The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested an Income Tax Officer and a Chartered Accountant, both of Aurangabad for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs.15,000/- from the complainant.
A complaint was received at CBI, ACB, Pune from the complainant against the ITO Ward (1)(2), Aurangabad and a Chartered Accountant of Aurangabad regarding demand of Rs.25,000/- as bribe to settle one complaint received by ITO against him without enquiry.
After verification, CBI laid a trap and the Chartered Accountant was caught red handed while accepting a bribe of Rs.15,000/- on behalf of Income Tax Officer and arrested. The Income Tax Officer was also arrested.
Searches were conducted at the residential and official premises of the ITO and a file related to the complainant was seized, besides other documents.
Further investigation is continuing.
CBI Press Release
New Delhi , 08-07-2011
what is the status of the case