
(b) Motor Vehicle capital expenditures 1
(c) Machinery + Equipment (both) capital expenditures 530
(d) Major Works capital expenditures 10
Total of capital (non-routine) expenditures 541
Revenue + Capital (both) expenditures on CFSL-CBI in India 1932

(FB) Name + Address + Phone No of 11 (CFSL) – CBI offices in Delhi

193. Director of CFSL-CBI at Head office

Dr. Asha Srivastava (Director In-charge)

Tel: +911124361396, Fax +911124360742 Mb: +919968091013

Email : dcfsl@cbi.gov.in and drasha@cbi.gov.in

194. Ballistics Division

(i) R. K. Srivastava (PSO & HoD)


(ii) Mrs. Babita Gulia (SSO-I)

Tel: +911124362373, Mb: +919650830674

Email: babitagulia@cbi.gov.in

195. Biology Division

(i) Dr. B.K.Mahapatra (PSO&HoD)

Tel: +911124360095, Mb: +919312523536

Email: hodbio.cfsl@cbi.gov.in, kishorecfsl@cbi.gov.in

(ii) Dr. Kamal Chauhan (SSO-II& ACPIO)

Tel: +911124360095, Mb: +919911105644

Email: chkamal74@gmail.com

196. Chemistry Division

(i) V. B. Ramteke (PSO &HoD)

Tel: +911124361846, Mb: +919968307782

Email: hodchem.cfsl@cbi.gov.in

(ii) Mrs. Deepti Bhargava (SSO-II)

Tel: +911124361846, Mb: +919555294127

Email: deeptibhargava@cbi.gov.in

197. Computer Forensic Unit

Dr. Subrat Kumar Choudhury (SSO-I&HoD)

Tel: +911124366155 Mb: +918882939293

Email: hodcomp.cfsl@cbi.gov.in and subrat.subrat@cbi.gov.in

198. Document Division

(i) Sachin G Kurhekar (SSO-I/ SAU/ Mumbai)

Tel: +912227575294, Email: sg.kurhekar@cbi.gov.in

(ii) Anil Sharma (SSO-I &HoD, Delhi)

Tel: +911124361861, Mb: 9968260875

Email: hoddoccfsl@cbi.gov.in

(iii) Dr. Reeta Rani Gupta (SSO-I& CPIO)

Tel: +911124360195, Email: reeta.rg@cbi.gov.in

(iv) Vijay Verma (SSO-I)

Tel: +911124360195, Email: vijayverma@cbi.gov.in

199. Finger Print Division

(i) Harinder Prasad (SSO-I&HoD)

Tel: +911124361347, Mb: +919810779373

Email: harinder@cbi.gov.in

(ii) Yogender Singh (SSO-I/SAU/Mumbai)

Tel: +912227575294, Mb: +919869912947

Email: yogendra.s71@cbi.gov.in

(iii) Anuj Kumar Bhati (SSO-I/SAU/ Chennai)

(Attached in Delhi)

Tel: +9111-24361347, Mb: +919350883880

Email: anujbhati.dp@cbi.gov.in

200. Forensic Psychology Division

(i) Dr. Asha Srivastava (PSO &HoD)

Tel: +9111-24361907, Mb: +919968091013

Email: drasha@cbi.gov.in

(ii) J.G. Moses (PSO)

Tel: +911124361907, Mb: +919868855457

Email: mosescbi@cbi.gov.in

(iii) Dr. A.K.Singh (PSO)

Tel: +911124361907

Email: dramod16@cbi.gov.in

(iv) Dr. Ranjeeta Kumari (SSO-I)

Tel: +911124361907


(v) Dr. Rupali Andaluri (SSO-I)

Tel: +911124361907, Mb: +919003858554


(vi) Nilesh Bhatu Wagh (SSO-I/SAU/Mumbai)

Tel: +912227575294

Email: nilesh.bw@cbi.gov.in

(vii) Dr. Anjali Yadav (SSO-I)

Tel: 911124361907

Email: dranjali.fpd@cbi.gov.in

201. Photo & Scientific Aid Division

(i) A. D. Tiwari (PSO &HoD)

Tel: +911124361871, Mb: +919868479926

Email: hodphoto.cfsl@cbi.gov.in and tiwariad@cbi.gov.in

(ii) P.K. Gottam (PSO)

Tel: +911124361871, Mb: +919711171019

Email: pradeep.k26@cbi.gov.in

(iii) S. Ingarsal (PSO)

Tel: +911124361871, Email: singarsal@cbi.gov.in

202. Physics Division

(i) D.K.Tanwar (PSO &HoD)

Tel: +911124360696, Mb: +919968268515

Email: hodphy.cfsl@cbi.gov.in and tanwar-71@cbi.gov.in

(ii) Amitosh Kumar (SSO-I)

Tel: +911124360696, Mb: +919818632141

Email: amitosh.1@cbi.gov.in

(iii) M. K. Jain (SSO II)

Tel: +911124360696, Mb: +919968260557

203. Serology Division

Mithlesh Jha (SSO II)

204. Administration Division

Rajiv Aggarwal (Office Superintendent)

Tel: +911124360609, Email: os.cfsl@cbi.gov.in

PSO : Principal Scientific Officer

SSO I : Senior Scientific Officer Grade I

SSO II : Senior Scientific Officer Grade II

HoD : Head of the Department

CPIO : Central Public Information Officer

ACPIO : Asst. Central Public Info Officer

SAU : Scientific Aid Unit

205. Eligible applicants for referring cases to CFSL – CBI in India?

(i) 100% law enforcement agencies of Central + State govt.’s (both) in India permitted to refer cases in writing to CFSL – CBI.

+ (plus)

(ii) 100%  courts + CBI + NIA (all) also permitted to refer cases in writing to CFSL-CBI for taking cases on priority basis.

206. Amount of fees to be paid to avail services from CFSL-CBI in India?

  • INR 0 (Zero) to be paid to avail services from CFSL-CBI in India.

207. Period for furnishing report by CFSL-CBI in India?

(i) No pre-fixed time limit required to complete cases

(ii) Required time for furnishing report by CFSL-CBI in India depending on nature + complexity of issue to be probed + volume  + number of pending cases already held till date with CFSL-CBI (all).

208. Procedure to be followed for referring cases to CFSL-CBI in India?

(i) Competent authority required to give written request + also exhibits already sent message by messenger to Director CFSL- CBI  New Delhi  for forensic examination report.

(ii) CFSL-CBI to open case file against written request + also to forward to head of concerned division + case be assigned to reporting officer of division (all).

(iii) Report be prepared by already assigned reporting officer of division.

209. Procedure to be followed for reporting by CFSL-CBI in India?

(i) Case be reported  by officer of rank Group Gazetted Officer like Senior Scientific  Officer Grade II  + Scientific  Officer Grade I +  Principal Scientific Officer + Senior Scientific Assistant with assistance from team of experienced Senior Scientific Assistant + Laboratory Assistant (any) before finalizing + forwarding forensic report to forwarding authority (all)

(ii) (a) Forensic report be technically reviewed by another officer + be recommended by Head of Division + also be finally submitted for approval from Director, CFSL-CBI.

+ (plus)

(b) Reporting officer required to dispose forensic report before court when summoned by Hon’ble court.

(iii) (a) Reporting officer be custodian of crime exhibits + also case file (both) till case finally reported to applicant law enforcement agency + court (any).

(b) Reporting officer required to handover exhibits + original case file after completion of forensic report to  forwarding  authority  + also  case  file  be sent  to  case  section  in  CFSL- CBI to maintain 100% records of case received + reported  + closed (all).

(iv) Universally vetted methods of analysis be adopted by CFSL-CBI + also followed with cross validation + random quality checking process (all).

210. CFSL-CBI already notified under section 79A of IT Act, 2000?

  • CFSL-CBI already not notified up to March 31, 2022 under section 79A of Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000

211. Names of competent authorities to seek forensic support?

(i) Officers rank of Superintendent of Police + also above (both) permitted for requesting forensic services from CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

+ (plus)

(ii) Metropolitan magistrate of city + Assistant Commissioner of Police + also above (all) permitted for requesting forensic services from CFSL-CBI, New Delhi in writing (only).

212. Working hours of CFSL-CBI in India?

(i) Working hours of CFSL-CBI in India permitted from 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM from Monday to Saturday

(ii) Working hours of CFSL-CBI in India not permitted on Gazetted Holidays + Saturdays + Sundays (all)

(iii) CFSL- CBI New Delhi required to attend immediately for scenes of crimes examination + deposing in court of law (both).

213. Accreditation of CFSL-CBI from institution + agency (any)?

  • CFSL-CBI, New Delhi already accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration of Laboratories (NABL) + also valid accreditation up to September  21, 2023.

214. Procedure to get copy of forensic report from CFSL-CBI in Delhi?

(i) Forensic reports be submitted to forwarding authority of case (only) therefore copy of forensic report cannot be provided under section 8 (1) (h) of RTI Act 2005.

(ii) Hence forensic report not permitted under section 8 (1) (h) of RTI Act, 2005

215. Name of directors CFSL-CBI, New Delhi?

S.No Name of director Tenure Number of year
(i) Late Dr. HL Bami From 1968 to 1982 14
(ii) Shri. VN Seghal From 1982 to 1996 14
(iii) Dr. SriramSingh From 1996 to 2007 11
(iv) Dr. Bibha Rani Ray From 2007 to 2010 3
(v) Dr. Rajinder Singh From 2010 to 2016 6
(vi) Shri. N Ravi (in charge) From 2016 to 2018 2
(vii) Shri. NB Bardhanf From 2018 to 2021 3
(viii) Shri. Rakesh Bisht (in charge) From 2021 to 2021 1
(ix) Shri. DK Tanwar (in charge) From 2021 to 2022 1
(x) Dr. Asha Srivastava (in charge) From 2022 to till date Running

(FC) Miscellaneous information’s under CFSL–CBI, New Delhi

216. Name + address + Phone no. + Email (all) CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

(i) Address + etc. (all)

Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL)

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

Block IV CGO Complex

Lodhi Road New Delhi-110003

Tel: +911124361396, Fax: +911124360742, Email. dcfsl@cbi.gov.in

          (ii) Head of organization (CFSL-CBI, New Delhi)

(a) Director of CBI in India

(b) Director of CFSL–CBI, in India

217. Vision + Mission + Key Objectives (all) for CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

  • To provide 100% assured quality forensic services with certified standards to 100% investigating  agencies  +  courts (both) for effective remedial solutions against intricacies about forensic investigation of crimes cases + also proper delegation of justice (all).

218. Functions + Duties (both) for CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

  • To provide forensic supports services to law enforcement agencies in India + to take up research and development activities in forensic science + also to training to newly recruited forensic staffs of central + state forensic laboratories in India (all).

219. Powers + Duties of officers (both) for CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

(i) Director CFSL-CBI permitted heads for administrative + financial + judicial deptt’s.

(ii) Director CFSL-CBI permitted with assisted by Principal Scientific Officer + Office Superintendent (both).

(iii) 100% forensic disciplines headed by senior scientific officer Gr. I + Gr II (any) permitted against reporting cases referred by law enforcement agencies + courts (both).

(iv) Office superintendent permitted to manage affairs of CFSL-CBI, New Delhi.

220. Powers + Duties of other employees (both) for CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

(i) Senior Scientific Assistants + Laboratory Assistants + Stenographers + Laboratory Attendants assisting officers in reporting + also maintaining records of reported cases (all).

(ii) Crimes assistants + Stenographers + Lower division clerks + Multitasking staff supporting administration for computation of salary + for preparation of budget + etc. (all)

221. Process of decision making + Identify key decision making points (both)

(i) Reporting officer treated final authority for deciding case on merits

(ii) Forensic report technically be reviewed by another reporting officer + administratively be reviewed by technical manager + also be forwarded by director CFSL-CBI to law enforcement agency who referred case (all).

(iii) Director CFSL-CBI actually final authority in decision making for policy decisions through consultation with CBI + Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) (both).

222. Process of redress of grievances from CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

  • Enforcement agencies freely permitted to get exhibits be examined from 2nd forensic laboratory to ensure correctness of 1st forensic laboratory.

223. Transfer policy + transfer orders (both) from CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

(i) CFSL-CBI do not have any branch laboratory in India except already having 2 scientific aid units located at Mumbai + Chennai (both).

(ii) 2 scientific aid units located at Mumbai + Chennai (both) having limited manpower’s + few divisions (only) therefore periodic transfer not feasible.

224. Constitutions of boards + councils + committees (any) CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

(i) CFSL-CBI don’t have permanent board + council + committee (any).

(ii) Appropriate committees being constituted with approval from director CFSL-CBI, New Delhi depend on nature of existing requirements.

225. Educational programmes under CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

  • Educational programmes not required as CFSL-CBI providing forensic support services to law enforcement agencies + courts (only).

226. Forensic services for public from CFSL-CBI, New Delhi

(i) CFSL-CBI not permitted to provide forensic support services to public.

(ii) CFSL-CBI permitted to provide forensic support services to law enforcement agencies + courts (only).

(G) Duties of information’s officers for providing information’s under RTI Act

227. Application form for information’s under Right To Information Act, 2005


Name of officer of CBI                                 :

Name of Unit of CBI                                     :

Postal address of CBI                                   :

Sub: Information under Right To Information (RTI) Act, 2005

Dear Sir,

I am enclosing application for seeking information’s under RTI Act, 2005. These information’s to be send on following address

Name of applicant                                                       :

Postal Address of applicant                                      :

Telephone No of applicant                                        :

Mobile Phone No. of applicant                                :

Date                                                                               :

*Subject of information

Sought and department concerned                       :

Application Fee                                                         : Rs.10/- (Rs. Ten Only)

Mode of payment                                                      : Cash, Demand Draft, Banker’s Cheque/IPO Date

DD/Banker’s cheque should be payable to………………………………………………………….. New Delhi.

Date of receipt

Signature of applicant

228. List of Delhi Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005 

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Delhi HoB, CBI, ACB, Delhi HOZ, Delhi Zone
(ii) ACB Jaipur HoB, CBI, ACB, Jaipur
(iii) ACB Jodhpur HoB, CBI, ACB, Jodhpur

229. List of Bhopal Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Bhopal HoB, CBI, ACB, Bhopal HoZ, Bhopal Zone
(ii) ACB Jabalpur HoB, CBI, ACB, Jabalpur
(iii) ACB Chhattisgarh HoB, CBI, ACB, Chattisgarh

230. List of Lucknow Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Lucknow HoB, CBI, ACB, Lucknow HoZ, Lucknow Zone
(ii) SCB Lucknow HoB, CBI, SCB, Lucknow
(iii) ACB Dehradun HoB, CBI, ACB, Dehradun
(iv) ACB Ghaziabad HoB, CBI, ACB, Ghaziabad

231. List of Chandigarh Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Chandigarh HoB, CBI, ACB, Chandigarh HoZ, Chandigarh Zone
(ii) SCB Chandigarh HoB, CBI, SCB, Chandigarh
(iii) ACB Shimla HoB, CBI, ACB, Shimla
(iv) ACB Jammu HoB, CBI, ACB, Jammu
(v) ACB Srinagar HoB, CBI, ACB, Srinagar

232. List of Patna Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Patna HoB, CBI, ACB, Patna HoZ, Patna Zone
(ii) SCB Patna HoB, CBI, SCB, Patna
(iii) ACB Ranchi HoB, CBI, ACB, Ranchi
(iv) EOB Ranchi HoB, CBI, EOB, Ranchi
(v) ACB Dhanbad HoB, CBI, ACB, Dhanbad

233. List of Kolkata Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2000

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Kolkata HoB, CBI, ACB, Kolkata HoZ, Kolkata zone
(ii) ACB Bhubaneshwar HoB, CBI, ACB, Bhubaneshwar
(iii) ACB Port Blair HoB, CBI, ACB, PortBlair

234. List of North East Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Guwahati HoB, CBI, ACB, Guwahati HoZ, North East Zone
(ii) ACB Shillong HoB, CBI, ACB, Shillong
(iii) ACB Imphal HoB, CBI, ACB, Imphal
(iv) SCB Kolkata HoB, CBI, SCB, Kolkata

235. List of North East Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) SCB Chennai HoB, CBI, SCB, Chennai HoZ, Chennai Zone
(ii) ACB Cochin HoB, CBI, ACB, Cochin
(iii) SCB Thiruvananthapuram HoB, CBI, SCB, Thiruvananthapuram
(iv) ACB Madurai HoB, CBI, ACB, Madurai

236. List of Hyderabad Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2000

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB Vishakapatnam HoB, CBI, ACB, Vishakhapatnam HoZ, Hyderabad Zone
(ii) ACB Hyderabad HoB, CBI, ACB, Hyderabad
(iii) ACB Bangalore HoB, CBI, ACB, Bangalore

237. List of Mumbai Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act, 2005

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) ACB, Mumbai HoB, CBI, ACB, Mumbai HoZ, Mumbai Zone
(ii) ACB Nagpur HoB, CBI, ACB, Nagpur
(iii) ACB Pune HoB, CBI, ACB, Pune
(iv) ACB Goa HoB, CBI, ACB, Goa
(v) ACB Gandhinagar HoB, CBI, ACB, Gandhinagar

238. List of E0-11 Zone’s (Hqr at Delhi) information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) EOB, Mumbai HoB, CBI, EOB, Mumbai HoZ, E0-11 Zone, Delhi
(ii) EOB Chennai HoB, CBI, EOB, Chennai
(iii) EOB Kolkata HoB, CBI, EOB, Kolkata
(iv) EO-Vl, Ranchi HoB, CBI, EO-VI, Ranchi
(v) EOU-XV, Ranchi HoB, CBI, EOU-XV, Ranchi)

239. List of E0-111 Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) EO-IV, Kolkata HoB, CBI, EO-IV, Kolkata HoZ, E0-111 Zone
(ii) EO-V, Guwahati HoB, CBI, EO-V, Guwahati
(iii) EOU-X111,  Guwahati HoB, CBI, EOU-X111, Guwahati

240. List of AC HQ-I Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) AC-1 Delhi HoB, CBI, AC-I, Delhi HoZ, ACHQ-1 Zone
(ii) AC-II Delhi HoB, CBI, AC-II, Delhi

241. List of AC HQ-II Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) AC-Ill Delhi HoB, CBI, AC-Ill, Delhi HoZ, ACHO-11 Zone
(ii) AC-1V Bhopal HoB, CBI, AC-IV, Bhopal
(iii) SP ACU.X Bhopal HoB, CBI, ACU-X, Bhopal
(iv) AC-V Delhi HoB, CBI, AC-V, Bhopal
(v) ACU.XIII Delhi HoB, CBI, ACU-X111, Delhi
(vi) AC-VI Delhi/ SIT Delhi. HoB, CBI, AC-V1/SIT, Delhi

242. List of EO Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) E0-1 Delhi HoB, CBI, E0-1, Delhi HOZ, EO-I&E0-11 Zone
(ii) E0-11 Delhi HoB, CBI, E0-11, Delhi
(iii) E0-111 Delhi HoB, CBI, E0-111, Delhi

243. List of SC Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) SC-1 Delhi HoB, CBI, SC-I, Delhi HoZ, SC Zone
(ii) SC-II Delhi HoB, CBI, SC-11, Delhi
(iii) SC-Ill Delhi HoB, CBI, SC-Ill, Delhi

244. List of BS&F Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) BSFB Delhi HoB, CBI, BSFB, Delhi HOZ, BS&F Zone
(ii) BSFB Kolkata HoB, CBI, BSFB, Kolkata
(iii) BSFB Bangalore HoB, CBI, BSFB, Bangalore
(iv) BSFB Mumbai HoB, CBI, BSFB, Mumbai

245. List of ST Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) STB Delhi HoB, CBI, STB, Delhi HoZ, ST Zone
(ii) STB Mumbai HoB, CBI, STB, Mumbai
(iii) SCB Mumbai HoB, CBI, SCB, Mumbai

246. List of MDMA Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) MDMA Delhi HoB, CBI, MDMA. Delhi HoZ, MDMA Zone
(ii) MDMA Chennai HoB, CBI, MDMA, Chennai

247. List of Admin Division information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) Admn. + Pers. Division, Delhi SP(HQ), CBI, HO, New Delhi DD(A)/CBI
(ii) DOP Division, Delhi DLA(HQ)/DOP CBI DOP/CBI

248. List of Training Division information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) CBI Academy Ghaziabad SP(Trg.), CBI Academy, Ghaziabad HoZ, Trg. Division

249. List of Policy Division information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) Policy Division, Delhi AIG(P)-1, Delhi HoZ, Policy Division
(ii) Vigilance Cell, Delhi AIG(P)-II, Delhi

250. List of TFC Zone’s information’s officers of CBI under RTI Act

S.No Name of Branch Name of CPIOs Name of FAAs
(i) IPCU Delhi DD, IPCU, Delhi HoZ,TFC Zone
(ii) System Division, Delhi SP System Division, Delhi

(H) 2 latest important CBI’s News in Newspapers in India

251. News published on April 27,2023 in Times of India for bribery by FCI officer

(i) CBI arrested 2 Food Corporation of India (FCI) officers working in Bhopal office in Madhya Pradesh in bribery case.

(ii) CBI registered case after receipt of complaint against 2 accused identified Mr. Abhishek Pare technical assistant (Grade-I) + Gaurishankar Meena technical assistant (Grade-III) booked under various sections of Prevention of Corruption Act.

(iii) Alleged that accused already demanded bribe INR 1 lac per month from complainant (warehouses owner) for keeping stock of grains for longer period in his warehouses.

(iv) Further alleged that accused agreed to reduce demand on request of complainant + directed him to arrange bribe INR 40 thousand (both)

(v) CBI laid trap + apprehended (both) accused while accepting bribe from complainant.

(vi) Searches at residential + office premises of both accused already conducted.

(vii) Both accused produced before special court of CBI cases in Bhopal.

(viii) Team led by additional superintendent of police Atul Hajela + assisted by inspectors Mr. Satish Barwal + Mr. Abhishek Sonekar + Mr. Sunil Gupta + also SI Mr. Subhash Tomar (all).

252. News published on April 27, 23 in Lokmat Times for levy of penalty INR 3 cr.

(i) Special court of CBI at Bengaluru (Karnataka’s) awarded rigorous imprisonment for 5 year to H. Thangal, former deputy superintending horticulturist, Archaeological Survey of India, Mysuru + also ordered (instructed) pay penalty INR 3.5 Crore for possessing disproportionate assets.

(ii) Special court of CBI awarded simple imprisonment for 3 year to his wife Machamthui Charenamei + also penalty INR 1 lac (both).

(iii) CBI registered case on August 13, 2019 against accused for allegations that enriched himself illegally from January 1, 2012 to August 8, 2019 + also found in possession of assets INR 3,11,94,005 disproportionate to his known sources of income by 103%.

(iv) Disclaimer

This post auto-published from newspaper without any modification to text + also not reviewed by editor

(I) CBI Academy for training in Crimes investigations + prosecutions + etc. (all)

253. Vision + Mission + Academy (all) against establishment for training by CBI

(i) Vision against establishment of CBI academy for training at Ghaziabad (UP)

    • For providing excellence in training against Crime Investigations + Prosecution + Vigilance functioning (all).

(ii) Mission against establishment of CBI academy for training at Ghaziabad (UP)

    • For training human resources of CBI + State Police + Vigilance organizations to attain higher level of professionalism + industry + impartiality + uprightness + dedication to service of nation (all).

(iii) CBI Academy for training human resources of CBI + State Police + Vigilance (all)

(a) CBI academy’ presently situated in district Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh about 38 kms from New Delhi Railway Station + also 53 Kms from Indira Gandhi International Airport (both).

(b) CBI academy spread over in 26 acre with lush green fields + covered area consisting of Administrative + Academic + Hostel + Sports Complex + Swimming Pool + Incubation Centre + also Residential Blocks (all).

(c) CBI academy’s foundation stone laid by Smt Margaret Alva former Minister of State (Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions), Government of India on October 29, 1992.

(d) CBI academy started functioning on January 10, 1996 + also inaugurated by former Prime Minister of India Late PV Narsimha Rao (both).

(e) CBI academy already emerged major police training institution of India + south Asia + also made position at national + international level (all).

(f) CBI academy’s infrastructure already expanded with establishment 3 Regional Training Centres (RTCs) at Kolkata + Chennai + Mumbai (all).

(g) CBI academy’s RTCs presently equipped with modern training aids + also aiming to maximize training outcome in cost effective manner through utilizing services of local resource persons (all).

(h) CBI academy presently having focal point on training activities within organization + responsible for identification + conducting suitable training programmes + regulation of nominations of trainees + also preparation of Annual Training Calendar (all).

(i) CBI academy conducting On-line training programmes for personnel from CBI + from other central + also local law enforcement agencies (all).

  1. Award + Achievement (both) for CBI academy at Ghaziabad (UP)

(i) DSCI Excellence Award for Capacity Building 2015

    • CBI Academy already adjudged winner of DSCI Excellence Award for excellence in capacity building of Law Enforcement Agencies during DSCI-NASSCOM Annual Information Security Summit 2015.

(ii) DSCI Excellence Award for Capacity Building 2013

    • CBI Academy already adjudged winner of DSCI Excellence Award for excellence in capacity building of Law Enforcement Agencies during DSCI-NASSCOM Annual Information Security Summit 2013.

255. Name + Address + Phone Number (all) for CBI academy at Ghaziabad (UP)

(i) Name                                : CBI Academy

(ii) Address                            : Kamla Nehru Nagar Hapur Road, Ghaziabad (UP) India

(iii) Phone No                        : +911202782985 + 6 + 7 + 8

(iv) Fax No                             : +911202755999


(Author can be reached at email address satishagarwal307@yahoo.com or on Mobile No. 9811081957)

Disclaimer : The contents of this article are solely for informational purpose. Neither this article nor the informations as contained herein constitutes a contract or will form the basis of a contract. The material contained in this article does not constitute or substitute professional advice that may be required before acting on any matter. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this article to ensure its accuracy at the time of publication. Satish Agarwal assumes no responsibility for any error which despite all precautions may be found herein. We shall not be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages if any arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this article or the informations as contained herein.


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