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(Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)
New Delhi, the 2nd February, 2021

G.S.R. 96(E).—The draft of the following rules further to amend the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 and 7 of the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884), is hereby published as required by sub-section (I) of section 18 of the said Act for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after thirty days from the date on which the copies of this notification as published in the Official Gazette are made available to the public;

Objections or suggestions, if any, to these draft rules may be sent to the Shri Sushil K Satpute, Director (Explosives), Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Room No 265 Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011 or sent by email (sushil.satpute@nic.in) within the period specified above;

The objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules, within the period so specified will be considered by the Central Government.

Draft Rules

1. Short title and commencement-(1) these rules may be called the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) (Amendment) Rules 2021.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (U) Rules, 2016 following may be amended

3. In the said Rules in Rule 2 after sub rule (xxix) following shall be inserted namely;

(xxix)(a) ISO Tank Container means tank container which includes two basic elements, the vessel and the framework, suitable for the carriage of compressed gas for conveyance by road, rail and sea, including interchange between these forms of transport and complies with requirements of ISO 1496″

4. In the said Rules, in Rule 2 after(xl), the following lines to be added:-

(xl) (a) Third Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) means a professional organization recognized by Chief Controller to carry out inspection, certifications, testing and safety audit of major accident hazards (MAH) premises as defined under Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989, and having persons with qualifications and experience as applicable to the competent persons.

5. In the said Rules in Rule 2 sub rule (xIiii) after the word pressure vessel following words shall be inserted namely;

”,ISO Tank Container”

6. In the said Rules, in the rule 18 (2) (xiii) after the word ―competent person” the following words shall be inserted, namely: –

”, Third party inspection agency (TPIA)”.

7. In the said Rules, in the rule 19 (1) (a) and 19 (7) after the word ―competent person” the following words shall be inserted, namely: –

”, Third party inspection agency (TPIA)”.

8. In the said Rules,in the rule 33 after the word ―competent person” the following words shall be inserted, namely: –

”, Third party inspection agency (TPIA)”.

9. In the said Rules, in the rule 43 after the word ―competent person” the following words shall be inserted, namely: –

”, Third party inspection agency (TPIA)”.

10. In the said Rules, in the rule 49 sub rule (4) after the words & figure LS-2. Following words and figure shall be inserted namely;


11. In the said Rules in Rule 50 after sub rule (c) following shall be inserted namely;


”In Form AS-4, if the application is in respect of permission to transport compressed gas in ISO Tank Container by Road within the Indian Territory or to grant permission for Import & Transport of Compressed Gas in ISO Tank Container”

12. In the said Rules, in Appendix IIA, at Sl. No. 2, in column 4 the words ―(1) A minimum experience of 10 years in –” shall be substituted with

”(1) A minimum experience of 5 years in –”

13. In the said Rules, in Appendix III, at Sl. No. A &4, after the word ―competent person” the following words shall be inserted, namely: –

”, Third party inspection agency (TPIA)”.

14. In the said Rules in Schedule IB after Sl No. 14 following shall be inserted namely;

15 Grant of permission to Transport Compressed gas in ISO Tank
containers by Road within the Indian Territory

15. In the said Rules after Form AS-3 following Form shall be inserted namely;


(See Rule 50)

Application proforma for the grant of permission to Transport Compressed gas in ISO Tank containers by Road within Indian Territory

1. Name in which permission required

i. Applicant’s calling

ii. Applicant’s full postal address

iii. Telephone No(s) and E-mail

2. Particulars of storage licence under SMPV(U) Rules, 2016 & Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016 :

i. Number and date of storage licence issued by the Chief Controller/Controller

ii. Validity of licenceupto

iii. Capacity of storage as per above licence

3. Description of the ISO Tank container :

i. Owners code & Serial Number

ii. Model Number

iii. Country of manufacture

iv. Name of the Manufacturer

v. Year of Manufacture

vi. Approval country

vii. Authorized body for design approval

viii. Pressure Vessel Design Code

ix. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure(MAWP)

x. Test Pressure

xi. Initial Pressure Test Date

xii. Design Temperature Range

xiii. Material of construction of vessel

xiv. Nominal thickness of shell and dish ends

xv. ISO tank container Water capacity

xvi. Maximum permissible gross mass

xvii. Unladen tare mass

xviii. Inspected and tested by

xix. Specification of the safety valves fitted to the vessel including set pressure

xx. Design drawing

xxi. Mounting drawing

xxii. Filled with (True chemical name of the gas)

xxiii. Filling ratio, if filled with a liquefiable gas

xxiv. Date of last hydraulic test

4. Make and Model of Prime Mover(s) to be used for ISO Tank Container mounting purpose Date of application Signature of applicant Postal address of the applicant Application shall accompany two sets of following documents

i. Initial inspection certificate / Certificate of Control

ii. Valid test and inspection certificates if applicable

iii. Vessel design drawing, duly endorsed by third party inspecting agency

iv. Mounting drawing for ISO-container, etc..

v. Certificates issued under Rule – 43 of SMPV (U) Rules, 2016.

vi. Permission Fee Rs.5000/Year

5. In the said Rules after the Form LS-2 following Form shall be inserted namely;


Permission to Transport Compressed Gas in ISO Tank Container by Road within the Indian

(See Rule 49 & 50)

Permission No. _________________________________________________ Fee Rs. 5000/Year

Permission is hereby granted to __________________________________________ to transport

compressed gas by the ISO Tank Container as described below subject to the provisions of the Indian Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884) and the rules made there under and to the further conditions of this Permission.


i. Owners code & Serial Number

ii. ISO Tank Container Model Number

iii. Country of manufacture

iv. Name of the Manufacturer

v. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure(MAWP)

vi. ISO tank container Water capacity

vii. Maximum permissible gross mass

viii. CCOE approved Mounting drawing details

ix. Filled with (True chemical name of the gas)

x. Maximum permissible Payload

xi. Make and Model of Prime Mover(s)

xii. Registered Laden Weight (RLW)

This Permission will remain valid up to one year from date of grant of permission

Date of Issue: Chief Controller of Explosives/Controller of Explosives This Permission is liable to be cancelled if the Permitted vehicle is not found conforming to the requirements of chapters II and IV of the Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules 2016, or for the contravention of any of the said rules and conditions under which this Permission is granted and the holder of this Permission is also punishable under the Act


1. ISO Tank Container shall be used for transportation of compressed gas for which permission is granted

2. Loaded vehicle weight shall not be more than RLW/GCW/GVW of the vehicle proposed to be used for ISO Tank Container mounting purpose

3. ISO Tank Container shall not be used for static storage installation for compressed gas

4. In case of multimodal transportation of ISO Tank container within the Indian Territory

a. adequate lifting and tie-down facilities shall be ensured at mounting and demounting locations

b. Permission holder shall be responsible for compliance of statutory requirements of Railways/Ports/ Director General of Shipping/ Customs etc., as applicable.

5. ISO Tank Container shall bear Markings as per the requirements of ISO 6348

6. Periodic inspection of ISO Tank Container shall be carried out as specified in IMDG

7. Repair of ISO Tank Container shall be carried out by Original Equipment Manufacturer

8. The permission letter shall be kept at all times in the permitted vehicle and produced on demand by an officer specified in Rule 70.

9. Only responsible persons who are conversant with the conditions of this permission shall be employed for driving the Permitted vehicle or attending to it.

10. The Permitted vehicle shall be constantly attended to by a responsible person and by at least two persons while it is transporting compressed gas:

Provided that the permitted vehicle may, if empty, be kept unattended in a place approved for the purpose, in writing, by the Chief Controller or Controller.

11. The permitted vehicle shall at all times carry –

a. at least two portable fire extinguishers of capacity not less than 9 litres and suitable for extinguishing chemical fires;

b. a strong flexible cable for electrical bonding in case of vehicle used for transportation of flammable compressed gas; the cable shall be at least 5 metres long and shall have at each end a suitable clamp or clip.

12. The compressed gas shall not be loaded or unloaded in/from ISO Tank Container except in a place which is approved within the premises licensed for the purpose under the rules by the Chief Controller or Controller or when the fitments including vessel becomes leaky, defective or otherwise insecure.

Provided that the permitted ISO Tank Container may be unloaded at any other place with all the precautions and under adequate supervision if such unloading is necessitated by an accident or break down.

13. No ISO Tank Container shall discharge any compressed gas directly into any process vessel.

14. The permitted ISO Tank Container shall not be loaded if any of the fitments including vessel becomes leaky, defective or otherwise insecure.

15. Before compressed gas is loaded into or unloaded from the permitted ISO Tank Container –

a. its engine shall be stopped and the battery shall be isolated by a proper switch or otherwise;

b. its wheels shall be secured by brakes or by scotching;

c. its chassis shall be electrically bonded by a cable with the pipe into or from which it is to be loaded or unloaded, in case of vehicle used for transportation of flammable compressed gas;

d. the correct filling or discharge pipe connections are made at both ends;

e. a responsible person shall be in attendance and remain so until loading or unloading is over and the vehicle has been sealed.

16. Except when called upon by traffic signals or required by the licensing authority or any other officer entrusted with the job of enforcing the rules, the permitted vehicle shall not stop on any road, congested area or a place which is not a place situated within the premises licensed under the rules for the loading and unloading of ISO Tank Container vehicle.

17. No smoking and no fire or artificial light or any article capable of igniting flammable vapour shall be allowed on the permitted vehicle used for the transportation of any flammable gas.

18. The permitted ISO Tank Container vehicle shall not be used for carrying passengers.

19. No alteration in the permitted ISO Tank Container or its safety fittings shall be carried out without previous sanction in writing of the licensing authority. Such alteration so sanctioned shall be endorsed on the licence by an amendment.

20. Any accident, fire, explosion or untoward incident occurred within the permitted ISO Tank Container vehicle shall be immediately reported to the Chief Controller, Controller, nearest police station and District Magistrate by quickest mode of communication.


Proforma for Grant of Permission for Import & Transport of Compressed Gas in ISO Tank

(See Rule 49 & 50)




Sub: Import & transport of Compressed Gas in ISO tank Container under SMPV (U) Rules-2016.


Please refer to your letter No.———- Dated————- on the above subject.

Permission is hereby accorded for the import and transport_______ gas from————— , to your factory

premises at ——————————— (and return of empty container) in ISO- container as per the details furnished below:


1. Name of the Fabricator :

2. Serial No. :

3. Design/Working Pressure :

4. Design Temperature

5. Fabrication Code/Type :

6. Water Capacity :

7. Test & Inspection :

8. Certificate No.& date.

9. Weight :

10. Safety Valve Set Pressure :

11. Bulk Storage Licence No. :

The above permission is accorded subject to the following conditions:-

a. The permission is valid only for one time import/export of ISO container.

b. safety precautions and relevant provisions of the SMPV(U) Rules-2016 should be strictly complied with during transportation of the ISO Tank Container(s).

c. The exhaust of the vehicle shall be fitted with a spark Arrestor of a make approved by the Chief Controller of Explosives if applicable

d. The mounting/demounting of the container shall be carried out under the direct supervision of a responsible officer of your Organization and a Safety Certificate under rule 43 issued under SMPV(U) Rules 2016 by a competent person duly recognized by this Department.

e. Necessary permission/ clearance/licences shall be obtained from Port/Transport and any other authority concerned.

f. The gross weight of the tank shall not exceed the RLW of the vehicle

g. Product shall be loaded/unloaded only in the premises licensed in FORM-III of the SMPV(U) Rules-2016.

h. Please submit documentary evidence for return of ISO container after filling/emptying of ISO Container.

The above permission may be reviewed, amended and withdrawn at any time, if considered necessary in the interest of safety and contravention of conditions.

The above permission is otherwise valid for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of issue of this letter.

Yours faithfully,

For Chief Controller of Explosives

[F. No. 2(1)/2017-Expl]

Note : The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide notification G.S.R. 1109(E), dated the 1st December, 2016, subsequently amended vide G.S.R 388(E), dated the 20th April, 2018 and G.S.R 148(E), dated 25th February, 2019.


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