Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, New Delhi
File No. Dated: 17.05.2017
All registered Organizations/Advocates/Individuals
Sub: Interaction with stakeholders regarding electronic hearing (e-Hearing)
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), a statutory body constituted under the Act of Parliament is mandated with the responsibilities to discharge its functions under the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003.
2. CERC, as part of the Digital India initiative, have launched a web-based e- filing portal on 4th April 2016, the Stakeholders and their Counsels are now filing petitions and submitting pleadings online on CERC e- Filing portal, after accessing the portal by entering their login credentials.
3. As a further move in this direction the Commission intends to introduce e- Hearing from June 2017. The e- hearing facility would enable the stakeholders to present their case during the hearing through soft copies of the pleadings.
4, In this connection an interaction with stakeholders/ advocates will be held on 22.05.2017 at 15.00 hrs and it is expected to continue till 16.30 hrs. You are requested to participate in the above said interaction and offer your valuable suggestions for smooth implementation of e-Hearing.
5. To enable proper arrangements for the interaction, you are requested to send an email providing the name(s) of proposed participant(s) from your organization at acmis@cercind.gov.in latest by 19th May, 2017. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interaction.
Yours sincerely.
Chief (Legal)