Goods and Services Tax India: Read all latest GST news, articles, notification, circulars, case laws news on, MVAT DVAT PVAT GST GSTN IGST CGST GST Council GST Rates SGST GST Forms GST Rules.
Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court's decision in Om Prakash and Another v. Union of India {WRIT PETITION (CRL.) NO.66 OF 2011} established that offenc...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand GST notices for transactions with Non-Genuine Taxable Persons (NGTP), their impact, penalties, and how to respond to av...
Goods and Services Tax : While a combined interpretation of Sub-section (1) and Sub-section (4) of Section 107 of the CGST Act, 2017 establishes a four-mon...
Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court upholds arrest powers under GST and Customs Acts, ensuring procedural safeguards to prevent misuse. Learn about the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about claiming refunds for excess amounts in your GST Electronic Cash Ledger. Understand the process, requirements, and step...
Goods and Services Tax : KSCAA highlights issues in GST registration, suggesting uniform SOPs, better verification, geocoding fixes, transparency, and supp...
Goods and Services Tax : Karnataka CA Association urges upgrades to the Professional Tax portal, addressing issues like OTP errors, payment glitches, and l...
Goods and Services Tax : West Bengal's GST share dropped from 4.6% in 2019-20 to 4% in 2024-25. Learn about factors affecting revenue, government measures,...
Goods and Services Tax : Government addresses GST exemption on health & life insurance premiums, forming a GoM for review. Key updates on current exemption...
Goods and Services Tax : The government addresses GST complexities with reforms, fraud crackdowns, and MSME compliance relief. Learn about tax slabs, exemp...
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta High Court rules in favor of an exporter, overturning a GST refund rejection due to portal issues, citing natural justice...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court quashes GST demand for interest & penalty, ruling Section 74 inapplicable due to lack of fraud or suppression...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala High Court rules in favor of Shabu George, directing the release of cash seized during a GST investigation, citing lack of ...
Goods and Services Tax : The GST AAR West Bengal classifies PVC raincoats under HSN Code 6201 as textile garments, applying a 5% GST rate for items priced ...
Goods and Services Tax : West Bengal AAR rules on the GST classification of PVC raincoats, determining whether they fall under HSN 3926 (plastic articles) ...
Goods and Services Tax : View February 2025 GST collections: gross revenue at ₹1,83,646 crore, net revenue at ₹1,62,758 crore, reflecting 9.1% and 8.1%...
Goods and Services Tax : Key updates on Indian Customs, including trade facilitation, GST awareness, sports events, and major enforcement actions on tax ev...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala SGST Circular 5/2025 clarifies adjudication of Kerala Flood Cess under SGST/CGST Acts, detailing procedures for notices, ad...
Goods and Services Tax : Kerala SGST outlines guidelines under Section 161 for rectifying apparent errors in orders, notices, and decisions, ensuring unifo...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC unveils trade facilitation measures, combats counterfeit currency, and detects ₹80 crore GST fraud. Key developments from I...
This circular cannot be made use of for legal interpretation of provisions of law as it is clarificatory in nature. If any member of the trade has any doubt, he may refer the matter to this office for further clarification.
This office had issued a Trade Circular dated the 20th February 2007. A view had been taken in that Trade Circular that Section 6A of the C.S.T.Act, 1956 deals only with transactions between agents and principals and does not deal with transactions which are on a principal to principal basis.
No. VAT/ AMD-1008/IB/ ADM-06 Mumbai Dt: 23rd January, 2009 Trade Cir. 3 T of 2009 Sub : Submission of Audit Report for year 2007-08. Ref. : 1. Government Notification No. VAT-1508/C.R. -69/ Taxation-1 dated 10th November, 2008. 2. Trade Circular 39 T of 2008 No. VAT/ AMD-1008/IB/ ADM-06 dated 15th November, 2008. 3. Trade Circular […]
The Department proposes to provide the compendium of e-services viz., e-return, e-registration, e-declarations, e-annexure, e-Form-704 etc. For availing of these e-services it is mandatory for the dealers to get enrolled with the Department’s web-site i.e. .
Once the application has been approved the Central Repository staff would print the required number and type of statutory forms sign and dispatch them to the dealer s main place of business either through courier or Post.
After e-enrolment is made by a registered dealer, the ‘Acknowledgment’ will be made available on the website. The signed copy of the Acknowledgment is required to be furnished in the Department only once. After furnishing such copy, there is no need to furnish the signed acknowledgment of e-return which at present is required to be furnished within 10 days from uploading the return.
A new procedure has been prescribed for the payment of taxes, fees and returns by the dealers or employers seeking registration or not registered or not required to registered under MVAT Act vide Trade Circular 42-T of 2008 dated 26th December 2008.
Mandatory E-filing of Returns is applicable for Registered Dealers to whom the Explanation to clause (8) of Section 2 applies and whose tax liability during the previous year was rupees one crore or less, in respect of the period starting on or after 1st April, 2008.
Specimen of Letter of Appointment as Vat Auditor under Section 61 Of The MVAT Act, 2002, For The Financial Year Ending 31st March 2011. Specimen Letter of Communication with Previous Mavt Auditor.
The Government of Maharashtra has issued Trade Circular No. 41 T of 2008 dated 18.12.2008 allowing the submission of VAT Audit Reports for the Financial Year 2007-2008 in old Form No.704 also.