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Compliance with regulations governing the handling, storage, and transportation of explosives and gas cylinders is of paramount importance to ensure the safety of individuals, property, and the environment. In India, two significant pieces of legislation that regulate these aspects are The Explosives Act, 1884, and The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016. These laws have been enacted to establish a comprehensive framework for the management of explosives and gas cylinders, with the primary objective of preventing accidents, protecting public safety, and safeguarding national security.

The Explosives Act, 1884: The Explosives Act, 1884, is one of the oldest legislations in India that addresses the regulation of explosives. It was designed to control the manufacture, possession, use, sale, import, and transport of explosives and explosive substances. The Act outlines the following key aspects:

Licensing and Permits: The Act requires individuals and entities involved in any aspect of explosives to obtain the necessary licenses and permits from competent authorities. This includes licenses for manufacturing, storage, sale, and use of explosives.

Safety Standards: It sets stringent safety standards for the manufacturing, storage, and transportation of explosives to prevent accidents and mishandling.

Enforcement: The Act empowers government agencies to enforce compliance through inspections, investigations, and the prosecution of violators.

Penalties: It prescribes penalties for violations, which can include fines and imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016: The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016, were enacted to regulate the manufacture, storage, transportation, distribution, and use of gas cylinders in India. These rules are crucial for ensuring the safety of individuals and property when dealing with compressed gases. Key aspects of The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 include:

1. Cylinder Standards: The rules specify the standards and specifications that gas cylinders must adhere to, including design, construction, and testing requirements.

2. Licensing and Certification: Entities involved in the manufacturing, import, and distribution of gas cylinders must obtain licenses and certificates to ensure that they meet safety and quality standards.

3. Safety Measures: The rules lay down safety measures for the storage, transportation, and use of gas cylinders, including labeling, handling procedures, and safety equipment.

4. Inspections and Compliance: Regular inspections are mandated to ensure compliance with safety standards, and non-compliant cylinders may be withdrawn from circulation.

5. Emergency Response: The rules provide guidelines for responding to emergencies involving gas cylinders to minimize risks and protect public safety.

6. Training and Awareness: There is a focus on training and awareness programs to educate stakeholders about the safe handling and use of gas cylinders.

Compliance under Explosives Act

Compliance with The Explosives Act, 1884, and The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016, is essential for all individuals and entities involved in the explosives and gas cylinder industry. Strict adherence to these regulations not only ensures safety but also plays a pivotal role in protecting the environment and national security. Violations of these laws can lead to severe legal consequences, making it imperative for all stakeholders to stay informed and uphold the highest standards of safety and compliance.

Sr No Under Legislation What to do Compliance
1 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Identification colors Ensure that the cylinder is painted with appropriate identification colors specified in IS:4379 for industrial cylinders, IS:15683 or IS:2878 for fire extinguishers and IS:3933 for medical cylinders.
2 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Identification colors Ensure that the cylinder is painted with appropriate identification colors specified in IS:4379 for industrial cylinders, IS:15683 or IS:2878 for fire extinguishers and IS:3933 for medical cylinders.
3 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of smoking, fire, light and dangerous substances Ensure that no person smokes and no fire, other than blow pipe flame for repairs, or articles or such other substances of flammable nature or liable to spontaneous ignition or to cause or communicate fire or explosion are allowed at any time in proximity
4 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure to put permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids
5 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure to put permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids
6 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on filling Ensure that- (1) Welded cylinders are not used for filling any permanent or high pressure liquefiable gas like Boron trifluoride, Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene), Chlorine trifluoride, Cyanogen, Cyanogen chloride, Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen sulphide, (2) For
7 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Good forwarding note in case of goods of dangerous and hazardous nature Indicate the details of dangerous and hazardous goods in goods forwarding note
8 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Loading of motor vehicle Do not load the motor vehicle beyond the gross vehicle weight mentioned in the registration certificate whose registration number is mentioned in the goods forwarding note or goods receipt, and do not allow such vehicle to be loaded beyond the gross vehicle weight
9 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Acknowledgement copy of the good forwarding note Obtain an acknowledged copy of the goods forwarding note from common carrier
10 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Goods forwarding note Execute a goods forwarding note including a declaration about the value of the consignment and containing the details of the goods in Form 7 and submit it to the common carrier in duplicate
11 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Ensuring contract of insurance Scrutinize and ensure before starting transportation of any consignment containing goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human are covered under one or more insurance policies for providing relief in case of death or injury to a person or damage to any property or the consignment, if an accident takes place
12 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Goods forwarding note for dangerous or hazardous goods Ensure the goods forwarding note for dangerous or hazardous goods on the upper left hand corners printed in red as “expand goods”
13 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinder Ensure that such person has a license to possess a gas cylinder or his authorized agent unless he is exempted under these rules to possess compressed gas cylinder without a license
14 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinder Ensure that such person has a license to possess a gas cylinder or his authorized agent unless he is exempted under these rules to possess compressed gas cylinder without a license
15 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated person Ensure that a child under the age of 18 years and a person who is in a state of intoxication are not to be employed in-charge of loading or unloading or transport of any compressed gas cylinder or in any premises licensed under these rules
16 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated person Ensure that a child under the age of 18 years and a person who is in a state of intoxication are not to be employed in-charge of loading or unloading or transport of any compressed gas cylinder or in any premises licensed under these rules
17 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Storage of cylinders Ensure that- (1) The cylinders are stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place under cover, away from boilers, open flames, steam pipes or any potential sources of heat and such place of storage shall be easily accessible. (2) The storage room or shed is
18 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Special precautions against accidents Ensure that no person commits or attempts to commit any act, which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where gas under pressure in cylinder is stored, handled or transported
19 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Location of pressure vessels Ensure that each vessel is located with respect to the nearest building or group of buildings or line of adjoining property which may be built on and with respect to other vessels and facilities in accordance with the distances specified in the Tables
20 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Vehicles for transportation to be of the type approved by Chief Controller Ensure that for every vehicle for the transport of compressed gas is of a type approved, in writing, by the Chief Controller
21 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 General precautions Ensure to comply with the specified general safety precaution requirements
22 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 General precautions Ensure to comply with the specified general safety precaution requirements
23 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Labeling of cylinders Ensure that every cylinder is labeled with the name of the gas and the name and address of the person by whom the cylinder was filled with gas
24 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Certificate of Safety Furnish Certificate of Safety in prescribed performa signed by a competent person, third party inspection agency to the licensing authority before any vessel is used for the storage of any compressed gas or whenever any addition or alteration to the installations or foundations for the vessel is carried out
25 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on filling Ensure that- (1) Welded cylinders are not used for filling any permanent or high pressure liquefiable gas like Boron trifluoride, Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene), Chlorine trifluoride, Cyanogen, Cyanogen chloride, Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen sulphide, (2) For
26 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure that the cylinders manufactured before the publication of these rules have permanent and tamper proof marking, before expiry of six months in case of oxygen cylinders and one year in case of other non-toxic and non-flammable gas cylinders from the date of publication of these rules
27 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure that the cylinders manufactured before the publication of these rules have permanent and tamper proof marking, before expiry of six months in case of oxygen cylinders and one year in case of other non-toxic and non-flammable gas cylinders from the date of publication of these rules
28 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders intended for gas mixtures Ensure that- 1) the cylinders intended for gas mixtures are marked with the words “Gas Mixture ‘ or “Mixed Gas” and 2) the cylinders are marked with the names (symbols, if necessary) of the components of the mixture by stamping, if the cylinders are intended for the casual use of the particular gas mixture
29 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders intended for gas mixtures Ensure that- 1) the cylinders intended for gas mixtures are marked with the words “Gas Mixture ‘ or “Mixed Gas” and 2) the cylinders are marked with the names (symbols, if necessary) of the components of the mixture by stamping, if the cylinders are intended for the casual use of the particular gas mixture
30 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Owner’s record Maintain the prescribed records for the life of each cylinder in respect of cylinders owned
31 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Special precautions against accidents Ensure that no person commits or attempts to commit any act, which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where gas under pressure in cylinder is stored, handled or transported
32 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Handling and use of cylinders Comply with the handling and use specifications as recommended
33 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Electrical installations Ensure that all electric meters, distribution boards, switches, fuses, plugs and sockets, all electric fittings, fixed lamps, portable hand lamps and motors, are of flame proof construction conforming to IS or IEC-60079-1, IS or IEC-60079-11 or any other
34 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Electrical installations Ensure that all electric meters, distribution boards, switches, fuses, plugs and sockets, all electric fittings, fixed lamps, portable hand lamps and motors, are of flame proof construction conforming to IS or IEC-60079-1, IS or IEC-60079-11 or any other
35 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Identification colors Ensure that the cylinder is painted with appropriate identification colors specified in IS:4379 for industrial cylinders, IS:15683 or IS:2878 for fire extinguishers and IS:3933 for medical cylinders.
36 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Identification colors Ensure that the cylinder is painted with appropriate identification colors specified in IS:4379 for industrial cylinders, IS:15683 or IS:2878 for fire extinguishers and IS:3933 for medical cylinders.
37 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of smoking, fire, light and dangerous substances Ensure that no person smokes and no fire, other than blow pipe flame for repairs, or articles or such other substances of flammable nature or liable to spontaneous ignition or to cause or communicate fire or explosion are allowed at any time in proximity
38 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure to put permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids
39 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Labeling of cylinders Ensure that every cylinder is labeled with the name of the gas and the name and address of the person by whom the cylinder was filled with gas
40 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Certificate of Safety Furnish Certificate of Safety in prescribed performa signed by a competent person, third party inspection agency to the licensing authority before any vessel is used for the storage of any compressed gas or whenever any addition or alteration to the installations or foundations for the vessel is carried out
41 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinder Ensure that such person has a license to possess a gas cylinder or his authorized agent unless he is exempted under these rules to possess compressed gas cylinder without a license
42 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinder Ensure that such person has a license to possess a gas cylinder or his authorized agent unless he is exempted under these rules to possess compressed gas cylinder without a license
43 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated person Ensure that a child under the age of 18 years and a person who is in a state of intoxication are not to be employed in-charge of loading or unloading or transport of any compressed gas cylinder or in any premises licensed under these rules
44 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated person Ensure that a child under the age of 18 years and a person who is in a state of intoxication are not to be employed in-charge of loading or unloading or transport of any compressed gas cylinder or in any premises licensed under these rules
45 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders intended for gas mixtures Ensure that- 1) the cylinders intended for gas mixtures are marked with the words “Gas Mixture ‘ or “Mixed Gas” and 2) the cylinders are marked with the names (symbols, if necessary) of the components of the mixture by stamping, if the cylinders are intended for the casual use of the particular gas mixture
46 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Owner’s record Maintain the prescribed records for the life of each cylinder in respect of cylinders owned
47 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Location of pressure vessels Ensure that each vessel is located with respect to the nearest building or group of buildings or line of adjoining property which may be built on and with respect to other vessels and facilities in accordance with the distances specified in the Tables
48 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Vehicles for transportation to be of the type approved by Chief Controller Ensure that for every vehicle for the transport of compressed gas is of a type approved, in writing, by the Chief Controller
49 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 General precautions Ensure to comply with the specified general safety precaution requirements
50 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 General precautions Ensure to comply with the specified general safety precaution requirements
51 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure to put permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids
52 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on filling Ensure that- (1) Welded cylinders are not used for filling any permanent or high pressure liquefiable gas like Boron trifluoride, Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene), Chlorine trifluoride, Cyanogen, Cyanogen chloride, Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen sulphide, (2) For
53 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on filling Ensure that- (1) Welded cylinders are not used for filling any permanent or high pressure liquefiable gas like Boron trifluoride, Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene), Chlorine trifluoride, Cyanogen, Cyanogen chloride, Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen sulphide, (2) For
54 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure that the cylinders manufactured before the publication of these rules have permanent and tamper proof marking, before expiry of six months in case of oxygen cylinders and one year in case of other non-toxic and non-flammable gas cylinders from the date of publication of these rules
55 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure that the cylinders manufactured before the publication of these rules have permanent and tamper proof marking, before expiry of six months in case of oxygen cylinders and one year in case of other non-toxic and non-flammable gas cylinders from the date of publication of these rules
56 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders intended for gas mixtures Ensure that- 1) the cylinders intended for gas mixtures are marked with the words “Gas Mixture ‘ or “Mixed Gas” and 2) the cylinders are marked with the names (symbols, if necessary) of the components of the mixture by stamping, if the cylinders are intended for the casual use of the particular gas mixture
57 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Good forwarding note in case of goods of dangerous and hazardous nature Indicate the details of dangerous and hazardous goods in goods forwarding note
58 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Loading of motor vehicle Do not load the motor vehicle beyond the gross vehicle weight mentioned in the registration certificate whose registration number is mentioned in the goods forwarding note or goods receipt, and do not allow such vehicle to be loaded beyond the gross vehicle weight
59 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Acknowledgement copy of the good forwarding note Obtain an acknowledged copy of the goods forwarding note from common carrier
60 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Goods forwarding note Execute a goods forwarding note including a declaration about the value of the consignment and containing the details of the goods in Form 7 and submit it to the common carrier in duplicate
61 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Ensuring contract of insurance Scrutinize and ensure before starting transportation of any consignment containing goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human are covered under one or more insurance policies for providing relief in case of death or injury to a person or damage to any property or the consignment, if an accident takes place
62 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Goods forwarding note for dangerous or hazardous goods Ensure the goods forwarding note for dangerous or hazardous goods on the upper left hand corners printed in red as “expand goods”
63 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Storage of cylinders Ensure that- (1) The cylinders are stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place under cover, away from boilers, open flames, steam pipes or any potential sources of heat and such place of storage shall be easily accessible. (2) The storage room or shed is
64 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Special precautions against accidents Ensure that no person commits or attempts to commit any act, which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where gas under pressure in cylinder is stored, handled or transported
65 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Special precautions against accidents Ensure that no person commits or attempts to commit any act, which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where gas under pressure in cylinder is stored, handled or transported
66 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Handling and use of cylinders Comply with the handling and use specifications as recommended
67 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Identification colors Ensure that the cylinder is painted with appropriate identification colors specified in IS:4379 for industrial cylinders, IS:15683 or IS:2878 for fire extinguishers and IS:3933 for medical cylinders.
68 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Identification colors Ensure that the cylinder is painted with appropriate identification colors specified in IS:4379 for industrial cylinders, IS:15683 or IS:2878 for fire extinguishers and IS:3933 for medical cylinders.
69 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Good forwarding note in case of goods of dangerous and hazardous nature Indicate the details of dangerous and hazardous goods in goods forwarding note
70 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Loading of motor vehicle Do not load the motor vehicle beyond the gross vehicle weight mentioned in the registration certificate whose registration number is mentioned in the goods forwarding note or goods receipt, and do not allow such vehicle to be loaded beyond the gross vehicle weight
71 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Acknowledgement copy of the good forwarding note Obtain an acknowledged copy of the goods forwarding note from common carrier
72 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Goods forwarding note Execute a goods forwarding note including a declaration about the value of the consignment and containing the details of the goods in Form 7 and submit it to the common carrier in duplicate
73 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Ensuring contract of insurance Scrutinize and ensure before starting transportation of any consignment containing goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human are covered under one or more insurance policies for providing relief in case of death or injury to a person or damage to any property or the consignment, if an accident takes place
74 The Carriage by Road Act, 2007 & The Carriage by Road Rules, 2011 Goods forwarding note for dangerous or hazardous goods Ensure the goods forwarding note for dangerous or hazardous goods on the upper left hand corners printed in red as “expand goods”
75 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated person Ensure that a child under the age of 18 years and a person who is in a state of intoxication are not to be employed in-charge of loading or unloading or transport of any compressed gas cylinder or in any premises licensed under these rules
76 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated person Ensure that a child under the age of 18 years and a person who is in a state of intoxication are not to be employed in-charge of loading or unloading or transport of any compressed gas cylinder or in any premises licensed under these rules
77 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Storage of cylinders Ensure that- (1) The cylinders are stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place under cover, away from boilers, open flames, steam pipes or any potential sources of heat and such place of storage shall be easily accessible. (2) The storage room or shed is
78 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Special precautions against accidents Ensure that no person commits or attempts to commit any act, which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where gas under pressure in cylinder is stored, handled or transported
79 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Special precautions against accidents Ensure that no person commits or attempts to commit any act, which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where gas under pressure in cylinder is stored, handled or transported
80 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Handling and use of cylinders Comply with the handling and use specifications as recommended
81 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 General precautions Ensure to comply with the specified general safety precaution requirements
82 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 General precautions Ensure to comply with the specified general safety precaution requirements
83 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Labeling of cylinders Ensure that every cylinder is labeled with the name of the gas and the name and address of the person by whom the cylinder was filled with gas
84 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Certificate of Safety Furnish Certificate of Safety in prescribed performa signed by a competent person, third party inspection agency to the licensing authority before any vessel is used for the storage of any compressed gas or whenever any addition or alteration to the installations or foundations for the vessel is carried out
85 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinder Ensure that such person has a license to possess a gas cylinder or his authorized agent unless he is exempted under these rules to possess compressed gas cylinder without a license
86 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinder Ensure that such person has a license to possess a gas cylinder or his authorized agent unless he is exempted under these rules to possess compressed gas cylinder without a license
87 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure that the cylinders manufactured before the publication of these rules have permanent and tamper proof marking, before expiry of six months in case of oxygen cylinders and one year in case of other non-toxic and non-flammable gas cylinders from the date of publication of these rules
88 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders intended for gas mixtures Ensure that- 1) the cylinders intended for gas mixtures are marked with the words “Gas Mixture ‘ or “Mixed Gas” and 2) the cylinders are marked with the names (symbols, if necessary) of the components of the mixture by stamping, if the cylinders are intended for the casual use of the particular gas mixture
89 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders intended for gas mixtures Ensure that- 1) the cylinders intended for gas mixtures are marked with the words “Gas Mixture ‘ or “Mixed Gas” and 2) the cylinders are marked with the names (symbols, if necessary) of the components of the mixture by stamping, if the cylinders are intended for the casual use of the particular gas mixture
90 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Owner’s record Maintain the prescribed records for the life of each cylinder in respect of cylinders owned
91 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Location of pressure vessels Ensure that each vessel is located with respect to the nearest building or group of buildings or line of adjoining property which may be built on and with respect to other vessels and facilities in accordance with the distances specified in the Tables
92 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016 Vehicles for transportation to be of the type approved by Chief Controller Ensure that for every vehicle for the transport of compressed gas is of a type approved, in writing, by the Chief Controller
93 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Prohibition of smoking, fire, light and dangerous substances Ensure that no person smokes and no fire, other than blow pipe flame for repairs, or articles or such other substances of flammable nature or liable to spontaneous ignition or to cause or communicate fire or explosion are allowed at any time in proximity
94 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure to put permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids
95 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure to put permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids
96 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on filling Ensure that- (1) Welded cylinders are not used for filling any permanent or high pressure liquefiable gas like Boron trifluoride, Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene), Chlorine trifluoride, Cyanogen, Cyanogen chloride, Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen sulphide, (2) For
97 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Restriction on filling Ensure that- (1) Welded cylinders are not used for filling any permanent or high pressure liquefiable gas like Boron trifluoride, Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene), Chlorine trifluoride, Cyanogen, Cyanogen chloride, Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen sulphide, (2) For
98 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Markings on cylinders and containers Ensure that the cylinders manufactured before the publication of these rules have permanent and tamper proof marking, before expiry of six months in case of oxygen cylinders and one year in case of other non-toxic and non-flammable gas cylinders from the date of publication of these rules
99 The Explosives Act, 1884 & The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2016 Electrical installations Ensure that all electric meters, distribution boards, switches, fuses, plugs and sockets, all electric fittings, fixed lamps, portable hand lamps and motors, are of flame proof construction conforming to IS or IEC-60079-1, IS or IEC-60079-11 or any other


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A seasoned company secretary with a law degree, currently affiliated with the ACGL (Promoted by TATA Motors) as a Compliance officer, on the board as an independent director of a company that is publicly listed, and expertise working with reputable organisations like OPPO Mobile and Dainik Bhaskar View Full Profile

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