Shri Vinayak S. Khanvalkar has been elected as PRESIDENT of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) w.e.f 19th January 2010.Shri Anil Murarka has been elected as the VICE PRESIDENT of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) w.e.f 19th January 2010.
Shri Vinayak S. Khanvalkar is M.Com. & Law Graduate and a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He was the Vice Pres ident of ICSI for the year 2009 & is presently a Practising Company Secretary at Pune. Shri Khanvalkar is the Central Council Member of ICSI for the term 2007-2010. He was the Member of Corporate Legislation Sub Committee of Maratha Chamber of Commerce, Industries & Agriculture and also holding position of Director in private limited companies of repute. He is visiting faculty at various professional institutes, associations and bodies. He had been the Chairman of the Western India Regional Council (WIRC) and Chairman of the Pune Chapter of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He was a member of the Secretarial Standards Board of ICSI.
Shri Anil Murarka has been elected as the VICE PRESIDENT of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) w.e.f 19th January, 2010. He is the Central Council Member of ICSI for the term 2007-2010. He is Commerce and Law Graduate and a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of the India. Shri Murarka is presently a Practising Company Secretary at Kolkata. He had been the Chairman of Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC) at Kolkata. He has been a regular speaker at many professional Seminars organised by CII, ICSI, ICAI and was one of the “Panelist” in first all India “Investor Awareness Programme” titled “My Money- My Decisions” organized by the Ministry of Finance.
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