Ref: DOS/8/2012-13: Dated: 10/10/2012
Sub: Applicability of Revised Schedule VI from Examinations to be held in December 2012 and onwards
The Directorate had been receiving enquiries relating to applicability of Revised Schedule VI in Examinations of the Institute to be held in December 2012. All concerned were informed that the same would be applicable. It is observed that there is some confusion which has aroused due to some clarifications provided earlier.
Hence, it is stated for general information that the Revised Schedule VI shall be applicable from December 2012 Examination onwards (until further notification/clarification on this issue) of the Institute for the following papers:
Group I: Paper 5: Financial Accounting (already uploaded in website)
Group IV: Paper 16: Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting (to be uploaded by 19th October, 2012)
Students are advised to visit the website of the Institute under “Students-download” section for making reference to “Additional Reading Materials on Revised Schedule VI” (check website from 19th October,2012) and “Revisionary Test Paper – for December 2012 Examination”
Sr.Director (Directorate of Studies)
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