Kind Attention Members
As the members are aware, the term of the existing Council and the Regional Councils will expire on 18th January 2015 and the elections for the Council and the Regional Councils will be held in the month of December 2014.
In accordance with Rule 5 of the Company Secretaries (Election to Council) Rules, 2006, a member, whose name is borne on the Register of Members (Register) on the 1st day of April 2014 shall be eligible to vote in the election from the Regional Constituencies within whose territorial jurisdiction his professional address falls on the said date provided that his name has not been removed from the Register on the date of publication of the list of voters. If the professional address is not borne on the Register on the relevant date, the residential address borne on the register shall determine his Regional Constituency.
In the case of members having their professional address outside India and eligible to vote, their Regional Constituencies shall be determined according to their professional address in India registered immediately before they went abroad or the residential addresses in India borne on the Register on the relevant date, whichever is later.
The names of the members who have not paid the annual membership fee for the year 2013-14 and for previous years stand removed from the Register with effect from the 1st September of the relevant year. The list of such members is available on the website of the Institute. In order to exercise their franchise at ensuing elections, the members are requested to get their names restored by making an application in Form BB (available on the website of the Institute) and making a payment of the arrears of Annual membership fee with the entrance fee (Associate-Rs. 1500/- & Fellow-Rs. 1000/- respectively) and restoration fee of Rs 250/-.
The Professional address of the members whose names are borne on the Register as on date are available on the website of the Institute in Members Directory link. The members are requested to check their professional address and intimate about changes, if any, to enable the Institute to include the names of the members in the concerned voters list.
Source- ICSI