The Committee on Public Finance & Government Accounting, a non-standing committee of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, has been constituted in the year of 2008 with the objective to review, analyze, recommend and suggest measures to the Local, State & Central Government, PSUs and other organisations in policy assessment, planning and execution in public finance, reforms in Government accounting system and maximizing public fund’s utility to augment and vitalize economic growth for end beneficiaries.
As one of the key methods to achieve the above mentioned objectives, the Committee invites research proposals from interested individuals on study of “Performance of State Government in Hospitality Sector”. The committee funds the cost of approved research proposals as per ICAI norms after evaluating the scope of research study. Mentioned below are the guidelines and rules for the submission of research proposals and implementation of the approved research proposal fund by the committee.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The applicant must be member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with a research aptitude having post qualification experience of working with or engagement in areas of Public Finance & Government Accounting.
- The applicant must be holding a post-graduate degree from recognized university and must have research and/or teaching experience on related topics.
or - Faculty of a recognized university or an institute of repute.
or - A research scholar who is pursuing a Ph.D or other curriculum of recognized university / institute of high repute.
Eligibility of Project:
Projects will be supported to the extent that they are strategic in nature, have a strong research dimension and contribute in strengthening reforms in hospitality sector.
The duration of research project should not exceed 3 months from the date proposal is approved by the committee unless longer period is otherwise justified.
Expected Output:
- Research Paper / Publication
- Dissemination of good governance and best practices in hospitality sectors.
- Capacity building of the members of the profession and targeted beneficiaries as may be agreed in the project.
Copyright and Patent:
Copyright, patent of intellectual property right would vest with the Committee on Public Finance & Government Accounting, ICAI for any work done by applicant. The researcher, however, would get due acknowledgement for his work.
Progress of the project would be subject to continuous monitoring of the committee. Committee may, at any point of time during the project, request the applicant to provide details of work done / remaining, the draft of the project / publication etc. in order to evaluate the implementation and progress. On finding of, project not being carried out in accordance with the terms / conditions of research proposal or if work done by researcher is unsatisfactory, the committee may consider the withdrawal of project from researcher and if such being the case then the work already done would become the property of Committee on Public Finance & Government Accounting, ICAI.
How to Apply:
Application should be submitted to:
The Secretary
Committee on Public Finance & Government Accounting
ICAI Bhawan, A-29, Sector-62,
Administrative Wing (IIIrd Floor), Noida – 201 309
Telephone (o): (0120) 3045950/68, Fax: (0120) 3045950
Note: Giving false information shall affect the candidacy negatively. If the applicant is admitted to the research programme on the basis of false information furnished, it will lead to expulsion from the research programme.