New Delhi, the 08th November, 2021
F. No. N-12/13/01/2019-P&D.— Whereas draft notification further to extend the Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana for a period 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2022 with relaxed eligibility condition and enhance of rate of relief notified in Gazette of India (Extraordinary) Part III Section – 4 (Sl. No. 436) dated 16.10.2020 and Sl. No. 15 dated 11.01.2020 was published in the Gazette of India, (Extraordinary), Part III–Section-4 (Sl. No. 329) dated 13.08.2021.
And whereas, the said Gazette notification was made available to the public on 13.08.2021; And no suggestion was received from the persons likely to be affected;
Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under sub-section (1) of section 97 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act 1948 (34 of 1948), the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation hereby notifies its decision to extend Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana for a period 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2022 with enhanced rate of relief and relaxed eligibility conditions as notified in the Gazette of India, (Extraordinary), Part III – Section – 4 (Sl. No. 436) dated 16.10.2020. and Sl. No. 15 dated 11.01.2021.
S. BISWAS, Insurance Commissioner (P&D)