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In a major flexibility for CA aspirants, the CA Institute, regulator of the chartered accountancy profession, has given articled clerks a choice to opt out of the existing arrangement with a principal during the first year of articleship. “Articled clerks can now transfer to another practicing chartered accountant in the first year. Earlier, there was a blanket ban and no transfer was permissible for all three years.

“Now, we are giving students an option to transfer in the first year. But for the second and third year, the restrictive clauses will continue to apply,” Mr Amarjit Chopra, ICAI President, told BusinessLine, here.

An articled clerk is a trainee attached to a practicing chartered accountant.

There is a deed of articles for the duration of three years.

Hitherto, CA students were unable to transfer to other firms even if the existing one did not suit his or her requirement.

“Many occasions, students felt they had entered a wrong firm or there was no compatibility with the principal. But now the flexibility to transfer is being provided.

“This will benefit both the student and the principal,” Mr Chopra said.


Transfer/Termination of Articleship

[Regulation 56(1)]

In partial modification of the announcement dated 30th June 2009 regarding transfer / termination of articles the Council in its recent meeting has decided that the transfer/termination of articleship in terms of Regulation 56(1) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 shall be permissible on the grounds as stated below: –

I. Transfer /termination of articles is permitted without any restriction during the first year of articles.

II. During rest of the articleship period on satisfying any one or more of the conditions as stated below: –

1. Medical grounds requiring discontinuance of articles for a minimum period of three months (on production of a Medical Certificate issued by a Government Hospital).

2. Transfer of parent(s) to another city.

3. Misconduct involving moral turpitude.

4. Other justifiable circumstances / reasons: –

(ii) Grounds already permissible in the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 (on submission of requisite proof of the act warranting transfer/termination of articleship): –

a. Industrial Training (Regulation 51)

b. Secondment of articles (Regulation 54)

c. Conversion from PCC to IPCC (for termination of articles only. Re-registration of articles to be allowed only after passing Group-I of IPCC)

d. Death of Principal [Regulation 57(1)(c)]

e. Ceasing of practice by the Principal [Regulation 57(1)(a)]

f. Removal of name of the Principal from the Register of Member due to any reason [Regulation 57(1)(b)]

(iii) Marriage basis (only if there is relocation to another city involving distance of 50  Kms).

(iv) Irregular payment or non payment of stipend with reference to Regulation 67.

(v) Articled assistant desires to serve balance period of training outside India.

(vi) Shifting by the Principal to another city involving distance more than 50 kms.

The articled assistants are required to get the consent of the Institute before getting Form 109 signed by the Principal in their own interest.

The request, on any one or more of the aforesaid grounds, of an articled assistant on a plain paper alongwith the recommendation/ consent of the Principal for transfer / termination of articleship accompanied by evidence/proof (self-attested by the articled assistant) to the satisfaction of the Institute be made. Request for transfer not accompanied by consent of Principal shall not be accepted.

In case of dispute between principal and articled assistant, the matter be settled amicably among the articled assistant and the principal concerned and the Institute shall not interfere in such cases.

2nd July 2010 Secretary



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    whether 11 month 24 days will be considered as one year or less for the purpose of transfer under mutual consent, becouse they considered me as one year completed.

  2. Mahesh says:

    Leave Earned in first auditor.
    Can I transfer the leaves earned on first auditor to next auditor.
    Please give the reply at an earliest.

  3. Ramya says:

    Sir I completed 2years 2 months articles on Feb 2017. Some personal reason for terminate my articles. But icai will allowed for attend an ipcc exam pls reply

  4. Bhargavsivakumar says:

    I completed my IPCC First group in Nov2015 and doing one month of articles in may-june 2016.I take termination from that firm and not joining in any firm until January 2017.Recently I joined for articles in another firm.whether that one month period will be consider in 3 years of articles or not and how I registerd now

  5. komal says:

    sir ….. i have cleared 2 months training in a firm….now i decided to take transfer to other firm …….. but my principal refuse to gave me transfer…….. now i just want to know, is any strong reason required to take transfer in first year also…. is notification is only favourable for principal………
    there is no any option for article ???????????

  6. vidhi says:

    i have taken termination after 11months 27days of articleship
    So do i need to give any strong reason to icai for termination or its fine if i submit only form109.

  7. Mahima Gupta says:

    Sir, I completed my 2 years of articleship. My attempt is in May, 15. But due to some reasons I couldn’t complete my Articleship and didn’t appear for CA final exam too so I applied for termination letter. But now i.e. after a year I’d like to give my exam. How do I deal with this ? How can I re-apply for Articleship n CA final exam ?

  8. G SRIKANTH says:

    sir i will complete my 3 years articles period on 23.04.16,but i have taken leaves around 250 days, whether i can do my excess leaves with another principal and i want to know whether it is obligatory on the part of present CA and which form i should submit and whether it will effect my final attempt in May 2016

  9. Rupali Raj says:

    i have completed 11 months of my articleship and i have taken transfer also due to medical reason but again i want to take transfer as there is no much work in my firm to learn. Sir please suggest me can i take second transfer within 1st year of my training in the same city?

  10. MADHURI SODEJA says:

    sir, please help me to guide how to make the application if i take the transfer after one year on medical graund please mail me the draft format of aaplication….

  11. MADHURI SODEJA says:


  12. amit says:

    sir , I completed 9 months articleship then i take transfer to another firm but after join next firm my principle said me you know anything and u dont have confidence to talk and critized me more but after some time my principle said me take transfer .
    but in 3 year how can i take transfer and how to join another firm ..
    who will give me articleship for 1 year

  13. Ishamuddin says:

    Dear sir
    My principle is allow to take transfer only through misconduct involving moral turpitude.
    Sir can I take transfer via misconduct
    Involving moral to turpitude.
    What will the impact on my article ship if I doing so.

  14. pooja says:

    I completed 15 months Articleship now I want to discontinued article ship. if I rejoin articaleship then i will join from beginig or how much day left my article training?
    please conclude that question.

  15. javed says:

    Sir/man can I make articleship deed for 9 months.bcz I m from direct entry so first I want to complete my ipcc then I will like to join article assistant in the big 4 so plz suggest me is it possible if not than what should be the alternative for 9 months articleship.

  16. Ganesh says:

    Sir my daughter has completed her two year of articles with .ca company and now in 3rd year she wants to continue her articles by doing industrial training but her principal is not willing to give her transfer what she can do now please help her this is very urgent matter

  17. lakshmi says:

    i m done with my 8 months training from old employer,now because of some issues i can not continue with him.so can i properly cancell old articleship form and start a new training with a new employer.

  18. PANKAJ says:

    Dear sir,

    I am in second year of my articleship and completed 16 months of my training but my principal does not give me work. He always give me work of normal sale purchase and bank entries as well as perosnal nature. because of which i am not satisfied with my principal. If i asked him for another work he directly say its enough. Is there any procedure for transfer/termination without effect on my articleship / carrear ? He made me sit idle in the office till evening. My office timing is 09:30am to 07:30pm . Please suggest me what i can?

    Thanks & regards

  19. vishal says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am in second year of my articleship and completed 16 months of my training but my principal does not give me work. He always give me work of ROC making resolutions etc because of which i am not satisfied with my work. If i asked him for another work he directly say no. Is there any procedure for transfer? He made me sit idle in the office till evening. My office timing is 10:00 to 6:00 but he do not permit any article to leave office at time. He also dont send me on audit since one year has passed. Please someone help me.

  20. Saurav jaiswal says:

    Sir,i completed 2.5 years of my articleship but now my principal has left his designation as a partner in the firm and he is serving as a employee in the firm ,so is my srticleship can be cmpleted under him?

  21. AMIT YAND. says:

    I completed 11 months artcileship & terminated Articleship under Direct entry IPC (inter). M I eligible to appear for Nov. 2015 exam ? plz help me

  22. ISHMEET says:

    sir,if in any case article wants a transfer b’cz he/she is getting better opportunity under a one year period only but the senior does not allow.
    so can v get any type of help from icai at that time????

  23. Farhan Panja says:

    Hi Sir
    Sir I want to transfer my articleship from Maharashtra to Gujarat. And I have completed 1.5 Years in one firm but due to my Personal problem I want to transfer so what procedure I follow. Please suggest for same in detail.

  24. Farhan Panja says:

    Hi Sir
    I want to Transfer my Articleship after completed 1.5 years in one firm in Maharashtra. But due to my personal problem I want to transfer in Gujarat so what procedure I follow. Please suggest the same in detail. Please…

  25. sarabjit mand says:

    Sir m in last year of my training but there is some issues with the principle and my CA is ready to give me transfer. he said that principle has power to terminate me but can you please provide me the procedure & is he right?

  26. Ca student says:

    Sir my ipcc second grp coudnt b cleared since 3-4 attempts .and I have completed 2 years and 5 months of articleship . And I m doing my articleship in thane which is Not having proper work environment ..and my principal behaviour is also not good ..he used to call or mail me again and again even I was on leave for study ..sir his behaviour is so,rude and harsh towards girls ..sir can I take termination from articleship now and join it after 4-5 months ..and sir can I give my final attempt in Nov 2015 and den join remaining articleship period ??? Sir plzz suggestme wat should I do ..sir plzz rply urgently .

  27. Chetan says:

    Dear sir,

    I Have completed my 1.5 years of articleship. Now I want to take transfer and go back to my home town as my financial condition is not so good.so can i take transfer for the same reason????

  28. jasleen says:

    Sir m in last year of my training but there is some issues with the principle and my CA is ready to give me transfer but can you please provide me the procedure that how can I take transfer from my firm.

  29. Mini says:

    i have completed 1 yr of articleship in delhi . I want to go my hometown back in chandigarh due to some family issues . am i eligible to take transfer ?

  30. kapilesh sharma says:

    please help me regarding this matter. My financial condition is weak and my principal is not giving me any stipend. So sir please tell me the procedures to transfer if possible or if cancel than tell me the procedure for cancel. I am doing articleship from Jaipur. So sir please tell me the procedure as soon as possible. So sir please help me.

  31. Prathap kumar. T says:

    Sir i need a answer for Sukantha Laha’s query….he has sent dt query at 7:22pm on june 5th 2014, bcoz, even i too in same dilemma……. pl suggest me wid gud news i ll b waiting 4 ua result…..pl send me a mail as ua erliest.

  32. ca student says:

    Sir please help me
    I am doing my articalship from Ahmedabad and 11 month is completed and I want to take transfer to my home town because at home condition is not good can I get transfer please reply

  33. donika says:

    Sir, I left my study after passing first group of IPCC before two years because of some problem now I wants to start articleship and further study in C.A. so is it possible to start???

  34. surbhi vaishnav says:

    sir i have taken transfer from articleship around one month ago but have not deposited any copy transfer form to my previous principal since i had no idea about the procedure. so i just want to confirm that is it compulsory to deposit a copy of transfer form with previous principal .will not depositing cause any effect

  35. shraddha says:

    i m pursuing 4th month of last yr of my articleship. Since my office is in south delhi and i live in ghaziabad,i was staying in a PG near my office uptill.
    but now due to severe financial & some other personal problems i have to shift back to home which has made travelling from home to office inconvenient from both financial & time wise.

    i want to know whether ICAI can help me out in this on requesting for a transfer?

  36. Rajni says:

    Respectfully sir,
    I have completed 1year & one month of article ship but now I wants to change my firm. Because in the completed period of article ship, my work was only limited to concurrent audit. My principal does not want to give any work except concurrent audit. also in next 1year, they want to give only work of concurrent audit. Please advise me, what will I do to change my work/firm.

  37. Mohid says:

    Hi sir,

    I discontinued my CA around 10 years back due to personal problems and my articleship was complete except that there is excess leave taken by me during articleship period. Now am I eligible to write CA exam? And do I need to do articleship again for 2 or 3 years? Please advise.

    Appreciate your help.


  38. somashekhar says:

    Hello sir,
    please assist me sir with my problem.
    i am doing articleship in CA firm ,i completed 8 months articleship but i want take transfer but my principle is not ready to give tranasfer and decrease stipend and increase working hours,he is asking me to do the work in public holidays.

  39. sachin agarwal says:

    at present m doing my articleship training in jaipur. But now i want to take transfer from my articleship but the problem is that i have completed my articleship of 23 months.But now I have a serious problem in my home and for that I have to terminate my articleship training, my family condtion very week. m going my born palce then started my articalship. so plz suggest me what is the process of transfr… plzz sir reply me

  40. Rashi says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have completed my articleship training of about 16 months.But now for my C.A. final studies i have to take transfer from Kanpur to Surat.
    I have found better coachings in Surat as compared to Kanpur. but i am having problem in taking transfer regarding the reason for transfer. May you please tell me whether my reason for transfer shall be accepted by the Institute. And if no then how can i take transfer?
    Hope to receive your reply soon.

  41. Nishi soni says:

    I am in 2nd year of articleship & want to take tranfer. I am living in nagpur & registered here only & my home town is balaghat. So can I take tranfer to balaghat??

  42. SUKANTA LAHA says:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am a student of ICAI IPCC direct scheme. I have completed My Orientation Program and IT training and after that I am doing articleship training for last 10 months. But now I have a serious problem in my home and for that I have to terminate my articleship training and have to join a job. But I want to rejoin articleship after a year and wish to complete my study. Is it possible that when I shall rejoin after a year the previous ten months articleship will be counted??

  43. r.c says:

    Dear students,
    Have read all the responses. Some points i would like to make on behalf if principals
    1. Pl enquire about the firm before joining. Will be less stressful to all cincerned. No point in complaining if you are not taking precautions.
    2.our Insitute is not a judicial body to pass judjements. It has various issues to deal with in the betterment of profession. Give them a brwak.
    3. Now if you have landed in firm which eventualky you dont like it is advisable to involve elders espc. Parents. I have seen many cases where things settle amicably if parents get into picture.
    4. Many young people do not want parents to talk to principle…reason may be to cover some things unknown to parents.
    If you really want a transfer and if u think u r right…then no harm in settling issues with firm through parents. Believe me it works.

  44. deepak says:

    Respected sir,

    at present m doing my articleship training in sonepat, haryana. But now i want to take transfer from my articleship but the problem is that i have completed my articleship of 17 months. so plz suggest me how can i take transfer in 2nd year plzz sir reply me.

  45. deepak says:

    Respected sir,

    at present m doing my articleship training in Sonepat (Haryana). But now i want to take transfer from my articleship but the problem is that i have completed my articleship of 17 months. so plz suggest me how can i take transfer in 2nd year plzz sir reply me.

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