Dear Member ,
As you are aware, the existing ICAI Code of Ethics is based on provisions of Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, Council Guidelines issued from time to time, as also on the provisions of International Code of Ethics issued by International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA).
With the changing time and with a view to provide level playing field and to open up the opportunities for the members, it has been proposed to have new ICAI Code of Ethics based on the IESBA Code of Ethics, 2016 edition, with convergence to align with Indian Corporate law and practices.
You may like to go through the Draft ICAI Code of the Ethics, 2017 at the following link: –
Certain specific questions which are relevant to the profession have been hosted with the gist of reasons. Your comments on these specific questions will be highly appreciated. The Last date of sending suggestions/comments is 23.1.2017.
Kindly use this link to submit your suggestions:
Thanking You,
With kind regards,
Ethical Standards Board, ICAI