Punjab National Bank, Zonal Office, Bhubaneswar invites applications for empanelment of reputed firms of Company Secretary / Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant or Individual CA/CS/Cost Accountant who have at least 5 years’ standing for conducting Due Diligence of corporate borrowers of our Bhubaneswar Zone.
The empanelment will be based on merit and fulfilment of eligibility criteria and bank reserves the right of to reject any application without assigning any reason.
The last date of submission of application form complete in all respects is 25.02.2022.
Application form complete with all respect should reach to us in the above mentioned address either by Regd. Post / Speed Post / Courier or By Hand within 25.02.2022 up to 5.00pm.
The intending applicants may visit our website url: – https://www.pnbindia.in/Public-Notices.aspx regarding eligibility criteria and other details. Corrigendum if any in respect of this advertisement shall be released only on above mentioned our bank’s website.
Download Full Details with Annexure A, B amd Empanelment Form