Ref:IRDA/IT/CIR/MISC/056/04/2011 Date:08-04-2011
Business Analytics Project – Short-listing of IT firms for the Financial Bidding (Phase-III)
Based on the detailed scrutiny of the Technical Proposals submitted by the various IT firms, subsequent clarifications and also based on the evaluation of the presentations made before the Technical Committee, the following IT firms have been short-listed for the Phase-III of Business Analytics Tendering Process- i.e.) Financial Bidding
1. M/s Infosys
2. M/s Mahindra Satyam
3. M/s L&T Infotech
4. M/s Keane India
The date for opening of financial bids of the shortlisted IT firms will be informed separately to the above firms.
Executive Director
Encl: Copy of the Minutes of the meeting dated 5th March 2011 ( .pdf attachment)