The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has modified the instruction contained in circular No.14/3/87-CL-V Vol. III dated 21.3.1995 to permit the period for filing of documents with less delay. This has been done in the light of the fact that implementation of MCA-21 e-governance programme and mandating of e-filing has facilitated companies to file the documents on 24×7 basis. To improve the filings, standardization of payment of additional fee has been rationalized further.
Section 611(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 permits filing of documents with delay, without prejudice to any other liability, on payment of additional fee not exceeding ten times of the statutory fees for filing documents.
For details of the above mentioned modifications, General circular no. 4/2010 dated 22.11.2010, available on the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs i.e. may be referred to.
The Ministry has advised the Companies/Professionals to file the documents without delay and avoid more additional fee.