Summary: The process of transforming a Bill into an Act involves several stages. It begins with the drafting of the Bill, followed by its introduction in either the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, where it undergoes a first reading. The Bill is then debated and voted on during the second reading, and after clearing this stage, it moves to the committee stage for further scrutiny. During the report stage, the committee presents its recommendations to the house. If the Bill passes a third reading and majority approval, it proceeds to the other house of Parliament, where the process is repeated. Any amendments by the second house must be approved by the first house. After both houses pass the Bill, it is sent to the President for approval. Once the President gives assent, the Bill becomes an Act and is published in the Official Gazette of India, with a specific commencement date. The Act is assigned a unique number based on the year of passage, such as the Companies Act, 2013, which was the 18th Act passed in that year.
So many Acts that touches every walks of life, nature and the environment but have we ever thought about the metamorphosis from a Bill to the Act ? Here comes a short description.
1. Drafting of the Bill
2. The Bill is introduced either in the Lok Sabha or in the Rajya Sabha where it goes for a first reading.
3. Second Reading where the Bill undergoes a general debate and voting
4. Committee stage only upon the clearance general debate and voting
5. Report stage where the suggestions of the committee is presented before the house where the Bill is first introduced.
6. Third Reading and final vote (If the bill is approved by a majority, it is passed by the house where it was first introduced.
7. Upon the approval by one House, All the procedures repeats in the another House ( If the second house makes any amendments to the bill, the first house must approve them. If there are disagreements between the two houses, the bill may go back and forth between them)
8. Once both houses of Parliament pass the bill, it is sent to the President of India for approval.
Once the President gives assent, the bill becomes an act of Parliament and is published in the Official Gazette of India. The act then comes into force, either immediately or on a date specified in the legislation .
An Act is numbered by the year of passage, and each law is given a unique number within that year.
- Format:
[Year] [Act No.]
The year refers to the year the act was passed, and the act number (or serial number) is assigned in order of passage.
The Companies Act, 2013 which reads as This is the 18th act passed in the year 2013 in India
Author: CS. Anusha R | Email: WAUMTEAM@GMAIL.COM
A commendable job of breaking down the complex legislative process into clear and concise steps, it’s informative and well-structured.
Short and succinct.