List of cases as on 5th May, 2010 where (I) members of the Institute had been found guilty by the Council of the Institute under Section 21 read with Section 22 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (pre-amended) and the same had also been confirmed by the High Courts concerned and (II) members who had been found guilty and accordingly references made to the High Courts concerned for confirmation but the same are yet to be confirmed by the Courts.
I.(a) Details of the members who were found guilty of professional and/or other misconduct by the Council of the Institute under Section 21 read with Section 22 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (pre-amended) and consequently disqualified permanently from being members of the
Institute vide orders of the Hon’ble High Courts concerned under Section 21(6) of the C.A. Act
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