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Explore the depths of SFIO’s role and ROC’s authority in scrutinizing companies in India. Uncover how these bodies enforce compliance, manage fraud, and uphold corporate governance standards under the Companies Act, 2013.

(A) Investigation of affairs of Company by SFIO + Inspector (any) in India

1. ROC’s powers for information’s + inspections of books section 206 of CA, 2013

(i) ROC is permitted to issue written notice under section 206(1) of CA, 2013 for furnishing information’s + explanations where considered necessary after scrutiny of documents already filed by company + receipt of documents from company (both) in response of ROC’s notice like:

(a) Written notice for furnishing the information’s + explanations (both)

(b) Written notice for producing documents in time as specified in notice.

(ii) Company is required to furnish the information’s + explanations + documents (all) in time as specified in ROC’s written notice under section 206(1) of CA, 2013

(iii) ROC is permitted to issue another written notice to company where documents furnished are unsatisfactory + not disclosed as full and fair statement of affairs after recording reasons in writing for issue another written notice.

(iv) (a) ROC is permitted to issue order in writing about grievances of investors that business of company is being carried on for fraudulent + unlawful + not in compliance with provisions of CA, 2013 (all) + also to deliver order to company

(b) Govt. is permitted to direct ROC + appointed inspector (any) for carrying enquiry

(c) Company + officers + employees (all) responsible to carry business be penalized with penalty + imprisonment (both) in accordance with section 447 of CA, 2013 + PMLA 2002 under 29 scheduled offence (Both) simultaneously

(v) Govt. is permitted to direct for inspection of books of accounts + documents (both) by appointed inspector

(vi) Govt. is permitted through issue of general order + specific order (any) to carry inspection of books of accounts of company + class of companies (any).

(vii) Penalty for failure to furnish the information’s + explanations + etc. (all) Company + officers (both) be penalized with penalty not exceeding INR 1 lac + additional fine not exceeding INR 5 thousand per day till failure is continued

2. ROC’s powers for inspections + enquiries + etc. under section 207 of CA, 2013

(i) Company’s directors + officers (both) responsible to carry the business are required to produce before ROC + appointed inspector (any) books of accounts + other books + papers + statements + information’s + etc. (all) against ROC’s written notice under section 206 of CA, 2013

(ii) ROC + appointed inspector (any) permitted for inspection + enquiry (both) under section 206 of CA, 2013 + permitted to ask further:

(a) To submit copies of books of account + other books + other papers (all)

+ (plus)

(b) To mark an identification on books as taken for inspection.

(iii) ROC + appointed inspector (any) permitted for inspection or enquiry + same powers as vested in civil court under Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (5 of 1908) during trial of suit against following matters:

(a) Discovery + production of books of accounts + other documents at specified place + time (all) before ROC + appointed inspector (any) for allowing inspection + inquiry (both).

+ (plus)

(b) Summoning + enforcing attendance of person + examining on oath

+ (plus)

(c) Inspection of books + registers + other documents (any) of company at specified place.

(iv) Penalty + imprisonment (both) for disobeying already issued directions

(a) Directors + officers (both) responsible to carry the business be penalized for disobeying directions issued by ROC with penalty not exceeding INR 1 lac + imprisonment not exceeding 1 year (both)

(b) Directors + officers (both) be deemed as vacated their office during period of imprisonment + also disqualified from holding office in company.

3. SFIO’s powers for Investigation on report from ROC / Inspector section 208

(i) SFIO is required to start investigation against company after receipt of report from office of ROC under section 208 of CA, 2013


(ii) Company already passed special resolution in AGM or EGM that affairs are required to be investigated by SFIO.


(iii) SFIO is required to start investigation as considered necessary in public interest by department of Central govt. + State govt. (any).

4. ROC’s powers for Search + Seizure (both) conducted section 209 of CA, 2013

(i) ROC + appointed inspector (any) permitted to conduct search and seizure (both) conducted having information’s in possession or reasonable ground to believe that books of accounts + papers of company + papers of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) or directors or auditors or company secretary (any) likely to be destroyed + mutilated + altered + falsified + secreted after obtaining order from Special Court for seizure of books + papers + etc. (all)

(a) Permitted for entering + taking 100% assistance as required + to search at specified place or places where books + papers + etc. (all) are kept.

+ (plus)

(b) Permitted for seizure books + papers + etc. considered necessary after allowing company to take copies or extracts from books + papers + etc. (all) with company’s cost.

(ii) (a) ROC + appointed inspector (any) required to return books + papers + etc. (all) already seized under section 209 (1) of CA, 2013 in not exceeding 180 day from date of seizure.

+ (plus)

(b) ROC + appointed inspector (any) permitted to take copies or extract of books + papers + etc. (all) before returning to company.

(iii) Provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) to be applied against search and seizure (both) conducted under section 209 of CA, 2013.

5. Govt.’s powers for Investigation of company under Section 210 of CA, 2013

(i) is permitted to issue orders to investigate affairs of company through SFIO if considered necessary:

(a) Against receipt of report from ROC + appointed inspector (any) under section 208 of CA, 2013


(b) Against receipt of intimation from company + passing of special resolution (both) that affairs of company be investigated


(c) Against public interest to investigate affairs of company.

(ii) Govt. is permitted to issue order to investigate affairs of company through SFIO against order is passed by court + tribunal (any) during proceedings before them that affairs of company be investigated

(iii) Govt. is permitted to appoint 1 or more persons appointed inspectors to investigate affairs of company + to report in prescribed manner + in prescribed time.

6. Govt.’s powers for establishment of SFIO under section 211 of CA, 2013

(i) SFIO is established under Companies Act (CA) 2013 through Govt.’s Notification No. O.2005 (E) dated July 21, 2015.

(ii) SFIO is multi-disciplinary organization + working under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)

(iii) SFIO is established for detecting + prosecuting + recommending (all) for prosecution against white-collar crimes + fraud Investigation of affairs of company as ordered by govt. where govt. has opinion that necessary to investigate affairs of company.

(iv) SFIO is combination of experts from different fields like:

(a) Accountancy Profession

(b) Forensic Auditing Profession

(c) Banking Profession

(d) Legal Profession

(e) Information Technology (IT) Profession

(f) Investigation Profession

(g) Company Law Profession

(h) Capital market Profession

(i) Taxation Profession

(j) Etc.

(v) Govt. is permitted to appoint Director of SFIO an officer not below rank of Joint Secretary to govt. + having knowledge + experience in dealing with matters about corporate affairs (all).

(vi) Govt. is permitted to appoint experts + other officers + employees (all) in SFIO as considers necessary for efficient discharge of functions under CA, 2013.

(vii) Govt. is permitted to prescribe the terms + conditions of services of Director + experts + other officers + employees (all) in SFIO.

7. SFIO’s powers for Investigation under Section 212 of CA, 2013

(i) Central Government of India (Govt.) is permitted to issue order to investigate through SFIO. Hence SFIO + its director to designate required number of officers + employees + experts (all) as necessary for investigation where govt. is satisfied that investigation is necessary. Other reasons for issue of order by govt. to SFIO for investigation:

(a) Against receipt of report from office of ROC + appointed inspector (any) under section 208 of CA, 2013

(b) Against receipt of intimation of special resolution as passed by company that its affairs are required to be investigated

(c) Against as considered necessary in public interest

(d) Against receipt of request from department of Central Govt + State Govt. (any)

(ii) Stopped other Investigation during continuity of proceedings before SFIO

(a) Central govt. + State govt. (any) not permitted to continue any investigation during continuity of proceedings before SFIO where investigation is already started by SFIO

+ (plus)

(b) Central govt. + State govt. + other govt. agency (any) is required to handover 100% documents + records (both) to SFIO.

(iii) (a) SFIO is required to conduct investigation in manner as prescribed under Chapter XIV under Inspection + Inquiry + Investigation of CA, 2013

+ (plus)

(b) SFIO is required to submit report to govt. in time as specified in order as issued by govt. for investigation by SFIO.

(iv) Director SFIO is permitted to investigate affairs of company through investigating officer having powers of appointed inspector as specified under section 217 of CA, 2013

(v) Company + officers + employees are responsible to provide 100% information’s + explanations + documents + 100% assistance (all) to Investigating officer as required for conducting of investigation.

(vi) (a) Promoters + directors + officers + employees (all) responsible for affairs of companies are liable for prosecution under Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 against offences as specified under section 447 of CA, 2013 + PMLA 2002 under 29 scheduled offence (Both) simultaneously

 + (plus)

(b) Offence under CA, 2013 is cognizable + accused of offence to be released on bail + on bond (any). However bail or bond is not required in following circumstances.

      • Where Public prosecutor is allowed to avail an opportunity to oppose the application for release + (plus)
      • Where Public prosecutor has opposed the application + also court is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that offender is not guilty of offence + not likely to commit any offence during period of bail
      • However court is permitted to release on bail where offender is having age not exceeding 16 year or woman or sick or infirm (any).

(vii) Limitation against granting of bail as specified under section 212 (6) is in addition to limitations as permitted under Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 or any other law in force for granting of bail.

(viii) SFIO’s Powers for arresting offender

Director + Additional Director + Assistant Director (any) of SFIO is authorized to arrest the offender where has material in his possession as reason to believe to be recorded in writing + offender is liable for offence as specified under section 212 (6) of CA, 2013.

(ix) Director + Additional Director + Assistant Director (any) of SFIO is required to forward a copy of order + material in his possession to investigating officer of SFIO in sealed envelope after arrest under section 212 (8) of CA, 2013.

(x) Offender as arrested under section 212 (8) of CA, 2013 to be taken before Judicial Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate in 24 hour.

(xi) SFIO is required to submit interim report to govt. during investigation.

(xii) SFIO is required to submit final report to govt. after completion of investigation.

(xiii) SFIO is required to provide copy of investigation report to offender for making application in court.

(xiv) Govt. is required to instruct to SFIO to initiate prosecution against company + officer + employee (all) responsible directly + indirectly (both) for affairs of company after examination of report + taking legal advise (if needed) both

(xv) Investigation report as filed with special court for framing of charges to be deemed a report as filed by police officer under section 173 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973(2 of 1974)

(xvi) Investigation + other action as taken or initiated (both) by SFIO under provisions of CA, 1956 to be proceeded under provisions of CA, 2013

(xvii) (a) SFIO is permitted to receive 100% information’s + documents (both) as possessed with any other investigation agency + state govt. + police authority + income tax authority after investigation is initiated by SFIO

(b) SFIO is required to give 100% information’s + documents (both) as possessed by him with any other investigation agency + state govt. + police authority + income tax authority (any) for investigation + examination under any other law.

8. NCLT’s powers for Investigation through inspectors section 213 of CA, 2013

(i) NCLT’s power to issue order against application received section 213 of CA, 2013

(a) Where application is received by NCLT from shareholders (members) exceeding 100 or 10% of voting power whichever lower.


(b) Where application is received by NCLT from members exceeding 20% when company not having share capital + receipt of supports as evidence showing that applicants having good reasons for seeking order for conducting investigation in affairs of company

 (ii) Where application is received by NCLT from any other person or otherwise.

(a) That business of company is being conducted with intent to defraud the creditors + members + other persons for fraudulent + unlawful purpose + in manner as oppressive to members + to company (any).


(b) That person as involved in formation of company + in management of affairs of company already held guilty of fraud misfeasance + other misconduct towards company + towards member (any)


(c) That members of company have not obtained reasonable information’s for affairs of company including information for calculation of commission payable to managing director + other directors + manager (both)

      • However NCLT is required to give reasonable opportunity of being heard to person + company to be investigated by appointed inspector(s)

(iii) That business of company is being conducted with intent to defraud the creditors + members + other persons for fraudulent + unlawful purpose (any)

(iv) That person as involved in formation of company + in management of affairs of company already held guilty of fraud misfeasance + other misconduct towards company + towards member (any) punishable for fraud as specified under section 447 of CA, 2013 + PMLA 2002 under 29 scheduled offence (Both) simultaneously.

9. Govt.’s powers for security against costs + expenses section 214 of CA, 2013

(i) Govt.is permitted to ask security not exceeding INR 25 thousand for costs + expenses (both) for investigation where investigation is ordered under section 210 (1)(b) or 213 of CA, 2013

(ii) Govt.is required to refund already deposited security where investigation is resulted in prosecution.

10. Non eligible for appointment as inspector under section 215 of CA, 2013

  • Not permitted for appointment as inspector:

(i) Partnership firms

(ii) Body Corporate like Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) + Indian companies

(iii) Any other association

  • Hence Individual (only) permitted

11. Govt.’s powers for Investigation of ownership of co. section 216 of CA, 2013

(i) Govt. is permitted to order to investigate + to get report from inspector for ownership + shareholdings (both) considered necessary through appointing 1 or more inspectors for following reasons:

(a) For knowing that who financially interested in success or failure as actual + non actual (both) ownership of company


(b) For knowing that who controlling or materially influencing policies of co.

(ii) Govt.’s is permitted to appoint 1 or more inspectors under section 216 (1) of CA, 2013 where NCLT during proceeding considered necessary that affairs of company be investigated against shareholdings of company + other matters (any).

(iii) Govt.’s is permitted to define scope + matters + period (all) to be covered for investigation.

(iv) Govt. is permitted to determine terms for appointment of inspector + his powers for investigation.

12. Inspector’s powers + procedures + etc. under section 217 of CA, 2013

(i) Present Officers + present employees + agents + former officers + former employees + agents of company (all) under investigation in accordance Chapter XIV of CA, 2013 are responsible for followings:

(a) For preserving + producing (both) books + papers + etc. (all) of company for making available against examination by appointed inspector + any other person as authorized by appointed inspector.

+ (plus)

(b) For providing 100% assistance to appointed inspector for investigation in reasonably time.

(ii) Appointed Inspector is permitted to ask to any other body corporate for furnishing information’s + producing books + papers + etc. (all).

(iii) (a) Appointed Inspector is not permitted to keep in his custody of books + papers + etc. (all) as received under section 217 (1) + (2) of CA, 2013 exceeding 180 day from date of completion of inspection.

+ (plus)

(b) Appointed Inspector is not permitted to keep in his custody for another not exceeding 180 day through order in writing. Hence appointed inspector is permitted to keep in his custody not exceeding 360 (180+180) day.

(iv) Power’s of appointed inspector for examination on oath:

(a) For examining any other person as referred under section 217 (1) of CA, 2013

+ (plus)

(b) For examining other body corporate + person (any) considered necessary for appearing personally before appointed inspector

      • Prior approval of director of SFIO is sufficient where investigation is being carried under section 212 of CA , 2013 for examining any other body corporate + any other person (both) .

(v) Appointed Inspector is permitted to avail 100% powers as vested in civil court under Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) during suit against following matters:

(a) For discovering + producing of books of accounts + other documents at specified place + time (all).

(b) For summoning + enforcing personal attendance of person + examining him on oath

(c) For inspecting of books + registers + other documents of company at specified place.

(vi) Penalty + imprisonment (both) for disobeying directions from ROC or inspector

(a) Directors + officers (both) responsible to carry the business be penalized for disobeying directions issued by ROC with penalty not exceeding INR 1 lac + imprisonment not exceeding 1 year (both)

(b) Directors + officers (both) responsible for carrying business of company deemed to vacant their offices during term of imprisonment + also disqualify from holding their offices in company

(vii) Appointed Inspector is required to prepare notes about examination under section 217 (4) of CA, 2013 duly singed for using in future against company + officers (both).

(viii) Penalty + imprisonment (both) against failure without any reason

Directors + officers (both) responsible for carrying business of company be penalized penalty not exceeding INR 1 lac + imprisonment not exceeding 6 month (both)

(ix) Officers of Central govt. + State govt. + police + statutory authority (all) required to provide an 100% assistance to appointed inspector for inspection + inquiry + investigation (any).

13. Govt.’s protection for employees during investigation section 218 of CA, 2013

(i) Employees are protected where Investigation are carried under section 210 + 212 + 213 + 219 (all) of CA, 2013

(ii) Employees are protected against Investigation under chapter XVI of CA, 2013.

14. Inspector’s powers for Investigation against related companies section 219

  • Appointed Inspector under section 210 + 212 + 213 (any) of CA, 2013 is permitted to investigate into affairs of related companies considered necessary for investigation like:

(i) Company‘s subsidiary company + holding company + subsidiary company of holding company (all) under investigation by appointed inspector.

(ii) Other related company where managing director + manager (any) working in company under investigation by appointed inspector.

(iii) Board of directors of other related company is consisting nominee or accustomed to act in accordance with directions or instructions of company under investigation by appointed inspector.

15. Inspector’s powers for seizure of documents under section 220 of CA, 2013

(i) Appointed Inspector is permitted for seizure of documents where has reasonable grounds to believe that books + papers + etc. (all) for company under investigation + other body corporate + managing director + manager of company (any) likely to be destroyed + mutilated + altered + falsified + secreted. Following powers are available with appointed inspector:

(a) Power to enter with 100% assistance (if required) place or places where books + papers + etc. (all) are kept.

+ (plus)

(b) Power to seize books + papers + etc. considered necessary after allowing company to take copies or extracts from books + papers + etc. (all) at company’s cost.

(ii) Appointed Inspector is not permitted to keep in his custody of books + papers + etc. (all) after 180 day from date of conclusion of investigation.

(iii) Appointed Inspector is permitted to apply provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) against search + seizure (both) made under section 220 of CA, 2013.

16. ’Gov’s powers for freezing assets during investigation section 221

(i) (a) is permitted to issue order to company for not transferring + removing + disposing of movable + immovable (both) assets for period not exceeding 3 year + subject to conditions + restrictions as specified by order from NCLT

(b) Hence govt. is permitted where NCLT considered necessary against reference made by govt. + enquiry or investigation into affairs of company under chapter XIV of CA, 2013 + complaints received from number of members specified under section 244 (1) of CA, 2013 + complaints received from creditor having outstanding INR 1 lac against company + complaints received from other persons having reasonable ground to believe that removal + transfer + disposal of funds + assets + properties of company likely to take place as prejudicial to interests of company + shareholders + creditors + in public interest (any).

(ii) Penalty + imprisonment (both) for fund disposal beyond NCLT order

Directors + officers (both) responsible to carry business of company be penalized for removal + transfer + disposal of funds + assets + properties of company beyond NCLT order issued under section 221 (1) of CA, 2013 with penalty not exceeding INR 25 lac + imprisonment not exceeding 3 year (both).

17. NCLT’s powers for restrictions on transfer of shares section 222 of CA, 2013

(i) NCLT is permitted through written order for imposing restrictions on shares not exceeding 3 year where investigation being carried under section 216 + after receipt of complaint from any person against already issued security or to be issued security + NCLT considered necessary to impose restriction on shares (all).

(ii) Penalty + imprisonment (both) against contravention NCLT’s order Company + officers + employees (all) responsible to carry business be penalized with penalty not exceeding INR 25 Lac + imprisonment not exceeding 6 month (both).

18. Inspector’s report against Investigation under section 223 of CA, 2013

(i) Appointed inspector is required to submit interim report during investigation + final report after completing investigation (both) to govt.

(ii) Appointed inspector is required to submit report to govt. under section 223(1) of CA, 2013 in writing + printed (any).

(iii) Govt. is required to allow copy of report against application from any other person.

19. Gov’s actions after receipt of inspector‘s report section 224 of CA, 2013

(i) (a) is permitted to prosecute officers + employees responsible to carry business + guilty of offence + also considered necessary (all)

(b) Officers + employees (both) responsible to carry business are required to provide 100% assistance for prosecuting guilty person against offence.

(ii) Govt. is permitted to prosecute person as guilty of offence beside proceedings for winding up are pending before NCLT

(iii) (a) Govt. is permitted in public interest to commence recovery of damage against fraud + misfeasance + other misconduct for promotion + formation + management of affairs of company (any)b(a) Govt. is permitted to order for winding up through same company where recovery of property is misapplied + wrongfully retained (any).

(iv) Govt. is permitted to get indemnity from company against costs + expenses (both) incurred.

(v) (a) is permitted to file application before NCLT for passing appropriate order to disgorgement (get rid) from possession of asset + property + cash (all) from directors + KMPs + officers + employees (any) responsible for carrying fraud

+ (plus)

(b) Directors + KMPs + officers + employees (any) responsible for carrying fraud be prosecuted without any limitation of liability.

20. Inspector’s powers for reimbursement against Investigation section 225

 (i) Appointed inspector is permitted to get reimbursement of investigation expenses from govt. thereafter from following persons:

(a) From person as convicted or govt. is ordering a person to pay for expenses.


(b) From investigated company


 (ii) Appointed inspector is permitted to get reimbursement of investigation expenses from company + managing director + manager (any) responsible for dealing appointed inspector’s report.


(iii) Appointed inspector is permitted to get reimbursement of investigation expenses from applicant for investigation where inspector is appointed under section 213 of CA, 2013.


(iv) Appointed inspector is permitted to get reimbursement of investigation expenses from property + asset + cash (all) mentioned under section 225 (1)(b) of CA, 2013 as 1st charge.

21. Inspector’s powers for continuing Investigation in winding up section 226

(i) Appointed inspector is permitted to investigate affairs of company beside followings:

(a) Where application is filed for winding up under section 241 of CA, 2013

(b) Where company passed special resolution in AGM or EGM for voluntary winding up


(c) Where any other proceedings for winding up is pending before NCLT.

(ii) NCLT’s powers against intimation from appointed inspector about investigation

NCLT is permitted to pass order as considered necessary against receipt of intimation from appointed inspector about pending investigation proceedings where proceedings of winding are pending before NCLT

22. Advisor’s + banker’s rights for non disclosure of information’s section 227

  •  Legal advisors + bankers (both) not required to disclose to NCLT + govt. + ROC + appointed inspector (any) following information’s:

(i) (a) Legal advisor is not required to share any privileged communication to SFIO + appointed inspector (any) received by him from his client in capacity as legal advisor

(b) Hence legal advisor is required to share name + address of his client (only) to SFIO + appointed inspector (any) in capacity as legal advisor

(ii) (a) Banker of company is not required to share to SFIO + appointed inspector (any) information against affairs of customer

(b) Hence banker of company is required to share 100% information’s against affairs to customer (only) not to SFIO + appointed inspector (any)

23. Govt.’s powers for Investigation against foreign companies section 228

  • SFIO + appointed inspector (any) permitted for inspection + enquiry + investigation (all) against foreign companies working in India under Chapter XIV of CA, 2013.

24. Govt.’s powers for penalty + imprisonment for false documents section 229

(i) Officers + employees + other persons (all) be penalized for not providing 100% explanations + to make statements on oath (both) during inspection + enquiry + investigation by SFIO + appointed inspector (any).

(ii) Officers + employees + other persons (all) required punishable for destroying + mutilating + falsifying + concealing + tampering + unauthorized removing + also party to destruction + mutilation + falsification + concealment + tampering + unauthorized removal of documents (any) about property + assets + affairs of company.

(iii) Officers + employees + other persons (all) required punishable for making + becoming party for making any false entry in document of company.

(iv) Officers + employees + other persons (all) be penalized as fraud under section 447 of CA, 2013 + PMLA 2002 under 29 scheduled offence (Both) simultaneously

(B) Organizational Structure of SFIO in India

25. SFIO’s organizational structure in India

(i) SFIO is headed by Director as Head of Department in rank of Joint Secretary to Govt.

(ii) Director is assisted by Additional Directors + Joint Directors + Deputy Directors + Senior Assistant Directors + Assistant Directors Prosecutors + Other secretarial staff (all).

26. SFIO’s headquarter + regional offices (both) in India

(i) Headquarter of SFIO is located in New Delhi

(ii) 5 Regional Offices are located:

(a) In Mumbai

(b) In New Delhi

(c) In Chennai

(d) In Hyderabad

(e) In Kolkata

27. SFIO’s address for headquarter + regional offices (both) in India

CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Landline office telephone number: 011-24369505
Office Fax number: 011-24365809
Office E-Mail address: inf.sfio@nic.in

28. SFIO’s organizational structure chart in India

Director SFIO

Computer Forensic and Data Mining Lab (CFDML) Kolkata’s

Regional Office (RO)



Delhi ‘s Head Quarter + RO (both) Mumbai’s RO Hyderabad’s RO


2 Addl. or Joint Director

(AD/JD) -Forensic Audit

8 AD/JD -Investi-gation 1 AD/JD –

Capital Market

2 AD/JD –

Corporate Law

2 AD/JD -Financial Transaction 1 AD/JD – Information Technology 2 AD/JD –


(iii) Other Senior Officers

(a) 1 Personal Secretary (PS)

(b) 8 Deputy Director

(c) 29 Senior Assistant Director

(d) 30 Assistant Director

(e) 5 Senior Prosecutor

(f) 5 Prosecutor

(g) 9 Private Secretary

(h) 2 Office Superintendent

(i) 6 Assistant

(j) 6 Personal Assistant

29. SFIO’s headquarter + regional office’s location + address + etc. in India

S.No Place Mailing address Telephone and Fax no.
(i) Delhi’s Head Quarter + Regional Office (RO) both 2nd Floor Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex Lodhi Road, New delhi-110003 (a) Off Tel: 011-24365787


(b) Off Fax : 011-24365809

(c) Off Board Lines:

011-24369242 + 24369244

(ii) Mumbai’s RO Mumbai Fountain Telecom Building-I Near Central Telegraph Office M. G Road, fort, Mumbai -400001 Off Tel:

022-22621941 + 2262194

(iii) Chennai’s RO Corporate Bhawan, Ground Floor No 29, Rajaji salai chennai-600001 Off Tel :044-25270048


Off Fax : 044-25270049

(iv) Hyderabad’s RO 4th Floor Corporate Bhawan survey no 127/1, thattiannaram village Bandlaguda , Hyathnagar mandal RR District Hyderabad- 500068 Off Tel: 040-29802783
(v) Kolkata’s RO 5, Esplanade East 2nd Floor, Kolkata 700069 Off Tel:033-29740430

30. SFIO’s statics for Investigation as completed in latest 5 year in India

S.No Financial Year Investigation Completed
(i) 2021-2022 12
(ii) 2020-2021 7
(iii) 2019-2020 12
(iv) 2018-2019 12
(v) 2017-2018 5
Total 5 year 48

(C) List of Proclaimed Offenders (PO) as declared by SFIO in India

31. SFIO’s list for PO’s name + company + date of court order + etc. in India

S.No Name of Company Name of PO Case Number Violation of Section Date of Court Order Remarks
(i) AVI Petroleum


Rohit Kumar

Inder Lal

Comp. No.


146 +147 + 159 + 162 + 209 31.10.2017



Rohit Kumar + Inder lal are declared PO on October 31+ December 22, 2017 respectively
(ii) AVI Packaging


Rohit Kumar

Inder Lal

Comp. No.


146 +147 + 159 + 162 + 209 31.10.2017



Rohit Kumar + Inder lal are declared PO on October 31+ December 22, 2017 respectively
(iii) AVI Telecom Ltd Rohit Kumar Inder Lal Comp. No.


146 +147 + 159 + 162 + 209 31.10.2017



Rohit Kumar + Inder lal are declared PO on October 31+ December 22, 2017 respectively
(iv) A & R Oil Mills Private Limited Rohit Kumar Comp. No. 29648/2013 146 +147 + 159 + 162 + 209 31.10.2017 Rohit Kumar is declared PO on October 31, 2017
(v) Rishi Financial Services Ltd Rohit Kumar Inder Lal Comp. No. 29649/2013 146 +147 + 159 + 162 +166 r/w 168 + 209





Rohit Kumar + Inder lal are declared PO on October 31+ December 22, 2017 respectively
(vi) Life Business Projects Pvt. Ltd. Bhuvnesh Chaturvedi, Rakesh Chaturvedi, Mukesh Chaturvedi, Kunj Kishore Chaturvedi, Ct. Cases 516116/2016 628 + 209 16.08.2017



Declared Proclaimed Persons

 Declared Proclaimed offenders


(vii) JVG Finance (Cogent Venture) AD Bhargawa 1691/3/2009 240(3) of CA


16.12.2014 This accused no. 4 has been declared PO on December 16, 2014 and cases are disposed off as 4 accused were acquitted.
(viii) Cogent Venture Shiv Kumar

Bagla, Giriraj

Bang, Subhas Agarwal, Amarjeet Singh, Suresh Vaid,

A D Bhargava

209A of CA


19.05.2016 All the accused were declared PO and 1 other accused was convicted INR 50 thousand fine and sentenced to Till Rising of Court (TRC).
(ix) Catmoss Retail

Pvt Ltd

Ashwani Chawla Ct. Cases


58A + 211 + 227 + 233 + 628 of

CA 1956


449 of CA 2013


193 + 420 + 477A + 120B

of IPC 1860

22.03.2018 Ashwani Chawla (Accused No. 2) was declared PO vide order dated March 22, 2018


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(Author can be reached at email address satishagarwal307@yahoo.com or on Mobile No. 9811081957)


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