EOI No. CA-I/PB/BSNL/I.A. Appt./2016-17/09 Dated: 26.04.2016
Due date & time of submission: 20.05.2016 1100 Hrs
BSNL invites EOI in the enclosed format from Chartered / Cost Accountant firms registered with The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India/ The Institute of Cost Accountant of India, for appointment as Internal Auditors for all BSNL Circles for conducting Internal Audit for Financial Year 2016-17.
Interested firms which fulfill eligibility conditions may apply by completing the enclosed Annexure – 1 (Technical Bid) and Annexure – 2 (Price Bid) and submitting the same to the office of –
Corporate Accounts Section
O/o Chief General Manager Telecom
Room no. 208, Plot no. 2, Sanchar Sadan,
Sector 34-A, Chandigarh (UT)-160022
so as to reach, latest on or before 20.05.2016 upto 1100 Hrs.
Terms and Conditions:
1) Bid should be submitted strictly as per the requirements detailed in ’bid submission’ clause. Annexure –1 and Annexure –2 should be separately sealed in different envelopes and both the envelopes should be kept in one envelope as detailed below:-
i) Envelop I :- (Main envelop) It should contain envelop II and III duly sealed. The envelope must be sealed and super-scribed with ‘EOI for Appointment of Internal Auditors for various Circles in BSNL for the Financial Year 2016-17. The name and address of the applicant Firm must also be mentioned on the envelope.
ii) Envelop II :- (Eligibility Conditions) – It should be clearly marked ‘Technical Bid’ and contain all the details as per Annexure 1. Also the stamped and signed copy of the EOI should be kept in this envelope only.
iii) Envelop III :- (Financial Bid) – It should be clearly marked ‘Financial Bid’and should contain only price bid for one or more circles. Enclosing any other document in this envelope may lead to rejection of the bid.
2) Technical Bids will be opened on the same day at 1130 Hrs in the Chamber of CAO (CA) O/o CGMT, PB Circle, Sanchar Sadan, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh.
3) Price Bids will be opened in respect of only technically qualified bidders and on a date notified later.
4) Bids received after due date and time shall not be accepted in any circumstances and shall be returned unopened. No further correspondence on such responses shall be entertained.
5) Respondents, if so desire, may participate in ‘Bid Opening’on production of authorization / Identity certificate. Only one person from each firm will be allowed to participate.
6) Bid submitted should be free from correction, over-writing etc.
7) All the information/ details required to be filled in Technical and Price bids must be properly filled and no column should be left blank or should not be filled with ambiguous/ incorrect details.
8) Each page of Bid and EOI (including Annexure) should be stamped and signed by the authorized signatory of the firm.
9) Canvassing in any form shall render the submitted Bid liable for rejection.
10) Disregard of any instructions may result in bid being rejected.
For any query or general correspondence except submission of Bid please contact: CAO (CA) O/o CGMT PB Telecom Circle; during office hours or email at
Important Note: For the purpose this EOI ‘Firm’means a Firm of Chartered Accountants and/or Cost Accountants and includes Limited Liability Partnerships.
For Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
(R.K. Tulli)
CAO(CA) (PB Telecom)
Download Full details of EOI No. CA-I/PB/BSNL/I.A. Appt./2016-17/09 Dated: 26.04.2016