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‘YES, WE CAN…if we want

(A person CAN DO ANYTHING in the world)

This book is dedicated to….

My Late Father, who had contributed a lot in my life; My Mother, who always standing with me in any situation; My Wife, Bhumika, who supports me to achieve my goal; My Brother, Jigar Panchal, who is like my shadow; Purnimaben, without her, I could never reached at this stage; Alpesh Panchal, Archana Panchal, Darshana Panchal, Nilesh Jamvecha sir, CA Pramathesh Oza sir, CA Venugopal Shastri sir, CA Kanaiyalal Rana sir, Khyati Thakkar, Divyesh Panchal, CA Nirav Shah sir, CA Ashish Lalaji sir; who were continuously giving moral support to me during my CA Journey.


Yes, “we can if we want, If we want, we need to think and take action”   C

“Never give up in Life”, as we listen everywhere, it is the truth in the universe.

“A Champion is defined not by their wins, but by how they can recover when they fall.”

“Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it will pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in thirty years. Eventually, your hardwork will pay off.”

“Never stop trying, Never stop believing, and Never give up, YOUR DAY WILL COME”

Let me tell you my interesting story that how I became a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT.

“I was never going to be a rocket scientist. But I found the field that I was blessed to be able to do, and I just put my whole effort into that”

I was born on 20th August 1981. My family background was very poor. I was also not clever in study. But I was very excited, enthusiastic, self-motivated and ready to accept any type of challenges in my life.

In the year of 1994 (January), when I was in 8th standard, one problem happened in our family. My mother and father were stuck in legal case. With the grace of god, my mother came back within 7 days from there without any legal damages and my father released from there within 16 month without any more legal damages. Thanks a lot God.

I needed to move from present school (school name was Gnan Yagn Vidhyamandir, Vadodara) to other school due to above mentioned problem in the month of January 1994. I went to other school (school name was C.P. Patel Higher Secondary School, Sevaila near Dakor) with the help of one relative Girish Bhai Panchal. Thanks a lot Girish uncle. I stayed sevalia at other relative’s (Ghanshyam Panchal) house till completion of 8th standard. Thanks a lot Ghanshyam Panchal.

In 9th standard I moved to other school (school name was Shrimati N.R Patel, Handod, Near Karjan, Vadodara, Gujarat). I stayed handod village at relative’s (father’s sister) house till completion of 9th standard.

After completion of 9th standard, I left study for two months without any reason. In these two months, I had joined with my father in family business. But my mother told me that, “Beta, please you just complete the 10th standard and then do whatever you want”. Luckily, without any argument with my mother, I agreed with her and made a plan to complete 10th standard. Thanks a lot dear mother for your wonderful suggestion because now today I am a Chartered Accountant.

Now in 10th standard I moved to other school (school name was The Palej High School, Palej) where my parents were staying after being released from jail. In this school (Palej High School) in 10th standard there was one rule for selection of English subject. If any student wants to choose English subject instead of Hindi, he/she must be able to read the English language. Now it was the time for test. All students came together in classroom. In classroom, in front of principal and English teacher, one by one all students were reading one or two line and based on that, principal gave an approval to select English subject or not. Now it was my turn. I didn’t know how to read English, but I wanted to choose English subject in the 10th stand-ard. Teacher told me in front of all students in classroom that you should not select English subject. But as I mentioned above, I was always ready to accept any challenges. I replied to teacher that sir if you are not allowing me for selection of English subject then please give my school leaving certificate. On the same day Principal handed over the school leaving certificate to me. “Risk anything! Care no more for opinion of others…Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”

Now again the big question, in which school I would be moved. I went to same school in which I studied the 9th standard. Luckily principal gave approval and I started my 10th standard study in the same school in which I had studied 9th standard. My family residing in Palej and School was at Handod village. So daily i needed to up and down from Palej to Handod and back.

Now it was the time of 10th Board examination. I had worked hard but was not confident for English paper. But I had not given up. On the day of English paper, in exam hall, I was very confused that from where should I start writing answer and I was not able even to properly understand the questions which were asked in question paper. Then I adopted one strategy in exam hall. One thing was very clear in my mind that anyhow, I should attend whole paper of 100 marks, may be answer would be right or wrong. But the problem was that what I should write in answer sheet, then I started to write ditto paragraph which was given in question paper, means I used question paper, selected good paragraph and write that paragraph in a proper manner with proper presentation. I know that at last, what would be the worst situation; maybe I would be failed in English subject. And hence, without bothering about results, I had completed whole paper. Do you believe? I cleared the 10th standard exam in 1st attempt with 58% with 35 marks in English paper in the year of March-1996. I was dancing once I heard about my results because of I got 35 marks in English paper.

“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it”

“It is not about perfection, it is about efforts”

After completion of 10th standard, I was confused; about which stream I should select that is either science or commerce. I chose ITI (Industrial Training Institute) at Ankleshwar. I selected Machinist trade and duration for that trade was two years. I needed to travel between Palej and Ankleshwar. But after six months, new tragedy happened in my life, I discontinued the ITI and every day I reached at cricket ground at Bharuch. My family was unknown about this fact. After 2 months ITI Authority sends one letter at my resident address for the fact that Mr. Jignesh Panchal was absent in ITI from last two month and therefore admission was cancelled by authority. Oh my God..!! I never knew about such procedure in ITI. Now you can assume that what was the atmosphere at my home. But my father supported me and told me that this is your last mistake we tolerate, but my father put one condition that again I need to take admission in ITI with 1 year duration trade. I agreed with my father and completed ITI in the month of August 1998.

“Mistake should be acknowledged instantly, corrected and learn from it, don’t repeat again”

Now after completion of ITI in the month of August 1998, I was not able to take admission in 11th standard and needed to wait for the new term which would be starting from June 1999. But without wasting time I had started coaching class for 11th Commerce with Raju sir in Palej. As the commerce field is new for any students after 10th standard, I little bit confused with commerce subject and I was not able to get comfortable with commerce stream. Moreover after seeing economics book I literally decided to move for science field. And finally within 2 months, I moved to science field and started coaching classes directly for 12th standard. After completing one month in science coaching class, it was time to give weekly class test as per rules of coaching class. But I was unable to understand the different subjects of science that was biology, chemistry and physics. I was just complaining that who prepared such type of subjects as I was not able to understand even one paragraph of all this subjects. Moreover tuition class teacher was demanding fees as per class norms, but I had not enough money and hence I left the science tuition class also.

Finally I decided to do study in commerce field. Now in June 1999 it was time take admission in 11st standard in commerce field in the school of The Palej High School, Palej. I went to school for admission. I had no idea about admission fees. Teacher informed me that fees were Rs.60 for taking admission in the 11th standard. But do you believe? Our family was not able to manage Rs. 60 for admission as those were the tough days of our life. But I was ready to accept any challenges. On the very next day, without informing at home, I went to Bharuch from Palej in a train without ticket and reached in Labour Mela. This is the place where all labours come at one place in the morning and whoever needs labour service then they picked one or more labours from this place. One person came to me and told me that “You are doing labour work? You are very young, you are child” I replied that yes sir, I will, because I need Rs 60 to take admission in 11th standard. I showed my readiness and went with that person. Whole day, I had done Labour Work. In evening I received Rs. 70 out of that I bought banana of Rs. 10 because I was very hungry. On very next day I went to school, paid fees of Rs. 60 and got admission in 11th standard, and finally I started my commerce journey. My parents became very emotional after one week when they knew about this matter.

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for”

“Stop doubting yourself, work hard and make it happen”

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort”

“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong”

I had set two goals before I started study in 11th standard. First one was, I should get 70% in 12th board examination. And second was, I asked to my teacher that sir which is the top most degree in the commerce field. My teacher replied that CA (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT). I replied to teacher that sir I will do CA.

“You have to set goal that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential”

So, “Aim for the Moon, if you miss, you may hit a Star”

For getting 70% marks in 12th standard, I was working very hard. Our family was residing in Palej in one rented room. Whatever I do, need to do only in the room. So I decided to do study in a street light. Our neighbour had a business of vegetables and hence they had a vegetable Lori. He had park that lori under the street light. In night, that lori was empty and hence every day I used that lori for my study. In Palej, there was a good market and street light was always ON in the night also. So many times I went to market in the night time and did my study in open market under the street light. I always used my time only for doing study. Even many times, on playground, all classmates were enjoying but I invested that time too for my study.

First Internal exam of 11th standard was over. I was very confident for 2nd rank in that exam. But I got 3rd rank when result was declared. I was very surprised that why I had not secured 2nd rank. (I knew that 1st rank always goes to Swati who is very intelligent girl in class. She got 1st rank only because of English paper because she had good command on English, and hence I was very happy with 2nd rank, because I knew that my English is not good). I inquired that 2nd rank secured by whom and then come to know that one girl (named Jalpa) in the Arts class got 2nd rank after Swati. I went to Arts class and gave open challenge to Jalpa that now you will never get 2nd rank. And with the grace of God, I always got 2nd rank in all exams of 11th and 12th standard.

“Competition is a good thing, it forces us to do our best”

“Competition makes you better, always makes you better, even if the competitor wins”

I always participated in every curriculum activities during 11th and 12th standard. Once I had taken part in teachers’ day. I selected accounts subject for 12th standard and Hindi subject for 9th standard. I wanted to become principal also. But when I knew that Swati also wanted to become principal than I left that matter only because of I always given respect to her because of she was very brilliant in study. Luckily I got 3rd rank on teachers’ day. First rank, as you know always for Swati and second rank secured by Sheetal (Student of 10th standard). I also participated in drawing competition and got 2nd rank and here 1st rank awarded to Sheetal.

One more incidence I need to share here, which is very interesting. School had organized Science Fair. Two students, one from 10th standard and second from 9th standard had been selected as a project in-charge for one project named “Vividh Laxi Chulo”. It gave stream from five sides and also mineral water and hot water. It means at a time you would get seven benefits from this Vividh Laxi Chulo. This project was selected by school out of more than 20 projects (internal projects in school) to be participated in Bharuch (Gujarat) at district level. Luckily Palej High School had won and awarded for this at district level. Now school had to be participated at next level that was South Zone of State level. Two students and one teacher need to stay at Surat (Gujarat) for four days. And hence school had selected me and second student has been selected from above.

What a day in life! Commerce student had been selected as a Project in-charge for Science Fair.

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world”

Many students in the school and other class teachers were surprised with this decision but principal and some other teachers of school believed in me a lot. Luckily after three days of completion of Science fair, at the time of announcing results, we listened the sound that The Palej High School got 3rd rank. Oh my God! Truly speaking we had not any expectation for such a great results. We were so happy and even emotional too. We came back at our school Palej with pride.

Now it was time to participate for State Level, at Dahod (Gujarat). School had participated for state level with same team. Again our school had received certificate and medals from state level. Then after I also don’t know what happened.

Before board exam of 12th standard, Due to our family’s financial problems, our whole family needed to move from Palej to other city. Luckily we moved to Sevalia (same place and school where I had studied 8th standard), and like 8th standard I had again studied in C.P. Patel Higher Secondary School, Sevaila near Dakor (same school, what a coincidence of life) for balance time of 12th standard.

Now it was the time of 12th standard board examination. This time I had done extra efforts to overcome with English subject. Now it was the day of paper of English. Question paper distributed by supervisor. I received question paper in my hand. I prayed to God and open question paper. After five minutes I was very nervous and started thinking that from which question I should start to write answer. I was not able to take decision. Time was going in exam hall. I was thinking that by doing this if three hours completed then results would be zero. I was very emotional on that particular time in exam hall. I had taken one glass of water and ten minutes rest. And after all, 30 minutes had been passed. Now I had my two hours and thirty minutes to complete paper. Suddenly I made one strategy within next five minutes. The strategy was that first I read question properly and then whatever I know about that question I should write down. And accordingly, I started writing answer in a proper manner and with proper presentation. At last three hours had been completed and finally exam of 12th standard also completed.

“You have to be at your strongest when you are feeling at your weakest”

Now it was the time of results of 12th standard. Our family is residing in Sevalia. I and my father needed to travel from Sevalia to Palej (distance around 120 km.) for results. In the morning we both kept moving for Palej. Around 01.00 p.m., we reached at Palej High School. I got message that I received 71% with 55 marks in English subject. I was very happy that I achieved my target. My family was so happy.

My School journey was completed here.

I got admission in B.com. (C.P. Patel Commerce Collage, Anand, Gujarat) in the year of 2001.On the very first day, professor entered in class. He was going to give lecture in English. After 45 minutes, 1stlecture had been completed. I was not able to understand what happened in the class in those 45 minutes. Whatever lecture given by professor was just surpassed from my head. Same things happened for a continuous period of one week in all lectures. Then I went to the Principal office to present my situation that sir please transfer my admission into Gujarati medium as I was not able to understand anything in the class room. Luckily principal didn’t favor my demand and explained to me that you should buy one dictionary and start to make notes for spelling and do work hard. I also agreed with the advice given by principal. Luckily I got full confidence when I cleared all subject of first internal exam of F.Y. Bcom.
“Once you choose hope, anything will be possible”

But during 1st internal exam, in one of the paper, I was not able to reach on time at collage due to transportation problem. I reached late by thirty minutes. Now I had only one hour to complete paper of 45 marks. Luckily I was able to attend 90% of paper.

Economics was my favorite subject in B.com. I liked to read economics subject as my first preference. My one of friend named Jayesh Parmar (from Kapadvanj, Gujarat) given me challenge that let us see who would get highest mark in the internal exam of last year of B.com. I accepted the challenge. I worked very hard and finally got highest mark i.e. 40 out of 45

“I love winning, and I love the challenges.”

I would like to share one more incidence here. When I was in last year of graduation, internal curriculum activities has been planned by college. I wanted to participate in 100 meter race. But when I knew about competitor, I wanted to back off. But I didn’t give up. Every day in the morning at 5’o clock I started practice in last 15 days before race. Day had come. All collage friends were laughing on me as everyone knew the results. But when 100 meter race over was, all were surprised. I did it. I won the first price. Truly speaking, I was also surprised.
“I like the challenge, week in, week out, of trying to play good, consistent footy”

After all, I cleared my graduation in the year 2004 with 58% (Second Class) without any failure.

My B.com. journey was completed here.

Now after graduation, I came to Vadodara (Gujarat) to take admission in CS (COMPANY SECRETARY). Because, I had heard about CS degree during my graduation. Actually I wanted to do CA but I just thought that let me first complete CS than I would go for CA. Once I reached Vadodara I was searching CS office. I asked to one person in Alkapuri area that where is the CS office. Fortunately he asked to me that why you are searching CS office. I replied that I want to do CS. He guided me that if you want to do CS than it is better to do CA as same hard work is required. And suddenly I just asked to him without any argument; please tell me where the CA office. I reached in the CA office (Ram Krishna Chamber, RC Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara, Gujarat). I got information that how to take admission in CA course. I needed to go to Ahmedabad for getting admission. I went to Ahmedabad and got all the information about CA course. I came back at home, Sevalia and discussed all details with my parents and they also agreed to do CA course.

“A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands their Aim”

“There can be so many suggestions and opinions too; what matters is that you acknowledge at your depths and stand by it like a Rock”

Now my CA journey was started from this stage.

I got admission in CA Intermediate (second stage of CA course) in the year 2005. My first attempt of CA Intermediate examination had been held in the month of May-2005.

I appeared in the examination for 1st group (total 3 subjects in 1st group). As mentioned earlier I was very average student. I just wanted to see how would be the CA examination, how would be the question paper, whether I could be able to attend the examination etc. With all this probabilities I had given the CA exam.

But after one week of completion of exam, my father expired on 17th May 2005 in road accident.

Oh my God! Now what to do? How the life would be survived? How money would be earned? In which city our family would be settled, we didn’t know. Numbers of questions were coming in our minds. We were three, I, my younger brother and my mother. Yes we had only one hope and that was GOD.

“Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it, take a deep breath, stay positive and know that things will get better”

“The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow”

Result for CA Inter (exam was given in the month of May 2005) had been declared in the month of July 2005. As expected I got total 75 marks out of 300. Believe me I was very happy that I got 75 marks, and now I needed to add more 75 marks to clear 1st group of CA Inter exam.

After the result of 1st attempt, biggest question raised in my mind that how I would be completing my Chartered Accountancy because of family responsibility on me and my brother’s head. But, my younger brother, Jigar Panchal, told me that, “dear brother, you just focus on your CA study, I am with you”. Thanks a lot dear brother. I can never forget the contribution you had given during my journey of being CA.

“My brother is my only best friend. No one can replace him. I love my brother. He is simply amazing and I just could not imagine my life without him”

Luckily My father had taken Life Insurance policy of Rs. 1,00,000. Fortunately, LIC Agent called us and gave cheque of Rs. 1,00,000 in my mother’s hand. We had bought new home 1 BHK flat in Vadodara. Cost of flat was Rs. 1,85,000 and for that we had made upfront payment of Rs. 85,000 and balance amount would be settled through monthly installment with builder. All the installments had been paid by my younger brother.

Now with doing study of CA, for surviving life and running family, I had become LIC agent. After many efforts I was able to take one policy. Then I left LIC work. Then I had started to do drawing the pictures and to some extent I was success also because I was able to sold many paintings and price of that paintings worth Rs. 6,000. Then somehow I learned to fill PAN Card form. I was earning money from it. Then I learned to file Income Tax Return and based on that I started to earn money. With all this work, I had started personal coaching classes to give tuition to the students of 11th and 12th commerce. By doing all this small activities we were able to survive our life and I was doing CA Intermediate study.

“Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving towards your goal”

Next CA Inter examination had been held in the month of November 2005. I had filled the form for the 1st group again because I had decided that I would not touch second group until 1st group would be cleared. Exam was over as usual and I had not expected any positive result.

After completion of above attempt, I had decided to leave CA course. As I had observed that it was not my cup of tea. I thought that I was not able to do CA course, as CA could be done by very intelligent students, good family background who has no any worries other than study only etc. Again result had been declared in the month of January 2006. Again as expected I got 120 marks out of 300 that mean now only 30 marks required for clearing the 1st group of CA Inter. Moreover, one positive sign for me that I got 48 marks in Audit subject in above result. On that basis I decided to give one more attempt and filled exam form accordingly for the examination which had been held in the month of May 2006.

I and my one of friend Dhaval Shah were doing study together. In audit subject, from Special Audit chapter, one question of 16 marks had always been asked as per our observation of past question papers. We both had done tremendous efforts and done thoroughly special audit chapter by deciding that we should start to write answer with special audit question. This time we had lot of hope about exemption (i.e. 60 marks) in Audit subject and also we hope that this time we would definitely clear the 1st group of CA Inter.

Examination of May-2006 was started. 1st paper (Accounting) had gone very average. I just hoped that it would be good for me if I would get 40 marks (passing marks) in 1st paper. Now on the very next day 2nd paper of Auditing would be there. We were very excited as we had done very good preparation for this subject. We had entered in exam hall with lot of confidence. Auditing paper had been distributed by examiner. After praying to god, I was just starting to find out question of special audit. I was literally stuck in exam hall. Unfortunately it was big disappointment for me. There was no special audit question in paper. I was in exam hall and just was thinking that now what to do? If I want to start writing answer, from which question, I would start? Or, may I leave the exam hall? Believe me, I was thinking over 30 minutes in exam hall that what to do now and how to start writing answer. Finally, slowly and gradually I started writing answers step by step. I had taken care of two things in answer sheet of this paper while writing answer. First one was, all answers should be given to the point with very less lines and second was, to focus on good handwriting. Time of 3 hours had been over. I had literally started crying at examination center that I had not done well in audit paper as per my expectation. On very same day, I had decided, to quit CA course and also not wanted to appear for next day paper of Business & Corporate Law. But my friend Dhaval Shah came at my home and force fully he picked me to give Law paper. I went with him and given Law paper without any expectation. With these entire hurdles, exam was over.

Results had been announced in the month of July 2006. I didn’t know the exact date of result. Dhaval Shah called me and asked my roll number. After 30 minutes again he called me and told me that what you had written in the Audit paper. I replied that please tell me what happened. He replied that you have got 67 marks in Audit subject and you cleared 1st group of CA Inter exam. Oh my God…!!! I could not believe, as I had achieved 1stsuccess in CA examination. It was very big achievement for me and my family. Now I had a hope that I could do CA.

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”

“Everything that is done in this world is done by hope”

“Where there is no vision, there is no hope”

Now it was the time for second group of CA Inter exam. I had filled exam form for which examination would be held in the month of November 2006. Exam was over with no any expectations. I got 108 marks out of 300 on the date of results announced. But one positive sign for me that I got 39 marks in Information Technology subject.

Again, I had filled the exam form for May 2007 examination. I had started to focus on Information Technology subject; I had studied hard, made my separate notes for this subject and appeared for examination with lots of expectation. Again exam was over. I got 129 marks out of 300 on the date of results announced. I got good marks in Information Technology subject i.e. 55 marks but failed in paper 4 i.e. Cost Accounting.

Now, it had been challenging to crack paper 4 (Cost Accounting) because it was being very tough for me. I had bought one reference book and started to do practice. Whole one month I had fully focused only on this subject. Again it was the time of exam Nov-2007, and exam had been given with lot of expectations. This time I had little bit confidence about positive results. Again I didn’t know the actual date of results.

Late Mr. Priyank Soni, one of my friends of CA journey called me in the month of Jan 2008 and told me that what you had done in cost accounting paper. I replied that what happened, whether results declared by ICAI? He replied me that yes results declared and you got 60 marks in cost accounting, and you cleared second group of CA Inter also.

I cut down the call, ran to my mother with lot of emotions in my eyes, and informed to my mother that I have cleared the CA inter exam. Now I am CA Inter. Oh my god..!!! My mother and brother both were very emotional.

Finally, now I cleared CA Intermediate in the month of Jan 2008.

“You are capable of amazing things”

“You are capable of more than you know”

“Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen”

“You create your luck by working for what you want”

Now on the other side my age was increasing and reached to 27 years when I cleared CA intermediate exam. It was the matter of one day when I was on the terrace. I was observing the marriage ceremony of our neighbour. I had become very emotional after observing marriage ceremony, and just started to think that who would be marrying with me, how it would happen. I was praying to GOD from terrace, “Hey, God, now it is the time of marriage”. After some days my Mama (mothers’ brother) meets one uncle. They had discussed something about marriage and suddenly after two days I received a call. That uncle had given invitation to go to their home to me and my mother. Then I met that uncle’s daughter named Bhumika Panchal. Thanks a lot God..!!

“Meeting you was not the first day of the rest of my life; it was the first day of the BEST of my life”

Now it was time to take admission in ITT training, Articleship of 3 years and CA Final means all three together. I had started to search Chartered Accountant office for Articleship. Luckily I reached in one CA office, named K. A. Shah & Co. I met CA Venugopal Shastri sir. He accepted me as an Article. But to start the Articleship, Rs. 10,000 fees needed to be paid to ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountant of India) as a CA Final Registration. I was literally shocked..!! Fees of Rs. 10,000 from where I am going to bring Rs. 10,000? I saved Rs. 4,000 for Information Technology Training (ITT), but I had no idea about CA Final Registration fees of Rs. 10,000.

Let me tell you from where, Rs. 10,000 had been managed.

During my graduation, when I was in second year of B.com, one girl, named Purnima ben, met me. She was in first year of B.com. She had given offer to me that I would give tuition to her against some fees. I had accepted the offer. By the time passed, our relation was converted into brother and sister.

Fortunately I called to Purnima ben and discussed about fees of Rs. 10,000 for my CA Final Registration fees. And luckily she was ready to give Rs. 10,000. I paid fees to the ICAI and got admission in CA Final and start my 3 years Articleship and started ITT also. Thanks a lot to dear Purnima ben.

“You are worth more than gold and I am so blessed to have you dear Purnima ben”

“Dear Purnima ben, no matter how much we argue and fight, you will always be number one in my heart. Thank you for always making up with me and putting a smile back on my face”

It was my first day in office for Articleship. I was seat with my senior colleague and I was observing what he was doing with the computer. One person Mr. Maru (technician to whom computer maintenance work has been assigned by K.A. Shah & Co.) entered in the office and told me to shut down the PC which is placed in front of me. I had seen here and there because of I did not know how to shut down the PC. Believe me, whole staff in the office was laughing on me. But truth was truth. I had taken that happened in a positive way. I had started to learn the computer from typing practice. And with the help of Venugopal sir, after one year of completion of Articleship, all colleagues in the office were praising me with the words that dear Jignesh you have now good command on the computer.

“Make efforts to turn your weaknesses into strengths, don’t stop trying”

Even in ITT training, on the very first day, Ritesh sir (In-charge of ITT) was asking to every student about students experience and working knowledge in computer. When it was my turn, I replied that sir I didn’t know how to start and shutdown the computer on my first day of Articleship. Again all students in the ITT class were surprised that this boy doesn’t have the computer knowledge. But Ritesh sir replied that dear Jignesh to accept such things one needs to have courage and you have. I replied to sir that Thank you sir.

“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength”

Now it was the time of ITT exam. Examination was online. We needed to just select(A, B, C or D) correct answer and click it. Time for examination was 3 hours. Out of total 300 marks we needed to secure more than 149 marks to pass out ITT exam. I started to reading question and after reading more than 3 questions, I realized that I was not able to give this examination. Because I was not able to understand those questions. Now what to do in the exam hall. I had decided that any how I had to attend all the questions and I started giving answers without reading question. But before click A or B or C or D, in every answer I was praying to GOD. Because I had decided that the worst situation would be I could be fail. But by that fear I could not leave exam hall. Exactly after 55 minutes, I called Ritesh sir and told to him that sir I was done with exam. Please submit my answers. Ritesh sir again confirmed with me that may I submit. I replied that yes sir, please. At the moment he had submitted and after that one image on the computer screen was pop up. And it was showing that PASS with 155 marks. Thanks a lot GOD, I cleared my ITT exam.

“Courage is one step ahead of fear”

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear”

“Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try even”

Now it was the time of my marriage with Bhumika Panchal. Me and Bhumi decided that it is better we do marriage so Bhumi could help me in CA Final Study. I had talked with my mother for marriage. My mother was agreed. We had prepared list of expenses. Then we realized we did not have enough money for marriage. We just discussed this matter with Bhumi’s father. He told us that okay, no worry for money; He was ready to give us Rs. 18,000 for marriage. Moreover we had decided that it was better to do marriage in Samuh Lagn so lot of money we could save. I called to trustee and had a good discussion with trustee. But after discussion I knew that we needed to make payment of Rs. 2,500 as fees. Then I again called to Trustee and I denied for marriage because of fees of Rs. 2,500 because when we prepared expense list at that time we had not considered this expense. But by grace of God trustee called me and told that Mr. Jignesh you need not worry about fees, please join with us and do marriage. After discussion with my family members I agreed with trustee.

And finally I and Bhumi had got married on 25.05.2008, today as on 25.03.2020 (when I am writing this book) we don’t have children after completion of around 12 years of marriage. Now we left this matter on God.

“Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you are not really losing it. You are just passing it on to the GOD”

“Sacrifice is a part of life. It is supposed to be. It is not something to regret. It is something to aspire to”

Articleship was going on. Stipend was very low i.e. Rs. 750 p.m. for 1st year, Rs. 1000 p.m. for 2nd year and Rs. 1250 p.m. for 3rd year.

I want to share some incidence which had happened during Articleship.

I was using mobile phone during Articleship which was very small. Unfortunately screen of that mobile was broken down and due to that I was not able to see the screen. I used that mobile phone for a continuous period of 2 years due to financial problem. Believe me, all colleagues in the office were tired with my mobile but I was happily using that mobile phone without screen. As I made one small diary, whenever I wanted to call I used that diary to dial the number.

I was doing audit of one company which is situated in Halol, Gujarat. Audit was completed in 7 days. After 7 days of audit, books of accounts were set perfectly (i.e. books of accounts tallied with the Returns of Service tax, Excise, VAT, TDS and all other statutory requirement) with the help of director of that company. We (I and director of that company) came in the office and presented the Report to CA Kanaiylala Rana sir (other partner of K. A. Shah & Co).Director had a wish to see the reports by Rana sir also, but Rana sir replied that “once it has been completed by Jignesh then it is just like capturing the picture through digital camera. I need not to check the work which was completed by Jignesh”

“Every work is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with Excellence”

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do”

It was tradition in our office that no one was ready to come with me for audit in majority cases and particularly in the month of August and September. Because all articles knew that if we go with Jignesh then we needed to do work 2 to 3 hours more beyond normal working hour.

Now, from here my CA FINAL Examination journey had been started.

It was time of 1st attempt of CA Final Examination in the month of November-2010. I had selected 2nd group. I had taken 4 months leave from Articleship for preparation as per rules of ICAI. I started the preparation at home and without any coaching classes.

After one month of preparation for exam, I realized that I am already married but what about my younger brother. I realized that my CA examination would be held every six month so I could give my CA Exam in future but my first priority is my brothers’ marriage. And hence I decided to skip the first attempt of CA Final exam because it was my responsibility to stand with my brother in absence of our father.

I put aside all my books and started to search a good family who would be ready to make relation with us. I used social books in which contact number of relatives/same cast families were available. I talked with more than 10 families and out of that one family in Ahmedabad was ready to meet us. We met the family based in Ahmedabad and my brother was ready to marry that girl. Thanks a lot god..!!

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family”

“Having family responsibilities and concerns just has to make you a more understanding person”

Now the question was how to manage the fund for marriage ceremony. We had planned that we just do very less expenses in the marriage. But on the other side (parents of that girl), they wanted that we should give everything to their daughter. Now we had two options. One was, we could deny to that family and needed to find other family for my younger brother or we had to manage the fund and fulfill the requirement. We called to Purnimaben. We believed in her and we had hope that she could do something for us. She was ready to provide fund. And finally my younger brother’s marriage was successfully completed. Thanks a lot Purnimaben. Thanks a lot God.

On the other side, my first CA final exam day had come i.e. Nov-2010. Preparation for examination had not been done as required for CA Final level. I appeared in exam; just tried to attend 100 marks in every subject without bothering that answer was right or wrong. Result for CA Final had been declared in the month of January 2011. As expected I got total 88 marks out of 400. Out of that I got ZERO marks in ISCA (Information System Control Audit) subject. What a tragedy! And good positive sign that I got 45 marks in IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject.

Now I had made a plan to get the exemption (60 marks) in next attempt in IDT subject so that it would be very easy for me to score 200 marks out of 400 and by that I could be able to crack 2nd group of CA Final. Now I was ready to give exam which would be held in the month of May-2011. I worked very hard and specially for IDT subject. I appeared in exam, just tried to attend 100 marks in every subject without bothering that answer was right or wrong as usual. Result for CA Final had been declared in the month of July 2011. I got total 126 marks out of 400. Out of that I got 58 marks in IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject. Oh my God, 2 marks left to achieve the decided target.

In between my Articleship was completed on 3rd June 2011 i.e. exactly after completion of May-2011 examination.

Now biggest question was what to do after completion of Articleship. Financial condition at home was very bad. If I stayed at home for study then how the life could be survived. And if I started to search job then how I would be able to complete my Chartered Accountancy. But luckily, Venugopal Shastri sir (K.A. Shah and Co., CA Firm) offered me to work as a salaried employee. I accepted the offer. This was my first official job. Salary was very nominal. But I was happy that I started to earn money through my professional work.

In between, the next attempt of CA final exam was very near that would be held in the month of November-2011. I again fully focused on IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject for exemption (60 marks). Preparation was over and it was the time to appear in the examination. I appeared in exam, just tried to attend 100 marks in every subject without bothering that answer was right or wrong as usual (actually it was my habit to attend every question whether I know the answer or not). Result for CA Final had been declared in the month of January 2012. I got total 149 marks out of 400. Out of that I got 55 marks in IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject. I was too much disappointed. So, on that day, I went on the top floor of building and I was crying very loudly. The reason for too much disappointment was that I had not enough time for preparation. I had known and I had confidence on myself that if I would give enough time for preparation without any other hurdles then I could crack CA exam.

So till this stage, I had given total three attempts of second group of CA Final exam and I was not able to clear the second group of CA Final and not able to get even exemption in IDT subject and finally result of total three attempts was ZERO.

“Fall seven times, standup eight”

Job in CA Firm (K. A. Shah & Co.) was continuing but after couple of months I realized that I need to change the job due to growth. Venugopal sir allowed me to take my own decision. I changed the job and joined with other CA firm. After working one month in new CA firm still I realized that I should earn Rs. 25000 per month. I started to pray to god that God please help me and give me good job with at least the salary what I want. Daily I was praying to God with positive mind. Luckily after 1 month I had received one call, “do you want to go to Africa?” I replied immediately that YES. What a miracle!!!

“I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction”

Now my journey of Africa was started from here.

Interview had been taken by owner. She (owner) had selected me as an internal auditor and within one week, I was in Africa as on 3rd March 2012. I was selected as an Internal Auditor. I had to travel in different countries for Internal Audit. My family was very happy.

I want to share with you some incidence which happened during my Africa Journey.

Around after one month in Kenya, our owner (sir) had given me the bad words as per his personality. Immediately I replied to him via mail that, “Dear sir sorry for this mail, but I belong to good family and hence please don’t give unnecessary bad words to me” He realized his mistake and matter was over.

“Don’t lower your standards for anyone or anything. Self-respect is everything”

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”

After two months in Nairobi (Kenya, Head office of Company) madam (owner) wanted to change my job profile from Internal Auditor to others. I replied immediately without any worries that madam if you want to change my job profile then I doesn’t want to work here, please depart me India back. She realized and agreed with my original work profile.

“Always be smarter than the people who hire you”

After three months passed in Africa, on 5th June 2012, my sir (Venugopal Shastri sir, under whom I had done my Articleship) messaged me via Facebook. He told me that “Jignesh, here all are remembering you, our clients also wanted to see you for audit; Now new staff comes in office, and I am giving your example to him that you should learn from Jignesh that how do the hard work; Oza sir, Kanubhai, Dilipbhai we all remembering you; we are wishing you that you get good experience; also do not forget to complete the CA; don’t forget Indian Law by study the new law in Africa; Inflation is too much in African countries and hence try to save more and more money and send the same to your family in India; so look out for new opportunity; wish you all the best.”

“Dear Sir, You have made such a positive impact on me and I cannot thank you enough”

Thanks dear sir for loving and caring. Here I want to add one more things about Oza sir (Partner in K.A. Shah & Co.). He loves me a lot like his own son. Reason for that he likes my fighting spirit in any condition. He had told that dear Jignesh, “I would be the happiest man on earth once you complete your CA”. Thank you dear sir.

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning”

After four to five month passed in Africa, I had saved some of the money. I had given this cash to my younger brother for purchase the new bike. As I know, my brother had been using bicycle till that date. My mother told me on call that “Beta, you have given ‘wife’ and ‘bike’ both to your brother Jigar” My mother also told that never break such a great relation between brothers and maintain life time. I replied that dear mother, you should not be worried.

“God blesses him who helps his brother”

After completion of around my tenth month in Africa, our company decided to implement ERP system for Accounting and other procedure. Luckily I was selected as a team member for part of implementation team. Our team went to Dubai for the same and in Dubai we stayed around three months for ERP implementation work. It was the great experience as we had done tremendous efforts to implement the same and finally we got success.

When I was in Dubai then I had seen that everyone was using laptop. Then I also decided to buy laptop. But I was not able to manage the fund. Then, after one week, one day in the morning when I was doing worship then I told to god that, “oh God, why you are not helping me to purchase laptop. It is nothing for you” Believe me on the same day in evening I had my new laptop in my hand. Thanks a lot God.

“Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is accessible to all who will seek him”

On the other side company had given the opportunity to me for finalisation of balance sheet of different countries like Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Mauritius, Dubai, Ghana, Nigeria, USA. I had accepted the opportunity and it was great experience for me for a continuous period of two years.

“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later”

I can never forget that day as it was Sunday. We were playing cricket in basement area of our staff resident flat in Nairobi. Suddenly owners’ car came into the basement. All were shocked and tried to run away here and there. Then he told that where the Jignesh is? I moved towards the sir and told that yes sir, please tell me what happened? Sir just wanted to know the status of Balance sheet work of Dubai as it was handling by auditor of PWC Firm. Then I replied satisfactory answer to him.

One more interesting fact I want to share with you. When I was leaving for Africa from India, at that time Bhumi had given me one “Mantra” of God Shiv. She told me that whenever you would feel trouble then please Jap (recite) this Mantra. She added that even “Chanakya” also recited this Mantra in past whenever he was not able to make any decision. I believed in Bhumi and accepted this Mantra. Now in Nairobi one day (Sunday), we were just going to Mall by walking. Kenyan Police had come and just stopped their car near by us. Now what to do? Because, as per agreement we always kept our passport with company. Then I remembered the Mantra given by Bhumi, suddenly I started to Jap that mantra, and luckily we got chance to run away from there. Thanks a lot God! Thanks Bhumi! Now it is my habit of life that every day in the morning I Jap that Mantra.

“The more you pray, the less you will panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. You will feel more patient and less pressured”

Luckily it was the great experience of Africa Trip. I travelled different countries in two and half years. I.e. Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Dubai, Mombasa (Kenya), Kisumu (Kenya), Eldorate (Kenya). I had done work very hard during this journey. I always tried to give more and more to the company where I worked.

I had come back in India on 20th October 2014

On the very next day once I reached India (Vadodara) I had bought two-wheeler (Maestro)for the first time in my life.

Within a week after I reached to India, Sir (from Africa) called me on my mobile and giving me an opportunity to work with the Indian based back office. He had established back office in Vadodara (Gujarat) in the year of around 2013. I accepted the offer and started job in same company but now this time in India (Vadodara).

Now it was time to take action to crack CA Final Examination.

And for preparation of CA examination I started to search coaching classes for 1st group of CA Final. I heard name of Ashish Lalaji sir (Pinnacle Academy) for Paper one and Paper two. Dhaval Shah my friend met me and advised me about how to join Pinnacle Academy class. I meet to sir and started my CA Final journey. During the class I was doing study very hard and tried to get highest marks in class test. I achieved highest marks couple of times. I always noted the mistakes whenever I did during class test and ready to correct the same. Coaching class of paper one and paper two at pinnacle academy would be completed around in the month of August-2015. But before that May-2015’s attempt was there. I filled the form of 1st group and started preparing accordingly. As usual exam day had come and I was ready to attend the exam. Again result had been declared in the month of July 2015. Again as expected I got 115 marks out of 400 that meant there would be a long journey for me to crack CA. Moreover, I got 13 marks in Advanced Audit subject. I was very much disappointed for marks in Audit.

Now in the month of August 2015, coaching class of paper 1 and paper two was over. Then after I was joined coaching class of second group. Next exam would be held in the month of November-2015. Now this time I was decided to appear for 2nd group only because I got only 13 marks in Audit subject in last attempt. I was not able to understand how I would crack first group due to Audit subject.

Again I was fully focused only on that IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject to get exemption (60 marks). I was doing preparation with job as mentioned above. I had not even bother about rest of the three subject as I had made a plan that once I would get exemption in anyone subject out of total four paper than It would be very easy for me to crack that group of CA Final. This time I tried my best, I had done perfect preparation for IDT subject. I appeared in the exam; just tried to attend 100 marks in every subject without bothering that answer was right or wrong as usual as per my habits. Result for CA Final had been declared in the month of January 2016. I got total 139 marks out of 400. Out of that again I got 58 marks in IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject. Oh my God, again 2 marks left to achieve the decided target. I had tried to find out the reasons that why I was not able to cross 60 marks in ITD.

Next attempt would be held in the month of May-2016. I had given 4 to 5 test of 100 marks for IDT subject. I had tried my best again but this time I fully focused on all four subjects of second group. I did whatever I could. I had given exam with lot of expectation this time. Result for CA Final had been declared in the month of July 2016. I got total 164 marks out of 400. Out of that I got only 44 marks in IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject. I was totally disappointed. Now what do I do? How I would crack CA exam? How I would be a Chartered Accountant.

I had already left job due to the examination after completion of above attempt, so now I had decided to do something for earning money to survive the home. I had decided to start business of filing Income Tax return, Book keeping (Account writing) for that I had made contact of one person for printing the visiting cards. I decided to go in the market at each and every shop and I would give my visiting card. And accordingly I had visited one by one more than 150 shops. I was giving my introduction that I am Jignesh Panchal, I have cleared CA Inter, I am doing work related to Accounts, Income Tax etc. Believe me I had received a good response from more than 80 percentage people. I was very surprised. Even I got good business also.

“Nothing comes easy. You want something in life? Get off your arse and work for it”

But within three days due to sun stroke, my body did not allow me to go from fourth day. I was on bed for next three days and doing totally rest, taking medicines. Again I was in trouble that what to do, May I start preparation for the examination which would be held in the month of November-2016 or to focus on business of accounting. I had taken advice of my mother, brother and Bhumi. They had advised me to do preparation of next attempt. I was also agreed with them.

I started preparation for the examination which would be held in the month of November -2016. In this attempt, I was very confused and I had no idea that how I would perform in exam. I was just doing normal preparation without any expectation and on that basis I had given my exam.

A result for CA Final has been declared in the month of January-2017. I got total 171 marks out of 400. Out of that I got 63 marks in IDT (Indirect Tax Laws) subject. Finally I achieved it. I got exemption in IDT subject. I was very happy, because I felt that now I had something in my hand in CA Final journey.

“You will never know how much you can accomplish until you try. Never stop trying. Your miracle will come in undefined moments”

Now my priority is changed due to family responsibility. Instead of concentration on preparation of second group, first I had started to search job in CA firm because financial problem was increasing. Luckily Mr. Pankaj Joshi helped me to find out Job in CA Firm. Thanks to Mr. Pankaj Joshi. I had started the Job from 26th January 2017.

During Job, I was doing preparation also for remaining 3 papers of second group. Every day in the morning I spent 3 hours for study from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and in the evening also I spent 3 hours i.e. from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. I always kept small summary in my pocket and whenever I found some 5 to 10 minutes during whole day, I started revision.

At the end I had taken leave for 1 month from job for final preparation. This time I was very confident for examination.

I had given exam in the month of May-2017. Exam was over with positive expectation.

Now after completion of exam, I continued the Job. But after one month I had received call from Dubai. Mr. Paresh Khatri called me and he wanted to me in Dubai with him as he had started new startup. With the permission of current CA Firm I went Dubai as on 17thJuly 2017

On very next day on 18th July 2017, i.e. my first day in Dubai office, I just opened the laptop. And suddenly I had received message via WhatsApp that Jignesh have you seen the results? I was surprised that oh today is the result day. I suddenly opened the site and entered my number. I just pressed enter. And loudly I told that oh my god….PASS….second group of CA Final is cleared now. It was my first day in Dubai. I was very emotional and feeling that now in my life I did not need to read ISCA and Costing subject. Because I had spent lot of time for this two subjects also. I called on mobile to my family from Dubai and shared the result. They were so happy.

On the other side, on the same day, I told to Mr. Paresh Khatri that I wanted to go to India within a week. The reason is that now I want to focus on first group of CA Final. He was surprised and told me that yesterday you came here (Dubai) and now you want to back India. But he was agreed and told that please stay for two month then you should leave so that work would not be affected. I agreed with him.

“Your right actions might hurt someone, so if required apologize for your right actions, but don’t stop taking right actions”

Finally I came to India on 17thSeptember 2017. I rejoined the same CA Firm which I had left before two month. I had not filled the form for November 2017 examination. And hence I skipped the Nov-2017 attempt.

As mentioned above, again I started preparation daily 6 hours with job, i.e. 3 hours in morning and 3 hours in evening. Now my next attempt would be in the month of May-2018. With the permission of CA Firm, I had taken leave of 3 month from office to fully focus on preparation of first group of CA Final.

I had appeared for exam with much confidence. Again exam was over with good expectation.

Result for CA Final had been declared in the month of July-2018. I got total 163 marks out of 400. Out of that I got 64 marks (exemption) in FR (Financial Reporting, paper-1) subject. Oh my God, finally again very happy that now only 3 subjects were left pending to make history.

Now again I started preparation to make history. Next attempt would be held in the month of November-2018. This time, I had too much burden on my head because goal is very near and that’s why too much worries in my family also. Usually I always preferred library for preparation but before one month of examination I left library and came to home for preparation. Only because of I need pin drop silent at that time. Slowly and gradually time of November 2018 examination was coming. Out of three subjects I was very much afraid for Audit subject.

I have already got exemption in first paper of first group. Second paper would be held on 3rd November 2018. I was ready for that. I had given the paper and returned home. Now next paper on 5th November and that was “Advance Auditing & Professional Ethics” (Audit). On 4th I had preferred to go to library. After whole day passed in library, in the evening around 05.00 p.m., I had realized that I was not able to cover even 40% syllable of Audit subject. Now what to do? How it would be completed? Many questions had been raised in my mind. Then I decided to come back at home. Around 07.00 p.m. I came back to home. I tried to read the audit subject but was not able to read. Then after taking dinner around 08.00 p.m. I took rest. On 5th November I woke up at 02.00 a.m. and just started to turn pages of study material which I was using during preparation time. This time I was rock. I didn’t know why but I had no any pressure, just turning pages one by one. By doing this it was already 01.00 p.m., I had to leave home sharp at 01.30 p.m. to reach at exam center. In very few minutes I was ready for going to exam center.

Now it was time to show in my three hours. I had not opened question paper in first 15 minutes and just took long breathe during those 15 minutes. Now I just opened question paper and directly jumped on part “a” of last question. It means I had not seen which question had been asked in part “b”. As I and Bhumi had made one strategy that in Audit paper I just open only one question at a time. I should never see next question until answer of current question would be written. Moreover we had also planned that before opening any question, I just pray to God first. I was happy because I knew the answer of part “a” and I had written the answer, now after that I had seen the question in part “b”. Luckily I knew the answer and accordingly whole paper I had attended slowly and gradually with this strategy. Now after three hours I left exam hall. I was literally crying after three hours only because of I had given satisfactory answer for audit subject in three hours in exam hall. Believe me on the way from exam hall to home; I was just crying because of very happy moments that I had given good answer for audit subject as per my expectation. Now at the moment I reached at home I just hug to my mom and Bhumi with a lot of emotions.

“The backbone of success is hardwork, determination, good planning and perseverance”

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power”

In the evening I felt some pain in my legs. We had taken it very lightly. But on next day in the morning it was proved that I was suffering with “Chiken Guniya”. I went to doctor, took medicines and took proper rest for that day i.e. on 6th November. I had taken one more Ayurveda medicine and due to that suddenly hiccup was started. Actually exam of last paper “Corporate and Allied Laws (Law)” subject on 9th November i.e. three days leave had been there between two papers. Leave days was 6th, 7th and 8th November. Now I had two days left for revision of Law subject. But I was not able to focus on study due to extreme stress that how and in which manner I would complete my revision, health issue and hiccup. Hiccup was at extreme level and I was suffering frequently two to three times within five minute. I had taken medicine also for hiccup but no effect of medicine at all.

By doing all these things, my three days had been passed and exam day had come. I tried to wake up in the morning at 02.00 a.m. but I could not. But then I was not able to sleep again due to hiccup. I called to our family doctor at 05.00 a.m. for medicine of hiccup. He replied that you just go to medical stores and call me from medical store. I followed his instruction, took medicines as per his instruction but no effect of that medicine also. Now worry was that due to my health situation I was not able to go to exam center. But with the family support, I reached at the exam hall. During three hours, I was continuously suffering with hiccups. But I was focusing on writing answers. At last exam was over. Thanks a lot God.

“God help those who help themselves”

I had maintained one diary and every day in the morning, I just wrote in the diary that “CA Jignesh Panchal” “CA Jignesh Panchal” “CA Jignesh Panchal” more than ten times. I had decided in my subconscious mind that whatever would be happens in my life, but I would complete my CA.

“Be believing, be happy, don’t get discouraged. Things will work out”

Moreover, every day in the morning I just spoke that “now I am a chartered accountant, CA Jignesh Panchal, now I am a chartered accountant, CA Jignesh Panchal.

“Believe in your heart that you are meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles”

“Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone”

“Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful”

Now it was the day of history, i.e. 23rd January 2019.

“As we struggle to overcome our troubles, we are making history and fulling our destiny”

“After making a mistake or suffering a misfortune, the man of genius always gets back on his feet”

I was at audit place Anand Hospital with Nidhi (Article Assistance), Naresh Bhai (Accountant) and Mittal (Accountant). Results would be declared around 05.00 p.m. I was not able to concentrate on work. Even though we know that results would be declared in the evening, but whole day, we were refreshing the site by pressing F5. Whole day had been passed like this. Then around 04.00 p.m. we received news that results have been declared by ICAI. I opened the website. I had entered the roll number. I just pressed enter. And at the moment I pressed enter it had been seen on the computer screen that “PASS”.

OH MY GOD…!!! Nidhi shouted loudly that with lot of emotions. Nidhi called to my mother and informed the good news to my family. I was crying for continuous half an hour with speaking that…


1981-20th August

Cleared 8th standard (Gnan Yagn Vidhyamandir, Vadodara, Gujarat) and (C.P. Patel Higher Secondary School, Sevalia, Gujarat)

Cleared 9th standard (Shrimati N.R Patel, Handod, Near Karjan, Vadodara, Gujarat)

Cleared 10th standard (same school of 9th standard)

Cleared ITI (Industrial Training Institute)

Cleared 12th standard (The Palej High School, Palej, Gujarat) and (C.P. Patel Higher Secondary School, Sevalia, Gujarat)

Cleared Bachelor of Commerce (Anand, Gujarat)

CA Inter-1st group – 1st attempt – Failed

2005-17th May
Father expired

CA Inter-1st group – 2nd attempt – Failed

CA Inter-1st group – 3rdattempt –PASS

CA Inter-2nd group – 4th attempt – Failed

CA Inter-2nd group – 5th attempt – Failed

CA Inter-2ndgroup -6thattempt – PASS

Meet to Bhumika

2008-25th May
Married with Bhumika

2008-3rd June
Articleship started

CA Final-1st group – 1st attempt – Failed

CA Final-2nd group – 2nd attempt – Failed

2011-3rd June
Articleship completed

CA Final-2nd group – 3rd attempt – Failed

2012-2nd March
Went to Africa

2014-20th Oct
Come back from Africa

CA Final-1st group – 4th attempt – Failed

CA Final-2nd group – 5th attempt – Failed

CA Final-2nd group – 6th attempt – Failed

CA Final-2nd group – 7th attempt – Failed (63 marks in IDT-Exemption)

CA Final-2nd group – 8th attempt – PASS

2017-17th July
Went to Dubai

2017-17th Sept
Come back from Dubai

CA Final-1st group – 9th attempt – Failed (64 marks in FR-Exemption)

CA Final-1st group – 10th attempt – PASS(Chartered Accountant)

Yes, “we can if we want, If we want, we need to think and take action”
-CA Jignesh Panchal

“”Take up one idea;

Make that one idea your life, Think to it, dream of it, and live on it. Let the brain, muscles and nerves, Every part of body be full of that idea, And just leave other ideas alone””

This is the way to success

“Live a lovely life and leave lovingly”

Thank You For Making Me Feel Happy Moments. I use the moment all the time, have been reading stories for inspiration and knew I had to post my story to this community. It may inspire someone like all the other stories inspired me. I always believe in the light side of everything. I believe that I can control my thoughts. I learned how to stop thinking bad thoughts that would give me more negative moods. I said to myself “Stop Negative, you can’t live with that energy; you have to think about what you want is better for you”. I can tell you that there were days I had bad feelings but I realized that these things come from my head, these voices I should ignore because if I start to believe them to be true, they would be. I decided to repeat to myself that I’m strong person with good health and a grateful human being for all the good things and people in my life. I give thanks for many things that came into my life. A big thank you to God, to the Universe and of course to all respected for her amazing books which changed my way of thinking. Now I receive gratitude, love and kindness! Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Universe and thank you to the team!!



Yes, “we can if we want, If we want, we need to think and take action”

This book contain real story of one boy who become a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (CA) after many tight corner situation.

If you would like to experience one constant theme – “nothing is impossible” read this book.

This book is useful for every person in the world who wants to achieve the decided target in their life.
The book is short and written in easy-to-understand language.

The book motivates you to succeed. It is a good motivational book that hands you the tools you need to help you succeed. That is what makes great life-changing books.

This book equips you with what you need to take on the challenges of the future – whether in your study, professional work, business or personal life.

This book focuses on the idea that people who are able to change the world are the ones who truly believe they are able to do.


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  1. Advait U says:

    Mr. Panchal you are a Gujarati so it was much easier to become a CA inspite of poor English. You are grumbling about the stipend you got in Article-ship. I got only ₹150/- pm in the 1st year of article-ship₹225/- pm in 2nd yr of article-ship. You atleast got to learn during article-ship. But my boss used to make me do personal work during article-ship. I never had money to have a cup of tea. I only learnt to file income-tax returns. In 3rd yr I changed the firm. That CA only took work from me of filing income-tax returns. He never taught me anything. He didn’t ever give me stipend of ₹275/- pm for the whole year. Near exams he said he’ll give me stipend cheque and I should give him the amount back in cash otherwise he won’t sign my exam form. So for me it was 3.5 years of slavery without any benefit.
    Atleast your boss gave you a job. I didn’t get any such help. You are talking about getting ₹25k pm. Here in not getting a job of ₹12000/- pm. I don’t know how I’ll pay my final exam fees. I only hope I don’t have to give up my dream of becoming a CA. I had joined CA more than 30 years back and am very good at English. But today I’m nowhere.

    1. Bhawna says:

      This is truly inspirational story. Simply I didn’t have any idea about power of god’s grace after reading your entire story. But good things always happen by luck. Those who have no support from anyone can’t do great things. I have same hurdles but I can’t find my way due to lack of confidence. I can’t take wise decision . But I got a direction to moving forward by your inspirational words .Thank you so much to inspiring us.you are the amazing Fictionist !!

      1. CA JIGNESH PANCHAL says:

        Hello Bhawna Ma’am, Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback. It’s my Pleasure. I wish all your dream comes true. God Bless You. If you want any guidance, you can contact me on 6351651113.

  2. Vignesh says:

    Dear sir,
    I am vignesh PCS from Chennai. The article was really a inspiring one and it shows how difficult for a person with poor background to come up in life. Truly you are a hero

  3. VINIT AGIWAL says:

    Sir. Hats off to u. The final day of result bought tears to my eyes…i could not just imagine how grateful u would have…truly inspiring .I myself will be giving CA foundation and ur journey will be one of my inspiration.

  4. Sai krishna says:

    No Adjectives in english language are enough to describe “How great you are” . You are truly a Fighter, Dreamer and Inspirer. Young souls just get lit up with this story and hardwork of urs. This is my first comment on any posts in these pages. I am presently doing CA Final. TQ for inspiring even me . 🙂 Hope one day, I get a chance to meet u !

  5. Girish Parikh says:

    Mr. Panchal after reading your story I remembered my old days.
    I am Chartered Accountant in Jaipur Rajasthan though enjoying my life after serving for more than 29 years with reputed groups in India and abroad. I am happy with what life has given to me.
    Girish Parikh

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