Mohan Thulasingam

The earth rotates and revolves continuously for us to get the day, night, and seasons. Sun shines unhindered forever to energize the planets encircling it. Diamond bears more cuts and strains to glitter sharper. Dams, bridges, buildings, highways, and tunnels are the fruits of hard work only. Silk is the product of hard work of the silkworm. A seed works round the clock to grow into a giant tree. Coconut palm takes five years to bear the fruits. A rubber tree matures after 7 years to yield the latex.

Patience and hard work of a sculptor give beauty to the stone and wood. Great leaders earned their fame not overnight, but through sheer hard work, sincerity and dedication. One person lost his father during his childhood and brought up by his poor mother. Initially, he could not afford a square meal, worked in the dramas and later scaled great heights to become the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, India.
Bhagavad Gita refers to the hard work as the Yoga. It goes on to treat any person as a thief if he lives without discharging his duty. Hard work never fails, but gives joy and a sense of achievement.
(Author is a Ex-Banker and can be contacted on tmohan0311@hotmail.com)
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Very Motivating
Good,Hard work never fails! got energized with your inspired examples. Thank u sir.
Nice Sir Please continues to share ur thoughts
Everything you mentinoed about hard work was good and also its benefits.The example you have given was not the correct one since he duped people from the very begining of his career and now paying for it along wih his children and their children. Please next time do not mention about him as an example for hard work. He can be quoted for cheating. He was the one who discovered coruption through all means.
good its motivate hard worker people Thanks