Empanelment of faculty members for training CA students for the Examination The Board of Studies invites applications from faculty members for associating themselves with training of CA students for the examination. Such training would be organized by the Regional Councils and Branches of the ICAI. Interested persons are requested to submit the particulars in the following form for being considered for empanelment for such training.
Sl.No. |
Particulars |
Details |
1 |
Name |
2 |
Address with email ID, mobile and landline number |
3 |
Educational Qualifications |
4 |
Whether in practice / service |
5 |
If in practice, area of specialisation |
6 |
Number of years of Practice |
7 |
Number of years in service |
8 |
If in service the name of the organization and nature of functions |
9 |
Total number of years of experience as faculty |
10 |
Institution( s) in which you have served as faculty |
11 |
Have you been associated with the ICAI’s training classes for students, give details |
12 |
Subject (s) handled |
13 |
How many hours you can spare per week and per month for training classes of the ICAI on a regular basis |
14 |
Please give two subjects in order of priority which you can effectively handle |
15 |
Give two references |
16 |
Remuneration expected per session of around 1 ½ hours |
17 |
Whether any proceedings of the disciplinary committee are pending in your case |
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature ____________ _________ ____
Membership No._________ _________ _
Intended applicants are requested to apply with the above particulars to the Director, Board of Studies at devarajan@icai. org before June 15, 2009.
Dear sir,These all empanellments are too old, whether these have any relevance. please guide me.
thanks & Regards
CA Abhishek Goel
Please confirm whether this form has to be submitted online or hard copy has to be sent to the ICAI