As you are aware it is time of peak filing of Balance Sheet & Annual Return under the Companies Act, 1956. It has been brought to the Institutes’ notice that during October, 2011, filing of Balance Sheet and Annual Return is less as compared to last year during the same time. You are therefore kindly requested to motivate the corporates to file their Balance Sheet and Annual Return as early preferably well before the festival time of Diwali to avoid last minute rush and system congestion in MCA21.
As partner in nation building and a responsible member, we are quite sure that you might have already taken steps in advising corporate to file returns at an early date to facilitate the Ministry in achieving its desired objective under MCA 21.
(Note: Lean time for filing is after 8 P.M. till 9 A.M. next morning.)
In case of any technical difficulty, please contact us:
North (011-64506000), East (033-23675242/ 033-64506000), South (044-28152455/ 044-64506000), West (022-65161996/ 022-64506000) or you can write to us at